Coffee is also taken with ice

Coffee is also taken with ice

In the summer the best solution to have a good coffee is to serve it in its different varieties with ice.

The SUPRACAFÉ company presents us this summer some magnificent recipes to taste the traditional coffee that is served in the hotel industry, 100% Arabica, with ingredients and ways of preparation that will not envy any slush or ice cream, the main substitutes for on vacation.

The new trend for coffee lovers is its version of coffee with ice or coldbrew, where its preparation is essential to preserve the aroma and flavor without altering it, it is about getting the cold coffee infusion.

SUPRACAFÉ’s barista, Enrique Flores, explains how to do it …

“It is a form of preparation that is obtained by resting the ground coffee in water for six to twelve hours to make a concentrate that can be diluted in water and served with ice.”

With these proposals we can fill our cups with Innovation and good taste. For our clients, or taste them in our home, enjoying some of the mixes that we now present to you.

SUPRACAFÉ’s barista, Enrique Flores, explains: “It is a preparation method that is obtained by resting ground coffee in water for six to twelve hours to make a concentrate that can be diluted in water and served with ice.” In this way, cold coffee preserves its sweetness while adding ice to hot coffee increases the acidity of the drink.

With this cold infusion coffee, the barista’s imagination has no limits and from SUPRACAFÉ they propose different ways of drinking it, such as: coffee with tonic, iced latte o cold brew.

Coffee recipes for this summer

  • ICED LATTE: An espresso, fresh milk and ice cubes and to finish with the help of the French Press the milk is emulsified.
  • SHAKERATO:  a cold espresso that is prepared by combining espresso with shaker crushed ice.
  • COLD DRIP: It is the preparation obtained with cold filter coffee using both V60 and Aeropress. The recipe is 60g of coffee per liter of water.
  • COLD BREW: To prepare the fashionable drink cold brew 70g of coffee are needed per liter of water. The ground coffee is allowed to infuse for about 15 hours with the water, it is cooled in the fridge and then it can be served with ice.
  • COLD PEEL INFUSION: Tabifruit coffee husk infusions are also perfect in summer to prepare directly cold. It is recommended to include ice and lemon or orange slices.
  • COFFEE TONIC For the combination of coffee and tonic, you only need to prepare one or two Espresso, depending on the intensity you want, tonic and ice cubes.

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