Coffee tincture on vodka, alcohol and moonshine – the best recipes

The combination of coffee and alcohol is not new. Take Italian coffee coretto (espresso with grappa, sambuca or brandy) or, for example, Spanish carajillo (coffee with rum or brandy). Even the Swedes pour alcohol into their espresso, they call it karsk coffee (karsk, kaffekask). Let us reflect on this topic, from our bell tower, so to speak.

What’s so unusual about that? There have always been drinks made up of a stimulant and a suppressor. Coretto coffee, carajillo, karsk, Irish coffee, etc. It’s hard to be a coffee drinker. Well, you drank one cup, the second, the third, on the fourth you began to tremble, your heart jumped out. Not to say that alcohol greatly lubricates the effect of caffeine, but the stimulating effect becomes softer, perhaps more pleasant. Of course, you should not abuse it. You have to be careful with things like this.

Coffee tincture on vodka, alcohol and moonshine – the best recipes

Coffee tinctures also have a mild stimulating effect and the drink is not yet very hackneyed, so you can still surprise someone with it. Moreover, I picked up good recipes, not ordinary ones, without platitudes. The same coffee liqueur, ersatz Kalua, has already become boring somehow. And if you also show imagination … In general, cook boldly, cook deliciously and do not hesitate to experiment.

Simple tincture for coffee with honey

There are simpler recipes, but I hope you think of them on your own. For example, pour 30 coffee beans with 50% alcohol or vodka, hold for 1-2 months. Or take 4 parts of vodka and 1 part of ground coffee, leave for 8-12 hours, and then strain through coffee filters. All this is simple and … not very original. This recipe is also not the most original, but for the first in this collection it will do.

  • 50 medium roast coffee beans
  • 1 vanilla pod (vanilla sugar, vanilla)
  • 250 ml of water
  • 125 ml of honey
  • 1 liter of alcohol or moonshine (no more than 50% strength)

Coffee tincture on vodka, alcohol and moonshine – the best recipesPreparing the tincture is very easy. Pour coffee beans into a jar of a suitable volume, add vanilla and fill everything with alcohol or strong distillate. Close the jar tightly and leave it in a dark, cool place for two weeks. After the set time, drain the infusion through a sieve, dissolve the honey in warm water and add it to the coffee tincture. Mix well, wait a couple more days, and then filter through cotton wool or coffee filter, bottle the drink. You can drink this tincture on coffee right away, but it is better to wait at least a couple of weeks.

Recipe note:

To make the drink beautiful, honey syrup, after mixing it with warm water, is best left for a couple of days in the refrigerator, then carefully drained from the sediment and only then added to the infusion. This can be done even at the initial stage of preparing the drink, so that the syrup is completely clarified in two weeks.

Coffee tincture “Porterovka”

Awesome recipe. Personally, he conquered me to the core. Yes, there is room for imagination. You can reduce the amount of sugar or eliminate it altogether, add various spices, lemon juice and / or zest, and if you want something incredibly original, I advise you to look towards herbs. In general, I came up with a weekend lesson, and you yourself are there somehow …

  • 2 bottles of dark porter
  • 3 hours. L. soluble coffee
  • 200 g sugar
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar
  • 1 handful of raisins
  • 2 Art. l. honey
  • Xnum l alcohol

Pour beer into a saucepan, add sugar to it and put on low heat. While stirring constantly, bring the temperature of the mixture to 40оC. When the sugar has dissolved and the beer has “degassed” (no foam), add the honey, vanilla sugar, instant coffee and raisins. Mix well to combine all the ingredients, then remove the beer from the heat and let it cool to room temperature. Pour the contents of the pot into a jar of suitable size and add alcohol or vodka, depending on whether the drink should win your heart or head. Close the jar tightly and leave in a dark, cool place for at least 2 weeks. Then strain the tincture through a sieve, filter and bottle. An extract is welcome.

