Code of honor of a Russian officer of 1804 for all time

Code of honor of a Russian officer of 1804 for all time

🙂 My dear reader, take some time and read the “Code of Honor of a Russian Officer of 1804”. By following these rules, you will avoid many mistakes in life.

Today we are in a different time, from 1804 we are separated by more than 200 years and the whole Soviet era. But the word “honor” will always be relevant. “Honor can only be lost once ”  EM. Kapiev

  • 1. Do not promise if you are not sure that you will fulfill the promise.
  • 2. Keep yourself simple, with dignity, without fatigue.
  • 3. It is necessary to remember that border where politeness full of dignity ends and cringing begins.
  • 4. Do not write rash letters and reports rashly.
  • 5. Be less frank – you will regret it. Remember: my tongue is my enemy!
  • 6. Do not kuti – you will not prove your daring, but you will compromise yourself.
  • 7. Do not rush to get on a short foot with a person whom you have not recognized enough.
  • 8. Avoid cash accounts with friends. Money ruins relationships.
  • 9. Do not take at your own expense insulting remarks, witticisms, ridicule, said after. Be above this.
  • 10. If you cannot say anything good about someone, then refrain from saying bad things.
  • 11. Do not neglect anyone’s advice – listen.
  • 12. The officer’s strength is not in impulses, but in indestructible calm.
  • 13. Take care of the reputation of the woman who trusted you, no matter who she is.
  • 14. There are situations in life when you need to silence your heart and live with reason.
  • 15. The mystery communicated by you to at least just one person ceases to be a mystery.
  • 16. Always be on the lookout and don’t dissolve.
  • 17. Try to keep your words soft in the argument, and your arguments firm.
  • 18. At public masquerades, officers are not allowed to dance.
  • 19. When speaking, avoid gestures and do not raise your voice.
  • 20. If you entered a society, in the midst of which the person with whom you are in a quarrel. Then, when greeting everyone, it is customary to shake hands with him.
  • 21. Nothing teaches as awareness of one’s mistake. This is one of the main means of self-education. Only he who does nothing is not mistaken.
  • 22. When two people quarrel, both are always to blame.
  • 23. Authority is acquired by knowledge of business and service. It is important that subordinates respect you, not fear you. Where there is fear, there is no love, but there is a hidden ill will.
  • 24. There is nothing worse than indecision. Better a worse decision than hesitation or inaction.
  • 25. Soul to God, heart to a woman, duty to the Fatherland, honor to anyone!

Code of honor of a Russian officer of 1804 for all time

What is the honor of an officer

Russian officer’s code of honor – “honor is the main treasure for an officer, whose sacred duty is to keep it clean and impeccable.” Dahl’s explanatory dictionary explains: “Honor is an internal, moral dignity of a person. Valor, honesty, nobility of soul and a clear conscience. “

The officers of the Russian army were called “white bone”, implying a clear conscience and unblemished honor, which were above all for an officer. How honest (or dishonest) a person is is judged mainly by those around him, and public opinion is formed. Usually people value those who are “a man of honor” highly.

“Honor is the shrine of an officer, it is the highest blessing that he is obliged to keep and keep clean. Honor is his reward in happiness and consolation in sorrow; it does not tolerate and does not bear any stain. ”MS Galkin

Self-esteem had nothing to do with arrogance, arrogance, or a sense of superiority over the civilian population.

“On the contrary, an officer must show respect for every rank and conduct himself with equal dignity with all classes of society. Moreover, in relation to people who are below him in education. He should not stoop to the level of their morals, but, on the contrary, try to raise them to his own height ”.

Nobility consists in the ability to sacrifice personal interests in favor of others, generosity, inability to humiliate and humiliate others.

With the transition, mainly to a contract basis, the requirements for observance by servicemen of the rules related to the concepts of military honor and dignity have decreased. And there is an explanation for that.

Previously, for the officer corps, military service was the meaning of their whole life and was not limited by the term of the contract. Today, servicemen are only fulfilling their constitutional duty and exercising their right to work through military service.

The contract does not contain obligations to observe moral and ethical principles related to military honor of servicemen. I think that orders to have conscience or honor cannot be in nature. They cultivate this in themselves from childhood. “Take care of your honor from a young age, and your dress again.”

Code of honor of a Russian officer of 1804 for all time

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