Coffee and pregnancy, why don’t they mix well?

Coffee and pregnancy, why don’t they mix well?

Similar in nature to substances normally found in tissue, caffeine is rapidly absorbed. It can have a direct influence on the pregnancy and on the baby itself. This is why, during pregnancy, the consumption of coffee, and any other drink containing caffeine must remain reasonable.

The risks of coffee during pregnancy

If coffee is a drink rich in polyphenols, the most powerful anti-oxidants, the caffeine it contains stimulates the nervous system and often, during pregnancy, women are even more sensitive to it. It can indeed cause nervousness, palpitations and more or less severe headaches.

In addition, taken in too large a quantity, caffeine can accentuate all the small frequent ailments of pregnancy: it is a safe bet that coffee makes you sick easily and worsens your nausea and / or your heartburn if you are there. subject. Of course, if you’re struggling to get a restful night’s sleep, caffeine won’t help, and in many cases makes your sleep problems and insomnia worse.

As a diuretic, coffee also increases the loss of fluid and can decrease the absorption of iron, this precious mineral essential in pregnant women because of the increase in blood volume and which is absolutely necessary to properly oxygenate the baby. .

The risks of caffeine for the fetus

Beyond the effects on pregnant women, caffeine, if consumed excessively, can have harmful repercussions on the fetus itself.

Lower birth weight

According to a large Norwegian study conducted on nearly 60 pregnant women and published in the journal BMC Medicine, caffeine could induce growth retardation in the fetus. In contrast, Scandinavian researchers have not validated the link between caffeine intake and the risk of premature birth.

According to the results published in 2013, mothers who consume between 200 mg and 300 mg of caffeine per day (i.e. 1 to 2 coffees) are more likely to give birth to a baby with a low birth weight than those who have ingested less. of 50 mg of caffeine per day. According to Sophie Guillaume, president of the National College of Midwives of France, “This reduction in weight does not pose a problem for a baby of normal size and in good health, but it can have consequences for a baby who is located in the lower part. of the weight curve or that would have other associated risks ”.

A disturbance in the development of the brain

Like nicotine, alcohol, antidepressants or drugs, coffee releases psychoactive substances, which attach themselves to brain molecules, essential in the development of the baby’s brain. In this regard, Inserm conducted a large study during which neuroscience researchers reproduced in female mice a regular consumption of coffee (equivalent to 2-3 cups per day in humans), throughout the gestation period (19-20 days) and until weaning. The caffeine in 2 to 3 coffees is enough to “Affect the developing brain, causing the offspring to be more susceptible to seizures and memory problems”, noted Christophe Bernard, author of the study. Caffeine therefore affects the developing brain by disrupting the process of neuronal migration. Nevertheless, the researchers relativize these conclusions by recalling the difficulty of transposing the results obtained on animals to the human population without taking into account the differences in development and maturation between the species.

What coffee consumption for pregnant women?

During pregnancy, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), pregnant women should not consume more than 300 mg of caffeine per day.

This maximum amount concerns all sources of caffeine: coffee of course, but also all other drinks such as tea (including green tea), cola-based sodas, energy drinks and chocolate which contain caffeine in sufficient quantity.

The key is therefore not to abuse these drinks which contain caffeine, and to opt most of the time for water (possibly flavored), herbal teas and from time to time for fruit or fruit juices. vegetables which are free from it.

To sum up, caffeine consumption is generally less than 300mg per day, with:

  • 2-3 cups of filter coffee (prefer arabica)
  • 5 cups of instant coffee
  • 5-6 cups of tea (prefer rooibos or green tea)

Note that not all drinks made with coffee contain the same amount of caffeine, depending on the preparation method and the type of coffee used. It is the same for tea. However, the latter remains less caffeinated than coffee, for the same amount.

If you are a coffee lover

Regarding coffee, the maximum recommended dose for pregnant women is therefore around 2 cups of filter coffee per day. And contrary to what you might think, it’s not the strongest coffees that contain the most caffeine.

If your coffee consumption exceeds 2 to 3 cups of coffee per day, remember these tips:

  • The best is to opt for decaffeinated coffee with negligible caffeine content (2 mg per cup)
  • Instant instant coffee is also a great alternative.

If not :

  • Prefer Arabica coffee which contains more than half the caffeine than Robusta coffee
  • If possible, opt for an espresso coffee rather than a filter coffee because the brewing time is short and the quantity of coffee (30 to 50 ml) is much less

If you are a tea lover

Regarding tea, the maximum recommended dose for pregnant women is therefore on average around 4 to 5 cups of tea per day.

Remember that the theine in tea is the same molecule as caffeine and therefore has the same effects on your body and that of your child. Only Rooibos tea does not contain theine: it is best to convert to it from the start of your pregnancy.

If not, here is the perfect trick to significantly reduce the amount of theine in your drink: discard the first tea water and re-brew the same tea bag. Theine is indeed very soluble, it is released at the very beginning of the infusion.

In addition, remember that:

  • Green tea is also a very good alternative because it contains almost half as much theine as black tea, Oolong tea or mate tea for example.
  • The longer you let your tea steep, the more theine will increase.
  • Herbal teas are theine free and are therefore perfect to accompany you throughout your pregnancy.

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