Coffee tincture on vodka, alcohol and moonshine – the best recipes

Coffee tincture with walnuts

  • 200 g medium roasted coffee beans
  • 700 ml vodka (500 ml vodka + 200 ml Nocino)
  • 500 ml of cognac
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • handful of walnut kernels
  • honey to taste

If you have prepared Nocino according to our recipe, and you have 200 ml of this divine liquor left in your bins, add it to this coffee tincture, you will not regret it. The drink itself will be prepared as follows: pour coffee beans and nuts into a jar of a suitable volume, add cinnamon, honey and fill everything with alcohol according to the recipe. We tightly close the jar and leave it in a dark, cool place for 4 weeks, not forgetting to shake the contents every 1-2 days. When the time is right (the coffee beans will fall to the bottom of the jar, which usually takes about a month), we filter the tincture through a sieve or several layers of gauze, filter and bottle. An extract is welcome.

Coffee tincture on vodka, alcohol and moonshine – the best recipes

Moonshine tincture on coffee beans

The recipe is described on the forum by the user Liky from Kaliningrad, for which many thanks to him, because the recipe is really interesting. If you have pressure problems, you can reduce the amount of coffee, down to 1/3, or use decaf (decaffeinated coffee) altogether.

  • 120 g medium roasted coffee beans
  • 1 macadamia nut or hazelnut
  • 5-6 cardamom seeds
  • 15-20 g fructose to soften the taste
  • 1,15-1,2 liters of double moonshine 40-45%

We don’t bother with macadamia – you can not put it at all, or you can replace it with ordinary hazelnuts (other nuts have a too pronounced taste). Take roasted hazelnuts, cut into petals. If you have a macadamia nut (a rare thing) at your disposal, cut into petals, put on a napkin and hold in the oven at 60оFrom 15-20 minutes, then blot with another napkin (remove excess oil) and cool. Grind coffee on a medium grind. Pour nuts and coffee into a jar of a suitable volume, add cardamom, 1 tbsp. l. topless fructose and pour everything with high-quality sugar or grain moonshine (you can use diluted alcohol or vodka, as well as any other neutral distillates).

Coffee tincture on vodka, alcohol and moonshine – the best recipes

Leave a tightly closed jar in a dark, cool place for two weeks. Shake the jar vigorously for the first 10 days. In the last days, the tincture should be left alone. After two weeks of infusion, drain the drink through a sieve, squeeze the coffee cake lightly. Run through a cotton or coffee filter and refrigerate for a week. Filter again, bottle, age at least 2 weeks. Store moonshine on coffee beans in a cool place.

Tincture on orange (lemon) and coffee beans

If the previous recipes did not impress you, which is very strange, because they are perfect, I suggest preparing an orange-coffee tincture. The drink is very popular, tested by hundreds of lovers of homemade drinks and put on stream by experienced distillers. And in general, I advise you to pay attention to the combination of coffee with citrus fruits. This is just one of the variations of the tincture:

  • 2 small oranges/lemons
  • 40 medium roast coffee beans
  • 4 tbsp. l. honey or to taste
  • 1/2 vanilla pod (4 g vanilla sugar)
  • 6 grains of cardamom
  • 1,2-1,5 liters of vodka or moonshine 45-50%

Rinse oranges or lemons well under running hot water and rub with a hard towel to remove wax. Dissolve honey in a small amount of warm water (1 part water and 2 parts honey), you can stand in the refrigerator and decant. With the tip of a sharp knife, make small punctures around the perimeter of the citrus fruits so that coffee beans can be placed in these punctures. Actually, “stuff” oranges with coffee beans (about 20 grains per orange / lemon), place the fruit in a jar with a wide neck, add spices, prepared honey and pour everything with vodka or diluted moonshine. Infuse for 3-4 weeks in a dark, cool place, shake every 2-3 days. Drain, filter and bottle. An extract is welcome. Periodically, the sediment can be decanted.

Coffee tincture on vodka, alcohol and moonshine – the best recipes

Recipe note:

In fact, there is no need to stuff oranges and lemons into a jar, since this procedure is meaningless. In addition, such a drink can be unpleasantly bitter. It is much more logical to remove the zest from citrus fruits without white skin and prepare the tincture exclusively on the zest. Oranges stuffed with grains look beautiful, and such beauty would be appropriate on the festive table, but the tincture still needs to be drained and must be kept, otherwise there is no way. So all this is the machinations of some perfectionist. What else to say about this drink? Honey can be replaced with cane sugar. You can add other spices: cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, etc. But do not overdo it, otherwise the taste of coffee will be lost, and this is still a coffee tincture.

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