Coding methods for alcoholism

Coding for alcoholism is a group of methods for getting rid of alcohol addiction, which necessarily use suggestion. Some mistakenly consider such methods to be something like magic: one word from a doctor or an injection – and an alcoholic gives up addiction.

In fact, coding, if performed by professionals, cannot be instantaneous: it necessarily includes a preparatory stage, at which the patient’s body is examined. Based on the results obtained, the narcologist chooses the optimal method of treatment.

All alcohol coding methods are divided into 3 categories:

  • pharmacological (drug);
  • hardware;
  • psychotherapeutic.

To be successful, physicians often apply several techniques in succession from different categories, for example, after hypnosis and psychotherapy, the patient may be exposed to a laser or an electric current. The effectiveness of treatment depends not only on the method, but also on the patient’s desire to return to normal life.

Therefore, they code mainly those who admitted that they were sick and turned to a narcologist voluntarily. As a rule, the procedure is prescribed only if the patient does not drink alcohol for 7-10 days. Forced coding is used only in cases where the behavior of an alcoholic threatens the safety of others.

Pharmacological coding methods for alcoholism

Most drugs used to code for alcoholism contain one of the active ingredients:

  • disulfiram;
  • cyanamide;
  • naltrexone;
  • acetylhomotaurine.

During treatment, antidepressants may be prescribed. It is noted that homeopathic preparations (“Proproten-100”, “Lachesis”) also reduce cravings for alcohol. But these remedies are poorly understood and toxic, so only a few doctors practice their use. Homeopathic medicines should only be taken under medical supervision.

Disulfiram-based preparations

Disulfiram is a compound that inhibits the production of the enzyme acetaldehyde dehydrogenase in the liver. This enzyme is responsible for neutralizing acetaldehyde, a strong toxin produced during the breakdown of ethanol.

Due to the lack of a neutralizing enzyme, when consuming the smallest dose of alcohol, acetaldehyde accumulates in the body, causing a severe long-term hangover, which is accompanied by headache, nausea, vomiting, chills, and tachycardia attacks. With significant intoxication, chest pains, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, loss of consciousness, and even falling into a coma are possible.

The narcologist performing the procedure necessarily tests the coded patient for alcohol. Unpleasant symptoms appear immediately. As a result, a person develops a persistent aversion to any products containing ethanol. Therefore, alcohol coding using disulfiram-based drugs is called aversive drug therapy (translated from Latin, aversio means “disgust”).

The most popular drugs with disulfiram:

  • “Disulfiram” (analogues – “Antabus”, “Teturam”, “Abstinil”);
  • Esperal is a well-purified French-made disulfiram. The drug is better absorbed, it has fewer side effects than the classic “Disulfiram”;
  • “Lidevin” – disulfiram with vitamins;
  • “Tetlong-250” – lasts longer than the usual “Disulfiram”.

Features of taking medications with disulfiram

Preparations with disulfiram are used:

  • orally, in the form of tablets. The duration of the tablet “Disulfiram” – 48 hours. The drug has a pronounced glandular taste, so it will not be possible to pour it into the patient’s food without his knowledge;
  • for injection. On the packaging of the product it is always written what kind of injection it is intended for: intravenous, intramuscular or subcutaneous. The most effective injections are intravenous, also called liver injections. The standard term for coding with such an injection is a year, but it can be extended up to 3 years. Intramuscularly (mainly in the buttocks) the drug is administered in the form of a gel. It accumulates in the tissues and is gradually absorbed. Validity – 5-9 months. More gentle injections are subcutaneous, they are usually given under the shoulder blade;
  • in the form of implant capsules. The capsule is usually implanted under the shoulder blade so that the patient cannot remove the implant on their own. The contents of the capsule enter the bloodstream, maintaining a constant level of disulfiram. The validity of the implant is from 3 months to 5 years (data are given for Esperal).

Contraindications to taking funds with disulfiram:

  • liver and kidney disease;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • mental illness;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age to 18 years.

The main advantage of the method is its high efficiency. The patient knows that taking any dose of alcohol can end badly. Before coding, the patient must give a receipt that he is familiar with the consequences of drinking alcohol.

The disadvantage of the method: the body sometimes reacts painfully even to completely innocent products containing ethanol: kefir, kvass, sweets with liquor fillings. You can not take drugs on alcohol.

Preparation with cyanamide

The only remedy with cyanamide that is on the Russian market is the Spanish drug Colme. It is used to develop an aversion to alcohol.

The drug is available as a solution for oral administration. It has no taste and no side effects. From medicines with disulfiram, “Colme” differs in a milder, but also weaker effect: aversion to alcohol occurs within an hour after taking the drug and lasts 12 hours.

