The benefits of coconut oil are endless. This precious oil was mostly used by cosmetics, pharmaceutical industries and other professionals.
But in recent years, the French have realized the thousand benefits of this precious oil. Let’s take a tour of the line to discover together what are the benefits of coconut oil.
And I’m sure you’ll be surprised!
The benefits of coconut oil for our health
For the protection of our immune system
Lauric acid in coconut oil helps our body fight bacteria, viruses and many other infections. Coconut oil by the way is considered a killer of candida albicans.
Consuming coconut oil will help you to effectively fight against parasites and various infections in general favored by the consumption of sugar.
A toning product
Coconut oil is known by high performance athletes as a source of energy.
The fatty acids that constitute it are an important source of energy for the body. Moreover, they allow to transport certain vitamins such as vitamin E, K, D, A.
In fact this oil is processed directly by the liver because of its fine particles.
It only follows three assimilation processes by the body (against 26 for other oils).
In addition to being easily digestive, this oil concentrates energy in your body, promoting high endurance physical activities. It allows your body to produce its own energy (ketone) without any external input.
How to choose the right coconut oil?
Coconut oil is highly recommended during youth and slimming diets to allow the body to stay balanced despite the lack of nutrients.
Consume 2 tablespoons of coconut oil in case of extreme fatigue.
If you exercise often, mix 2 tablespoons of coconut oil with 2 tablespoons of honey. Honey boosts the nutrients in coconut oil.
What is coconut oil made from?
Coconut oil is made up of essential fatty acids including (1):
- Vitamin E: 0,92 mg
- Saturated fatty acids: 86,5g per 100g of oil
Saturated fatty acids are important in the functioning of our body from several angles. They make it possible to synthesize certain hormones, for example testosterone.
The most important saturated fatty acids that make coconut oil exceptional are: lauric acid, caprylic acid and myristic acid
- Monounsaturated fatty acids: 5,6 g per 100 g of oil
The monounsaturated fatty acids are omega 9. They are important to fight against the penetration of cholesterol into the arteries.
Indeed MUFAs, by that mean, monounsaturated fatty acids prevent the oxidation of cholesterol. However, cholesterol penetrates the arteries more easily once it is oxidized. Therefore, consuming the required daily amount of monounsaturated fatty acids is an asset for you.
- Poly unsaturated fatty acids: 1,8 g per 100g of oil
They are made up of Omega3 fatty acids and Omega 6 fatty acids. For a good balance of the body and so that the polyunsaturated fatty acids can fully play their role in the body, it is important to consume more Omega 3 (fish). , seafood) than Omega 6 (coconut oil, crisps, chocolates and manufactured meals, etc.)
So consume your coconut oil with products rich in Omega 3 for a better health balance.
The medical benefits of coconut oil
Useful in the treatment of Alzheimer’s
The assimilation of coconut oil by the liver produces ketone. Ketone is an energy source that can be directly used by the brain (2). However, in the case of Alzheimer’s, the affected brains can no longer create insulin themselves to transform glucose into a source of energy for the brain.
Ketone becomes an alternative to nourish brain cells. They will thus make it possible to gradually treat Alzheimer’s. Take a tablespoon of coconut oil daily to support brain activity. Or better yet, talk to your doctor.
To know even more about this incredible oil click on the button 😉
Coconut oil against cardiovascular disease
Coconut oil protects you from cholesterol. Not only does its fatty acids provide good cholesterol (HDL) in the body. But in addition they convert bad cholesterol (LDL) into good cholesterol. It is especially useful in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
In addition, it has been shown through several studies, the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes by the consumption of coconut oil.
For better efficiency, combine a few chia seeds (40g per day) with your coconut oil before consumption. Indeed, chia seeds are rich in good fats and also help in the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes.
To read: Drink coconut water
Do the same for cardiovascular disease in general.

