Coconut tincture (from shavings or fresh pulp)

Homemade coconut tincture is an almost transparent or light white drink with a pleasant subtle coconut aroma and a characteristic mild taste. Sweetness is controlled by the amount of added sugar.

For cooking, you can take coconut flakes or coconut pulp. In the first case, the process is simpler, but the smell of the drink is more pleasant on the pulp. The taste is the same, but the color on the chips is lighter.

As an alcohol base, white rum, refined sugar moonshine (double distillation), store-bought vodka or ethyl alcohol diluted to 40-45% is suitable. Grain and fruit distillates interrupt the subtle coke taste, and aged alcohol is also excluded. The ideal option is white rum.


  • coconut flakes – 25-30 grams (or the pulp of 1 coconut);
  • vodka (rum, alcohol 40-45%, moonshine) – 0,5 liters;
  • sugar – 1 tablespoon + to taste;
  • water – to reduce the fortress (optional, to taste).
  • vanilla sugar – 4-8 grams (to taste, optional).

It is advisable to add cane sugar. Honey in this recipe is excluded, as it does not go well with coconut. Vanilla sugar enriches the flavor of the drink.

coconut tincture recipe

1. If fresh coconut is used, grind the peeled pulp with a meat grinder or blender. You can also add coconut milk (the liquid inside the fruit) to the infusion.

2. Store-bought or homemade coconut flakes are placed in a container for infusion. Pour in the alcohol base (vodka, moonshine, alcohol). Add 1 tablespoon of sugar (to soften the taste). Mix, seal tightly.

3. Infuse for 10 days in a dark room at room temperature. Shake every 2 days.

4. Strain the finished tincture on coconut through 2-3 layers of gauze or a fine sieve. Squeeze the pulp well (no longer needed).

Attention! After filtration, white islands or even a film may form on the surface of fresh coconut tincture – this is coconut oil. It must be carefully collected with a spoon.

5. Taste the drink. Sweeten with additional sugar if desired. To reduce the strength, you can dilute it with water or sugar syrup (mix water and sugar in equal parts in a saucepan, bring to a boil, boil for 3-5 minutes over low heat, removing foam, then cool to room temperature).

6. Pour coconut tincture into storage bottles. Close hermetically. If sugar or water is added, leave in the refrigerator for 2-3 days to stabilize the taste.

If turbidity or sediment appears on the bottom (due to low-quality chips or sugar), filter through cotton wool or a coffee filter.

Coconut tincture (from shavings or fresh pulp)
From coconut flakes
Coconut tincture (from shavings or fresh pulp)
From the pulp of fresh coconut

Shelf life away from direct sunlight – 2-3 years. Fortress – 35-37% (without dilution with water and sugar).

Simple coconut tincture on vodka (alcohol, moonshine)

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