Coffee invigorates, but not always

Coffee invigorates – everyone knows about it, without exception. However, not everyone knows that the effectiveness of the drink on the body depends on the clockthat are inside any person.

The doctors from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Maryland were the first to talk about this. And they indicated the hours at which it is advisable to drink coffee for those who want to stay awake for the whole day. Among all the morning hours, experts identified the interval of 9.30 – 11.30. During this period, caffeine interacts best with the hormone responsible for concentration – cortisol. During the daytime, the best hours for enjoying a drink are from 12.00 noon to 17.30 noon. And in the evening – from 18.30 to XNUMX.

What does cortisol have to do with caffeine? The hormone is actively produced during stress. And it performs the following role in the body: it converts the entire energy resource extracted from food products into glucose. The latter feeds our cells so that they can work at full strength. As soon as a person gets up, the release of the hormone into the blood is maximal. Therefore, upon waking up, experts do not advise drinking coffee – there will be practically no effect from it. But after a short time, when the amount of the hormone cortisol decreases, the drink can have exactly the effect on the body that is usually expected of it.

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