Coffee no longer burns!

The smart lid for hot drink glasses is now a reality, and it will surely make your life easier

Hoteliers and customers already have in their hands the possibility of reducing the negative effect on the lips of hot drinks, served in disposable single-use cups.

An ingenious invention of the firm Smart Lid, get the lid to change color, warning whoever eats the product that it no longer burns!

Many injuries can be avoided and especially the disappointment of lovers of hot drinks when trying to taste them and receive a burning of the lips with the consequent discomfort and even physical damage.

Until now we have placed the container between our hands to detect its temperature, but many times the thickness of the glass or the simple outside temperature, very cold in some cases, distorted the real degrees that the liquid inside it housed.

Not in vain, and it is not negligible, to know that a coffee served in disposable cup, it reaches the same temperature around 88º, and it will really be suitable for consumption from 45º…

Health in exchange for temperature

His name is already by default that of “The smart cover”, which with a simple additive in the composition of its materials, is capable of changing color by varying the temperature of the liquid contained in the glass it covers.

Regarding the description of the product, it is worth noting its innovation in the patented resource of food-grade plastic, which changes from a dark color when it is in a cold state, to a bright red, once it is applied to a cup or glass with hot content.

The product has evolved over several periods of time until its current mass manufacturing phase in order to satisfy the worldwide demand for the same that the inventor company foresees.

La Smart Lid Throughout its entire life cycle, from the conception of the idea to the current development, it has been the winner of 8 international awards for innovation.

No other beverage packaging element has been awarded so many international recognitions related to safety or innovation.

Among them are the awards of Occupational Health and Safety Product of the Year, the AmeriStar, the WorldStar Packaging, the Beverage Award Winner, the Dupont Silver Packaging Award or the Foodservice Packaging Institute Award.

Many benefits for clients, hoteliers and even manufacturers

Hundreds of thousands of hot liquid scalds occur over the course of a year, requiring medical treatment.

The reduction of these injuries and at the same time the user experience perceived by the customer when knowing the temperature of their desired drink at all times by sight, present it as an almost necessary ally, and in turn a very differentiating element for the competition.

Another important value of the product is that it works with all types of hot drinks, not only coffee as we imagine, but also infusions, soups, etc …, its control is not by the food or liquid, but by its temperature.

It is also a safe product, which not only helps to mitigate injuries to the client, but also to the concerns or litigation that a barista, cafeteria or establishment of take away drinks could face …

We leave you here a link to the samart lid website so that you can get to know more closely not only the product but also its development phase and how the moment in which the product is with development and imminent manufacturing processes in various parts of the world. world.

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