Coconut oil hair mask

Coconut oil hair mask

Coconut oil hair mask is ideal for those women whose hair remains lifeless, dry, brittle and dull for a long time. If in parallel you are haunted by the problem of hair loss, then you must use this miraculous remedy.

Although coconut oil is in great demand, this product cannot be called scarce, and it is very easy to find it – just go to any pharmacy. When buying, you must choose the product, which does not contain fragrances and preservatives. Natural coconut oil has a pronounced sweet aroma and solidifies at air temperatures below + 25 °C. As a rule, it is in this form that it is released at points of sale. If the room is cool, but the coconut oil remains liquid, then it contains impurities. The same can be said about a product that does not melt at the proper temperature.

It is possible that women will be surprised to hear about the use of coconut oil as a hair mask, because it is more commonly used as a body care product. In fact, coconut oil is a versatile product that allows you to tidy up even the most weakened hair. This is possible due to the chemical composition rich in useful substances.

Why is coconut oil mask good for hair?

Coconut oil hair mask

Coconut oil is 95% fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect not only on the scalp, but also on the hair follicles. In addition, the oil contains vitamin A in various forms, cholecalciferol, as well as phosphorus and calcium. Asian women have known about the benefits of coconut oil for hair since ancient times, so they actively use it for cosmetic purposes. Today, it has taken a strong position in the beauty industry, as it is part of various body and hair care products. However, these products are often quite expensive. At the same time, you can prepare healthy hair masks with coconut oil at home, and the effect of them will be just as good.

With the regular use of coconut oil hair masks, you can achieve the following results:

  • Moisturize the scalp.

  • Get rid of irritation.

  • Repair damaged scalp cells.

  • Reduce the intensity of hair loss.

  • Make hair more elastic, soft and supple. Hair will be less electrified and fluffy.

  • Achieve increased hair growth, which will make the hairstyle thicker and more voluminous.

  • The oil has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, so it can be used to get rid of dandruff and seborrhea.

So, coconut oil is a real find for women with weakened hair that have undergone a dyeing or other chemical treatment. In addition, the effect of using a coconut mask is prolonged. The active components of the product penetrate the hair structure and continue to “work” even after rinsing. Hair is less susceptible to the negative effects of sunlight, the aggressive effects of chemicals, hot air, hard tap water, etc.

The effect will not be long in coming. Already after three applications of the mask with coconut oil, the hair literally comes to life and is filled with strength.

Benefits of using a coconut oil mask

Coconut oil hair mask

Hair oil can be used in three ways:

  • The product can be added to shampoo while washing your hair. To do this, it must be thoroughly mixed with the shampoo that is used in everyday life. You should take a small amount of oil so that the hair after washing is not greasy.

  • The oil can be applied to the hair in its pure form and kept for an hour. Then it is washed off the head using shampoo.

  • The oil can be combined with various products of natural origin and make useful masks with it.

So, if you use oil to wash your hair, then you need to add only a teaspoon of oil to a portion of the shampoo and wash your hair with this composition. This will create a protective layer on them, which will prevent mechanical and thermal damage to the hairline. To make the oil easier to dissolve in the shampoo, it must be melted in a water bath.

If you apply oil along the entire length of the hair, then it will take from 3 to 5 tablespoons. The exact amount depends on the length and thickness of the hairline. Before use, the oil must be warmed up, as it is contained in the package in solid form. It is important not to overheat the oil so that as many nutrients as possible are preserved in it. It is best to use a special brush to apply the oil and distribute it through the hair with a comb with rare teeth. When the hair is covered with coconut oil, they need to be collected in a braid or bun and insulated with a plastic cap. The exposure time of the product on the head is 1-2 hours, although in its pure form it will be useful to leave the oil overnight. The head should be washed in the morning, immediately after waking up. This method of applying the oil is especially suitable for owners of dry hair. When hair roots are prone to greasy sheen, oil should only be applied to the ends.

Be sure to cover your shoulders with a towel, as the oil can leave greasy stains if it gets on your clothes. They will be very difficult to withdraw in the future.

It is worth considering that washing your hair with shampoo after applying coconut oil to it will take 2-3 times in a row.

As for the use of oil in combination with other components, you need to follow the recommendations indicated in a particular recipe.

How to wash coconut oil out of hair?

Coconut oil hair mask

After the exposure time of the mask has expired, the hair should be thoroughly washed with shampoo. As a rule, 2-3 washes are required to completely get rid of visible traces of the mask and prevent the appearance of oily sheen.

You can use special formulations that facilitate hair care. For example, a mixture of baking soda and shampoo works well for this purpose. The proportion should be 1:3.