Contraindications, advantages and disadvantages for “Colme” are the same as for drugs with disulfiram.

Preparations based on naltrexone

One of the main causes of alcoholism is the enjoyment of alcohol. When ethanol enters the bloodstream, the body releases “happiness hormones” – endorphins. Scientists have found that the substance naltrexone blocks the brain receptors responsible for the production of endorphins when drinking alcohol. Accordingly, the patient ceases to experience euphoria from the state of intoxication, he no longer needs to drink.

The most famous drugs with naltrexone:

  • Naltrexone;
  • Antaxon;
  • Prodexone;
  • Vivitrol.
  • Medicines are released:
  • in pills;
  • in powders, from which solutions for intramuscular injections are made;
  • in the form of implant capsules.

If you take one tablet every day for 12 weeks, then the craving for alcohol disappears for the next six months. The duration of the implants is 1-5 months (depending on the dosage).

The advantage of the method: a more gentle effect on the body than with aversive therapy, the absence of intoxication in the case of a “breakdown” of the patient.

Contraindications to taking drugs with naltrexone:

  • serious liver disease (hepatitis, liver failure);
  • mental illness
  • taking narcotic painkillers;
  • the presence of withdrawal syndrome;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age to 18 years.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • the patient ceases to respond not only to alcohol, but also to opiates. Therefore, 1-2 days before the operation under general anesthesia, you should stop taking medication;
  • despite the absence of a positive reaction to alcohol, the influence of the environment remains. Only willpower can prevent the patient from drinking “for company”, albeit without pleasure. Since the probability of a breakdown is quite high, the patient needs additional psychotherapeutic sessions.

Preparations with acetylhomotaurine

On the basis of acetylhomotaurine produce:

  • Akamprosat;
  • “Corporal”.

These funds soften breaking due to the fact that they contribute to the speedy neutralization of acetaldehyde. Medicines are classified as psychotropic: they act on the central nervous system, contributing to weaning from alcohol. The drugs are indicated for patients prone to prolonged drinking during the psychotherapeutic coding for alcohol.


  • severe diseases of the liver, kidneys and spleen;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 18 and over 60 years;
  • individual intolerance.

The drugs are available in tablets, the duration of treatment is 12 months, the dosage depends on the weight of the patient:

  • less than 60 kg – 2 times 2 tablets per day;
  • more than 60 kg – 3 times 2 tablets per day.

The advantages and disadvantages are the same as those of drugs with naltrexone.

Hardware methods of encoding from alcohol

The basis of hardware methods is the technology of influencing certain parts of the brain responsible for the occurrence of alcohol addiction. For this use:

  • electrical stimulation devices;
  • magnetic laser devices for quantum therapy.

There are many hardware encoding techniques. The strength of the electric shock varies from weak (with transcranial electrical stimulation) to very strong with electroconvulsive therapy, which is performed under general anesthesia. Magnetic laser devices can be used both separately and after electrical stimulation devices.


  • the use of pacemakers;
  • mental illness;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age to 18 years.

The advantage of the method is efficiency and safety.

Disadvantage: the habit of drinking alcohol is “erased” from the patient’s brain. But, once in the old environment, the patient can break loose. Therefore, hardware encoding is usually carried out after psychotherapy sessions.

Psychotherapeutic methods of coding for alcoholism

The most famous psychotherapeutic method of coding is the Dovzhenko method. It involves a combination of shallow hypnosis and psychotherapy. The narcologist can apply one of two options:

  • negative stimulus – the introduction into the patient’s brain of the idea that alcoholism leads to death;
  • positive incentive – a description of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Other author’s methods have been developed that use deeper hypnosis.

The advantage of psychotherapy is the effectiveness and absence of contraindications. Patients are even allowed to drink non-alcoholic beer with a strength of up to 0,5%.

But the inept use of psychotherapeutic techniques sometimes leads to deep depression, breakdowns or even death of the patient.

Coding methods for alcoholism
Any coding has a period after which it ceases to be valid.

What to do if the patient broke

An alcoholic should not drink alcohol, otherwise a relapse is possible. If the patient started drinking after coding, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is especially dangerous when patients try to remove implanted capsules on their own. Under no circumstances should this be done. Only the narcologist has the right to decide how further treatment should proceed: whether decoding is needed (especially when using medical methods), what procedures should be prescribed.

Any coding has a time limit. At the end of it, it is better not to rely on your own willpower, but to consult a narcologist.

Attention! Self-medication can be dangerous, consult your doctor.

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