Coconut oil – nutritional values, properties, application, types [EXPLAINED]

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Coconut oil appears as a hard white mass at room temperature. This form is sold in glass containers. It belongs to the group of vegetable oils and is obtained from the flesh of the coconut palm. When heated, it turns light yellow, releasing the scent of coconut in the process.

Coconut oil is considered one of the healthiest oils in the world. It has many uses both in the kitchen and in cosmetics. The composition of coconut oil mainly consists of saturated fatty acids: lauric, palmitic, caprylic and stearic. The others are unsaturated acids: oleic (belonging to the omega-9 group) and linoleic (omega-6 group). How does coconut oil affect health and what properties does it have?

Coconut oil – characteristics

Coconut oil is among the products known as “superfoods”. It is also called coconut butter or coconut fat. It is made of copra, which is the hard flesh of coconuts that is heated and pressed.

It turns out, however, that it evokes different emotions, and opinions about it are divided. According to the American Heart Association, coconut oil is high in saturated fat (about 90%), which would indicate that it is just as unhealthy as lard, for example. It is worth recalling that unsaturated fats can raise the level of bad cholesterol. On this basis, it can be concluded that coconut oil can, for example, lead to the development of atherosclerosis.

However, the specialists in the “Learn about fat” campaign are of a completely different opinion. According to their opinion, the amount of saturated fatty acids should not be taken into account, because those contained in coconut oil have a different structure, and therefore also properties.

The saturated fatty acids in coconut oil have medium-length carbon chains (called MCTs) that are digested and otherwise absorbed. They have no negative effect on the human body. However, you should still bear in mind that it is fat and high in calories.

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Coconut oil – MCT saturated fatty acids

Coconut oil is the richest source of MCT saturated fatty acids, i.e. Medium Chain Triglycerides. According to some sources, they may constitute over 90% of the total fat content. Some studies show that it is thanks to them that coconut oil has many miraculous properties, so:

  1. supporting the fight against overweight, also with visceral obesity;
  2. immediately gives energy;
  3. regulates cholesterol levels;
  4. has a bactericidal and antiviral effect;
  5. has a positive effect on the skin;
  6. it relieves symptoms of e.g. Alzheimer’s disease.

Are you looking for good quality coconut oil? Enter Medonet Market and order EKO Bioherba Fragrance Unrefined Coconut Oil.

Coconut oil – types

Coconut oil can be purchased in stores in two forms. You can choose between:

  1. unrefined coconut oil – this oil has many more nutrients than refined coconut oil. In addition, it retains the taste and aroma of coconut. Therefore, unrefined coconut oil is perfect for beauty treatments. It is not entirely suitable for use in the kitchen, because it cannot be fried or used during baking. This coconut oil is great for cold use; You can buy EKO coconut oil, which is unfiltered and cold pressed, at Medonet Market;
  2. refined coconut oil – this oil is much more processed than unrefined oil. It is produced in an advanced purification process that deprives coconut oil of most of its properties, taste and smell. The refining process involves heating the oil to a high temperature. As a result, however, it gains greater durability and a higher burning temperature. For this reason, it is often used by people who do not like the smell and taste of coconut. It is an ideal product for frying or baking. However, it is not suitable for cold use or body care. At Medonet Market you can buy Intenson Refined Coconut Oil, which can also be used by vegans and vegetarians.

At a promotional price, you can now buy Coconut Oil Spray – Cooking Spray Coconut Oil OstroVit, which is convenient to use and very efficient.

Coconut oil – nutritional values

Coconut oil is a source of many nutrients that are beneficial for our body. However, it should be remembered that it is fat and as such it contains a large amount of calories, i.e. 892 calories per 100 g. Among the nutritional values, special attention should be paid to the content of fatty acids:

  1. saturated;
  2. monounsaturated;
  3. polyunsaturated;
  4. trans fats.

In addition, coconut oil is also a source of calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and zinc, as well as vitamins E, B2, B6, C and K. It is also a source of folic acid.

