Coffee liqueur: 13 recipes at home

Making coffee liqueur is quite simple. But there is one catch. For more than a decade, ideological wars have been waged between supporters of the use of ground and instant coffee in such liquor drinks, as well as adherents and opponents of adding condensed milk to them.

coffee syrup recipe

Tips before starting

  1. Both good vodka and grain alcohol, diluted to a strength of 45-50 degrees, can serve as an alcoholic base. But best of all, in this situation, in our subjective opinion, light rum is suitable. At the same time, if you can still save on alcohol, then when choosing the coffee itself, it is better not to do this.

  2. For the preparation of high-quality fragrant alcohol, only the Arabica variety is suitable.

  3. It should also be borne in mind that vanilla extract, repeatedly mentioned in recipes, can be replaced with vanilla sugar at the rate of: 10-15 g of sugar instead of 5 ml of extract.

  4. During the preparation of the liqueur, the water evaporates. There is no need to make up for the loss.

Basic recipe using instant coffee

When preparing a drink, you can safely experiment with the amount of sugar and coffee, as well as with the volume and strength of the alcohol base.


  1. Coffee – 10 teaspoons

  2. Alcohol – 1 liters

  3. Water – 700 ml

  4. Sugar (preferably brown) – 700 g

  5. Vanilla extract – 30 ml

  6. Almond extract (optional) – 10 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Pour coffee and sugar with water and bring to a boil over low heat.

  2. Reduce the heat to the very minimum and simmer the syrup on it for an hour.

  3. Cool the substance a little, cover it with food polyethylene and leave it alone for 12 hours.

  4. After the specified period, mix the syrup with alcohol and extracts, pour into dark bottles and refrigerate for 2-3 days.

  5. It is advisable to capitalize a ready-made early-ripening drink in 2-3 months, otherwise it will lose its taste.

cognac coffee recipes

Basic recipe using ground coffee

To prepare a truly expressive drink, you should take dark roasted coffee.


  1. Coffee – 10-12 teaspoons

  2. Alcohol (vodka, alcohol, rum) – 1 l

  3. Water – 850 ml

  4. Sugar (preferably brown) – 700 g

  5. Vanilla extract – 20-30 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Pour coffee into a saucepan of a suitable size, pour it with water and cook it like in a Turk.

  2. Cool the drink to room temperature and strain.

  3. Return the coffee to the pan, add sugar and keep on medium heat until the crystals are completely dissolved.

  4. Make the smallest fire and boil the substance on it for about an hour.

  5. Cool the resulting syrup and hold it for a day under food plastic wrap.

  6. Then, add alcohol and vanilla extract to the syrup.

  7. Mix the drink thoroughly, bottle it and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of days.

  8. Consume within three months.

Liqueur a la Kalua

This rather sugary drink is recommended for use in cocktails.


  1. Instant coffee – 12 g

  2. White rum – 700 ml

  3. Water – 470 ml

  4. Brown sugar – 350 g

  5. White sugar – 240 g

  6. Vanilla – ½ pod

Method of preparation

  1. Boil the sugar syrup, skimming if necessary.

  2. Add coffee to the prepared boiling substance and keep on low heat until the coffee granules are completely dissolved (to speed up the process, the substance should be stirred all the time).

  3. Cool the syrup to room temperature, then pour it into a jar, add vanilla, pour in rum and mix everything thoroughly.

  4. Send a tightly closed container for a month in a cool dark place; then, the drink is filtered and bottled.

  5. Store in the basement or refrigerator.

Why is cold water served with coffee?

Espresso liqueur

Another cocktail option for owners of advanced coffee makers.


  1. Finished espresso coffee – 250 ml

  2. Alcohol (vodka, alcohol, rum) – 500 ml

  3. Sugars – 450 g

  4. Vanilla extract – 20 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Put the coffee on the fire, add sugar to it and stir until the crystals are completely dissolved.

  2. Cool the syrup to room temperature, pour into a jar, add the extract and alcohol.

  3. Leave a tightly closed vessel for a week in a dark room at room temperature.

  4. Then, strain the drink, bottle it, seal it tightly and send it to a cool dark place for a couple of weeks.

  5. Store in cellar or refrigerator. Don’t be in a hurry to use.

Spicy coffee chocolate liqueur

The spices indicated in the recipe can be selected and combined according to your own taste.


  1. Instant coffee – 6 teaspoons

  2. Dark chocolate – 50 g

  3. Alcohol – 500-600 ml

  4. Water – 250 ml

  5. Sugars – 250 g

  6. Vanilla – ½ pod

  7. Cinnamon – 1 stick

  8. Allspice – 1 pinch

  9. Star anise (aka Star anise) – 1 piece

Method of preparation

  1. Boil the sugar syrup, bringing it to a boil and getting rid of the foam.

  2. Reduce the heat, add coffee to the liquid and stir until the granules are completely dissolved.

  3. Let the syrup cool down a bit.

  4. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and add to the syrup.

  5. Mix the substance thoroughly and cool to room temperature.

  6. Pour spices into a suitable glass jar, pour syrup, add alcohol and mix everything well.

  7. Keep a tightly closed container for 3-7 days in a warm, dark place.

  8. The result is thoroughly filtered, bottled, hermetically corked and sent for storage in a cool dark room.

  9. After a couple of weeks, you can start active tasting.

Coffee liqueur with condensed milk

The ratio of these ingredients can be changed both in the coffee and milk side.