Decoctions of various herbs help to fix the result, which you need to rinse your hair after washing. It is good to use a decoction or infusion of oak bark and nettle. 250 ml of water will require 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials. The mixture must be brought to a boil, cool, insist for half an hour and strain. Then the resulting volume is adjusted with clean water to 1 liter and the hair is rinsed with it.

Coconut Oil Hair Mask Recipes

Coconut oil hair mask

Fight against dandruff. This recipe is great for those people who suffer from dandruff and seborrhea. It is very simple to prepare, but despite this, it produces a pronounced effect. To create a healing mask, you will need a tablespoon of coconut oil, heated in a water bath, and a tablespoon of burdock oil. These two components must be mixed together and rubbed into the scalp with massage movements. It is most convenient to use your own hands to apply the mask, driving the product with your fingertips.

If you make such a mask on a regular basis, then after 4-5 applications you can forget about dandruff. The full course of treatment consists of 15 procedures. Then you will need to take a break of 1 month. After that, the mask is applied to the scalp with a preventive purpose 1-2 times in 30 days. In addition to the fact that dandruff will disappear, the hair will become stronger and healthier, and over time, the work of the sebaceous glands will be regulated. This will allow you to wash your hair less often without compromising the volume of the hairstyle.

If this mask is more suitable for people with dry scalp, then there is a recipe that allows you to get rid of oily seborrhea. In this case, you will need to mix coconut oil with aloe juice in a ratio of 1: 2. Juice must be freshly squeezed. The mask is applied to the scalp and hair roots for 40 minutes, after which it is washed off with regular shampoo. A rinse aid made from a mixture of water and lemon juice helps to fix the result. A liter of liquid will require the juice of one fruit. It is important not to use a hair dryer after this procedure.

Strengthen hair. To make your hair stronger, you can use a mixture of coconut oil and honey in a 2: 1 ratio. If the honey is candied, then it can be melted in a water bath along with butter. When the composition of the mask warms up, it should be thoroughly mixed and applied to the scalp. If necessary, the product is distributed over the entire length of the hair. You need to withstand the mask for 40 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo.

Very well strengthens hair and makes them stronger mask with coconut oil and fruit. For its preparation, you will need to take the pulp of one ripe banana and avocado. Fruits are brought to a mushy state with a blender. If the gruel is too thick, then you can add a little kefir to it. Then the resulting mixture is diluted with heated coconut oil and applied to the scalp. You need to keep this mask for an hour. It is worth preparing in advance for the fact that it will take a little more time to remove the mask from the head, especially if the fruit is chopped poorly.

Hair restoration. To restore life to damaged hair, make them strong and healthy, you can use three effective mask recipes:

  • It is necessary to soak oatmeal in milk in advance. For two tablespoons of cereal, take two tablespoons of milk. The milk is heated and poured over oatmeal, leaving it to infuse overnight. In the morning, the flakes are passed through a meat grinder or beaten with a blender to make a gruel. Coconut oil (2 tablespoons) is added to it, mixed and applied to the hair for an hour.

  • Coconut oil mixed with a crushed clove of garlic with the addition of 1/4 teaspoon of red pepper perfectly restores the hair and “awakens” the hair follicles. The components must be combined and left on the hair roots for 15 minutes. It is worth preparing for the fact that such a mixture will bake your head a little. If the burning sensation becomes unbearable, then the mask must be washed off without waiting for the allotted time to expire.

  • You can also prepare the following composition to strengthen the hair: 2 tablespoons of heated coconut oil + egg yolk + glycerin (tablespoon). All components are mixed and applied to the scalp for an hour.

Useful Tips

Coconut oil hair mask

Before buying coconut oil, you need to carefully study the composition that is indicated on the package. High-quality oil should be free of preservatives, fragrances and sulfates. The shelf life of a natural product is 2 years. Expired oil should not be used, as it will not do any good and may irritate the scalp.

The oil in the mask should have a liquid consistency, for which it should be preheated in a water bath.

Hair should be slightly moistened in advance, but not wet. For this purpose, it is convenient to use a spray gun. Coconut oil will be easier to apply to wet hair.

If you are using a coconut oil hair mask for the first time, then you need to do an allergy test. To do this, a small amount of the product is applied to the elbow from the back and left for 15-30 minutes. After this time, the condition of the skin should be assessed. If there is no negative reaction, then the mask can be used. For allergy testing, it is best to use the final product, i.e. either pure oil or oil with the addition of other ingredients.

Wash off the mask from the hair using shampoo. Balm after shampooing is not used, as it will weigh down the hair.

It is best to apply the mask before shampooing. If the product is used to treat clean hair, then it should not be left on the head for more than 10 minutes.

By adhering to all the rules for using coconut oil for hair, you can bring them into perfect order in the shortest possible time.

Author of the article: Herman Olga Leonidovna, trichologist, specially for the site

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