Find out more: Natural cosmetics – do cosmetics based on natural ingredients work?

Coconut oil – health properties

The health properties of coconut oil are:

  1. antibacterial effect – many people consider coconut oil a natural antibiotic. It contains lauric acid, which has strong antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. Coconut oil can therefore effectively stop the growth of harmful bacteria that cause tooth decay and oral infections. Some research studies have shown that coconut oil can even fight staphylococcus aureus, a common cause of skin diseases, viruses responsible for cold sores, measles, the flu, and the HPV virus. It is also possible that coconut oil will help fight chronic athlete’s foot;
  2. treatment of dementia – coconut oil can help in the treatment of diseases resulting from the work of the brain, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. This may be possible thanks to medium-chain triglycerides. Consuming coconut oil can therefore significantly improve cognitive functions, e.g. in people suffering from Alzheimer’s;
  3. diabetes – thanks to the content of MCT acids, coconut oil is digested without insulin, and therefore does not raise its level in the blood. For this reason, it is recommended to people suffering from diabetes and pre-diabetes. In addition, coconut oil helps in weight loss, which is also very important in the prevention of type 2 diabetes;
  4. accelerating wound healing – coconut oil can accelerate the process of new epithelial formation on wounds. In addition, it stimulates the activity of antioxidant enzymes and stimulates the production of collagen fibers in new tissue. It is recommended, for example, in the treatment of burns;
  5. relieving seizures – MCTs are transferred straight to the liver where they are converted into ketone bodies, commonly used in epilepsy. They are supposed to bring the patient into a state of ketosis and allow more carbohydrates to be included in the diet. A large amount of ketone bodies in the diet reduces the number of epileptic seizures in children.

Find out more: Saturated fats – what are they? Sources of saturated fat, their functions in the body and impact on human health

Coconut oil – use in the kitchen

Coconut oil can be successfully used in the kitchen. It will work both as a substitute for butter and the fat used for baking cakes or cakes. You can also prepare delicious chocolate desserts from them, or treat it as an addition to salad dressings and sauces.

However, you should avoid frying in unrefined coconut oil. Refined coconut oil is perfect for frying because it has a high smoke point.


Coconut oil can be stored at room temperature. However, after opening it, it is worth remembering to use it within 12 months.

This temperature determines the lowest temperature at which a given fat breaks down into glycerol and free fatty acids. It is worth paying attention to this, because at this temperature the oil loses all its nutritional value and carcinogenic substances appear in the smoke. It also influences the taste and aroma of the prepared dishes.

Refined coconut oil it has a temperature of 204 degrees C, which means that frying in such oil is healthier than, for example, in rapeseed or sunflower oil. The advantage of refined oil is also that this oil does not change the taste and smell of the dishes. Unrefined coconut oil, on the other hand, is perfect for preparing cold dishes and desserts, e.g. sweet desserts.

Coconut oil is the basis of Energy for Coffee – a ghee-based additive that you can buy at Medonet Market.

In the kitchen, you can also use coconut mousse, which is great for preparing desserts, cocktails and omelettes, and it can also be spread directly on sandwiches. BIO Intenson coconut cream-mousse can be found at Medonet Market.

Coconut oil – use in cosmetics

Coconut oil has its own special use in cosmetics. Included in it lauric acids and caprylic have antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. Linoleic acid also influences skin hydration, intercellular renewal and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Anti-free radical properties of coconut oil owes to minerals and vitamin E. We recommend a regenerating and moisturizing cream for all skin types, Green Laboratory, which contains coconut oil. Thanks to it, the skin is moisturized and smooth.

Coconut oil applied directly to the skin moisturizes, regenerates dry parts, e.g. hands, knees or elbows. It also improves the condition of acne skin, skin with rashes or eczema. The oil is well tolerated by atopic skin or psoriasis skin, its systematic use moisturizes and lubricates the affected areas. It can also be used after a burn – it soothes the burning sensation, skin inflammation and irritation.