  1. Ground coffee – 4 teaspoons

  2. Alcohol (vodka, alcohol, rum) – 300-500 ml

  3. Water – 300 ml

  4. Condensed milk – 200 ml

  5. Sugars – 100 g

  6. Vanilla extract – 10 ml

Method of preparation

  1. From 100 ml of water and 100 g of sugar, cook a simple syrup by adding vanilla extract to it.

  2. Boil coffee in the remaining water and strain it thoroughly.

  3. Cool coffee and syrup to room temperature and mix in a glass jar.

  4. Add alcohol to the resulting mixture, close the vessel tightly and shake it thoroughly.

  5. Determine the capacity for a day in a warm dark place.

  6. Then, add condensed milk and stir the result with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

  7. Distribute the resulting substance into bottles, cork and let it brew for another three days in a cool dark place.

  8. Store the drink in the refrigerator for no more than three months.

Egg-coffee liqueur on oak bark decoction


  1. Raw egg yolk – 4 pcs.

  2. Chopped oak bark – 1 tbsp. l.

  3. Instant coffee – 1-2 tsp.

  4. Condensed milk – 1/2 can

  5. Vodka – 250 ml

  6. Water – 125 ml of water

Method of preparation

  1. Prepare a decoction of oak bark: pour the bark with water, cook in a water bath over very low heat for 45 minutes, then cool well and strain.

  2. Grind the egg yolks into a homogeneous mass, mix with condensed milk and coffee, pour in vodka and a decoction of the bark.

  3. Beat the mass with a mixer and pour into a bottle, let stand for 2-4 days before use.

Creamy coffee liqueur on whiskey


  1. Brown sugar – 50 g

  2. Vanilla sugar – 1/2 tsp

  3. Natural ground coffee – 20 g

  4. Cream – 300 ml

  5. Whiskey – 400 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Mix sugar with vanilla sugar and coffee.

  2. Put the cream on low heat, stirring all the time, bring to a boil (do not boil!) And immediately remove from heat.

  3. Pour the sugar-coffee mixture, mix well (preferably until the sugar dissolves), leave under the lid until cool.

  4. Filter the liquid, mix with whiskey and pour into a storage bottle.

Express coffee liqueur


  1. Very strong coffee – 100 ml

  2. Sugars – 200 g

  3. Vodka – 1 l

Method of preparation

  1. Brew very strong (much stronger than for drinking) natural black coffee.

  2. Pour sugar into a saucepan set on a water bath, pour in the strained coffee and, stirring constantly, dissolve the sugar.

  3. Then remove the saucepan from the water bath, pour in the vodka, mix, filter and let cool.

  4. It is advisable to let it brew for a week, but in general, after cooling, the liquor can be drunk immediately.

Coffee liqueur with milk


  1. Ground black coffee – 200 g

  2. Vanillin – 5 g

  3. Sugar – 1,8 kg

  4. Milk – 400 ml

  5. Boiled water – 200 ml

  6. Alcohol – 1 l

Method of preparation

  1. Pour black ground coffee and a pinch of vanilla into a bottle of alcohol and infuse for 8 days, shaking from time to time.

  2. Strain the infused essence through filter paper, mix with milk, a glass of clean boiled water, and sugar.

  3. After 4–5 days of infusion in a sealed container, shake the solution and infuse for another 5 days, and then filter and bottle. The drink is ready to drink.

Coffee-orange liqueur


  1. Coffee beans – 24 pcs.

  2. Orange – 2 2pcs.

  3. Sugars – 500 g

  4. Sugar syrup and vanilla – to taste

  5. Vodka – 1 l

Method of preparation

  1. Make small cuts in the peel of oranges with a knife so that a coffee bean fits between the peel and pulp.

  2. Place 12 seeds under the peel of each orange. Then put these oranges in a glass jar, pour vodka, add sugar and a little vanilla.

  3. Seal the jar hermetically and leave for 40 days, shaking from time to time to dissolve the sugar.

  4. After the expiration date, open the jar, squeeze the oranges into the infusion, then strain all the resulting liquid through cheesecloth.

  5. Mix boiled and cooled sugar syrup with infusion to taste, then pour into a jar, close and leave to settle for several days. Liquor is ready!

Alcoholic coffee liqueur


  1. Black coffee – 100 g

  2. Water – 250 ml (for coffee)

  3. Sugar – 1 kg

  4. Water – 750 ml (for syrup)

  5. Vanilla stick – 1 pc.

  6. 96% alcohol – 500 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Soak the vanilla stick for 8 days in 96% alcohol.

  2. Boil syrup from sugar and water, constantly removing foam.

  3. Brew a strong solution from freshly ground coffee.

  4. When the syrup and coffee have completely cooled, mix them and pour into a bowl with vanilla alcohol.

  5. Then take out the vanilla, and shake the liquor well, filter it, bottle it and cork it tightly. Such liquor is suitable for consumption in 2-3 months.

Cognac coffee liqueur


  1. Water – 700 ml

  2. Cognac – 600 ml

  3. Sugars – 500 g

  4. Natural coffee – 50 g

  5. Lemon juice – 1 tsp

Method of preparation

  1. Grind coffee in a coffee grinder, pour 350 ml of cold water and bring to a boil.

  2. Leave under a tight lid for 1 day.

  3. Boil sugar syrup from sugar and the remaining water.

  4. Pour lemon juice, strained coffee broth and cognac into the syrup.

  5. Pour the liquor into bottles, leave for 15-20 days before drinking.

rum coffee recipes

Relevance: 30.06.2018

Tags: Liqueurs, Pourings, Liqueurs, Recipes of liqueurs

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