For the protection of tooth enamel
According to French scientists, coconut oil effectively fights pies, dental yellowing and tooth decay (3).
Pour into your container, two tablespoons of coconut oil and one tablespoon of baking soda. Mix and let stand for a few seconds. Use the resulting paste to clean your teeth daily.
Coconut oil also helps you protect your gums from bacteria and various infections. It is an ally in the protection and disinfection of the oral area. It is an oral antiseptic.
The oil is also recommended for people who smoke or drink to avoid bad breath. It can be used alone or in combination with baking soda.
Anti inflammatory
Studies in India have shown that coconut oil works effectively against pain. In case of arthritis, muscle aches, or any other pain, the multiple antioxidants present in coconut oil will give you relief.
Massage the affected parts in a circular fashion with this oil.
Protection of the liver and urinary tract
Coconut oil is an oil that is easy to digest and assimilate thanks to its medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) which are easier to process and digest by the liver.
If you are prone to liver problems, use coconut oil in your cooking.
Protection of the immune system
Lauric acid contained in coconut oil is converted in the body into monolaurin. However, monolaurin has antibacterial, antiviral and antimicrobial properties in the body.
The consumption of coconut oil will therefore help the body to fight against bacteria. It will also generally protect the immune system.
Coconut oil and digestive problems
Are you fed up with digestive problems? here, take these two tablespoons of coconut oil, it will do you a lot of good.
In fact coconut oil has antibacterial action (4). It is the friend of our intestinal and oral mucous membranes. If you have a sensitive stomach, use coconut oil instead of other oils.
Discover: All the benefits of olive oil
Coconut oil, your beauty friend
It is effective for your skin
Coconut oil is very helpful for your skin. Thanks to lauric acid, caprylic acid and the antioxidants it contains, it protects your skin. This is why this oil is used a lot in soap factories.
Coconut oil deeply hydrates your body. It repairs it, softens it and sublimates it.
If you have dark circles, bags under your eyes, apply coconut oil to your eyes and keep it on overnight. By morning they will be gone and you will look better.
The same goes for wrinkles. Use this oil to protect your face from wrinkles or reduce them.
For those lips that are dry, or cracked, apply coconut oil to your lips. They will be nourished and revitalized.
Against sunburns, or minor injuries, use coconut oil, massage your body well. In case of burns, mix 2 drops of coconut oil with salt and apply to the light burn.
If you also have insect bites, pimples or general skin problems, massage the affected areas regularly several times a day. It acts like a balm.
By regularly using coconut oil on your skin, you will have very beautiful and soft skin.
For hair
I was coming, you already suspected it, didn’t you?
Several cosmetic brands use coconut oil extracts in the manufacture of their products. And it works ! Especially for dry or frizzy hair, the fat contained in this oil restores beauty, splendor and shine to your hair.
To read: How to grow your hair quickly
Use this oil before shampooing or in an oil bath. It gives tone to your hair. It also helps treat scalp infections by direct application. Against lice or dandruff, it is perfect.

Here is a recipe for hair made with coconut oil (5). You will need :
- Honey,
- Natural coconut oil
Put in a bowl 3 tablespoons of coconut oil to which you add 1 tablespoon of honey
Then heat in the microwave for about 25 minutes.
Divide your hair in 4. Apply this oil on the scalp, hair and insist on the ends of your hair. You can keep this mask for several hours. You can also wear a cap and keep it on overnight for better scalp and hair penetration.
Finished the mask, wash your hair well.
Coconut oil for healthy meals
For our vegetarian friends, here we go !!!
Thanks to its fat intake, this oil is perfect to make up for the deficiencies in vegetarian diets.
If you eat fish and seafood, there is no better food product for you than coconut oil. Add one to two tablespoons of coconut oil to your dishes. Not only does it protect you from deficiencies but, combined with products rich in Omega 3, it ensures your health balance.
If you don’t eat fish and seafood at all, combine coconut oil with chia seeds.
Through the balance of omega 6 and omega 3, this oil effectively protects your cardiovascular system.
Healthy for frying
Because it is resistant to high temperatures unlike other oils, coconut oil is the one indicated for your frying. It retains all its nutritional elements despite the high heat. This is not the case for olive oil which oxidizes in hot weather.
It is true that it is healthy for fried foods, but personally, I don’t like fried foods made with this oil.
I have other culinary uses for my coconut oil. For example, I use it for my coffee, my smoothies, or instead of butter for my recipes.

Creamy coffee with coconut oil
No more cream for the coffee. Add in your coffee, 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and sweeten (according to you). Pass the hot coffee through the Blender. You will get a tenderly flavored, delicious and creamy coffee.
As a replacement for butter
Coconut oil is recommended for bakings. Use it as a replacement for butter, it will divinely perfume your bakings. Use the same amount of coconut oil that you would have used for the butter.
Coconut oil smoothie
You will need (6):
- 3 tablespoon of coconut oil
- 1 cup of soy milk
- 1 cup of strawberries
A few drops of vanilla for the perfume
Pass it all through the Blender.
That’s it your smoothie is ready. You can keep it cool or consume it straight away.
Coconut oil and spirulina smoothie
You will need:
- 3 pineapple slices
- 3 tablespoons of coconut oil
- 1 ½ cup of coconut water
- 1 tablespoon of spirulina
- Ice cubes
Pass it all through the Blender.
It’s ready to eat. So many benefits, this smoothie.
Distinction between virgin coconut oil and copra
Virgin coconut oil is obtained from the white flesh of coconut (7). It is good for consumption, for use in your kitchen.
As for copra, it is the oil obtained from the dried flesh of coconut. Copra undergoes several transformations which make it not suitable for direct consumption. Coconut oil is often hydrogenated, refined with a much higher fatty acid content.
In addition, during the complex process of its transformation, coconut oil loses many of its nutrients. It is rather used in industries for pastries, cosmetics …
If you want to fully enjoy the benefits of coconut oil, I recommend that of virgin coconut oil which is more conducive, contains more nutrients and fewer additional products.
To finish in style!
Coconut oil is full of virtues. Whether for your health, your beauty or your cooking, it remains essential. Now you have every reason to have it in your closet.
Do you have other uses for coconut oil that you would like to share with us? We will be delighted to hear from you.
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