Caring properties of coconut oil do not raise any doubts. Its use is very wide. The fatty acids it contains deeply penetrate the skin and nourish it, making it a frequent ingredient in moisturizing and smoothing creams. Coconut oil is especially recommended for people with dry and dehydrated skin. You can try make-up remover oil, facial cleansing lotion and tonic mist from Vianek, which have soothing properties.

Try a cube lotion for rough skin with cinnamon and patchouli, enriched with coconut oil, almond oil, sesame oil and many other ingredients of natural origin, thanks to which it comprehensively nourishes, firms and strengthens dry skin.

They can also be used in cosmetics antibacterial properties of coconut oilthat will help fight acne. Just rub coconut oil into your skin and add it to your meals. Coconut oil is also an excellent UV filter and can successfully replace SPF 10 sunscreen creams.

Coconut oil also works well in hair care because it penetrates deep into the hair shaft. This is possible due to the fact that the triglycerides of lauric acid contained in it have a structure similar to the hair proteins. The recommended hair cosmetic with coconut oil is Orientana Oil – Therapy for damaged hair. It prevents split ends, moisturizes dry hair and provides a healthy scalp. Coconut oil is also responsible for the moisturizing effect of the Sylveco linen hair mask.

Compounds in coconut oil have teeth whitening properties. So it is an excellent base for making your own toothpaste. It is also worth using coconut oil for the skin. Thanks to it, it will become perfectly moisturized.

Coconut oil is the perfect complement to your daily care and evening rituals, so don’t forget to apply coconut oil to your skin in the evening. It can also be used instead of massage oil. Coconut oil for massage is an ideal and natural solution. Our body will be not only relaxed, but also perfectly moisturized, and the skin nourished.

Coconut oil is also included in peels, thanks to which they perfectly moisturize the skin. At Medonet Market, buy a soothing scrub for the scalp Vianek, which additionally stimulates hair growth and inhibits dandruff.


When buying coconut oil, choose cold-pressed coconut oil, which is much healthier than refined oil. The latter is devoid of health properties. Although much cheaper, it lacks the smell, taste and color. Therefore, remember that good quality cold-pressed coconut oil should have a delicate coconut scent and a solid consistency that remains at a temperature of 26 degrees C. It has a white color and looks like lard.

Coconut oil is worth applying not only to the skin of the body. Amazing effects can be achieved by applying coconut oil under the eyes. The effects can surprise even very demanding people. The skin will quickly become moisturized, soft and, importantly, fine wrinkles around the eyes, as well as dark circles and bags under the eyes will disappear from our face. All you have to do is put coconut oil under your eyes in the evening and leave it overnight.

Be sure to read: Everything you need to know about coconut!

Coconut oil – home care

Application coconut oil in home care:

• moisturizing the skin of the whole body,

• substitute for an oil in a soaking bath,

• eliminating stretch marks, recommended for massage for pregnant women,

• greasing the dry skin of the heels, knees, elbows and lips,

• night face cream or eye cream,

• sun protection filter (SPF 10),

• deodorant (application under the armpits effectively protects against the emission of an intense smell of sweat),

• strengthening weakened eyelashes and eyebrows,

• face and eye make-up removal (sensitive or extremely dry skin),

• shaving – alternatively with traditional foam (using an ordinary shaver),

• hair care; mainly in the oiling treatment, also interchangeably with conditioners, masks, serums,

• hair oiling, especially in winter, when the hair is excessively static (application about 2 hours before washing your hair helps to prevent it),

• anti-dandruff – replaces a hair mask,

• base for peelings or toothpaste.

Be sure to check out: Homemade hair masks!

Coconut oil – slimming

The slimming properties of coconut oil are not clearly confirmed. According to some opinions, medium-chain triglycerides aid weight loss by accelerating the metabolism. In practice, this means that by adding coconut oil to a meal, you will burn unnecessary calories about 5% faster than normal, which can really help you avoid overweight and obesity.

It is worth adding that coconut oil is filling and it is easy to satisfy your hunger with it for a long time, thanks to which we will not eat between meals. When using coconut oil, we should eat less and not snack.

Remember also that MCTs do not accumulate as adipose tissue because they go straight to the portal vein and liver. So they are a source of clean energy.

Coconut oil is also effective in combating abdominal obesity. It is enough to include the oil in your diet, without having to make any other changes. Remember that abdominal obesity is dangerous and can cause metabolic disorders or hypertension. However, in order to achieve the effect faster, it is worth supporting this process with physical activity and a proper diet.

Unfortunately, this is not the only look at the effect of coconut oil on weight loss. Some specialists point out that medium-chain fats from coconut oil are absorbed into the portal vein, which means they provide us with energy quickly. However, they are beneficial only for people with Crohn’s disease, people under radiation or premature babies. In the case of healthy people, they can lead to obesity or overweight, because it is a source of energy that we are unable to use.

Coconut oil – cardiovascular disease

Due to its high fatty acid content, coconut oil has been accused of having a negative effect on heart health. However, this has not been confirmed conclusively in research. The content of MCT fatty acids makes coconut oil:

  1. raises HDL cholesterol;
  2. converts LDL cholesterol into less harmful forms;
  3. it reduces the level of total cholesterol.

However, it is worth noting that slimming properties of coconut oil are questionable, and therefore its positive effect on cardiovascular disease is uncertain. If it may not prevent obesity, it may also not benefit obesity-related diseases, such as metabolic syndrome, which negatively affects the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Many experts also note the overall high content of saturated fatty acids, which suggests coconut oil can be just as unhealthy as lard.

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Coconut oil – dosage

Coconut oil is very popular. In our consciousness, it functions as a healthy fat and, importantly, helps to maintain a healthy weight and even lose extra pounds.

However, keep in mind that it is fat that is high in calories. For this reason, it is recommended for adults to consume about 3-4 tablespoons of coconut oil a day. It is worth remembering to consume it with meals, because it is much better absorbed then.

Coconut oil – children and babies

Coconut oil, thanks to its properties, can successfully replace cosmetics for the youngest. Use of unrefined coconut oil for baby skin care it is completely safe.

It can be used, for example, for nappy rash in young children, because coconut oil will quickly soothe any irritation on the baby’s delicate skin. It is especially recommended for skin prone to chafing, rashes and allergies.

To the most important coconut oil benefits belongs:

  1. lauric acid content, which is similar to the fats naturally found in breast milk;
  2. safe use and no allergies when used for diaper dermatitis;
  3. easy absorption;
  4. perfect for baby massage (it is a great alternative to baby oil).

Coconut oil – pregnancy

From the charitable properties of coconut oil can also be used by pregnant women. Above all coconut oil in pregnancy soothes unpleasant ailments. Pregnant women who use it regularly can strengthen their immunity, which is very important at this particular time for both women and babies. In addition, coconut oil in pregnancy will help relieve heartburn and nausea.

Coconut oil can prevent the appearance of stretch marks and help reduce the existing ones. By using coconut oil throughout your pregnancy, you can effectively prevent scarring on your skin. Remember, this product is completely safe and natural.

Coconut oil – where to buy?

Until recently, coconut oil was quite difficult to obtain. However, now you can buy it in almost every online and stationary store. We can buy it both in large discount stores and local greengrocers.

Coconut oil – price

Coconut oil is widely available today. You can get it in almost every store. The price of the product obviously depends on its type.

Unrefined coconut oil can be up to twice as expensive as its refined counterpart. Price of 1 liter of unrefined coconut oil it ranges from about PLN 25 to even PLN 50. In the case of refined coconut oil, the price is much more affordable and amounts to about PLN 10-30.

At Medonet Market you will find virgin Intenson bio coconut oil in 250ml and 500ml jars at attractive prices.

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