Coconut oil: benefits for men and women, application

In our minds, the stereotype has been established that coconut oil is exclusively a cosmetic product. This belief turned out to be wrong. For many, it will be a revelation that coconut oil has valuable culinary, medicinal properties. After reading this article, you will definitely purchase this amazing and useful product.

What is coconut oil and what does it look like?

Coconut oil: benefits for men and women, application

Coconut oil is obtained from dried coconut meat. It is separated from the shell, cleaned, crushed. The prepared pulp is processed by hot pressing or cold pressing. The first technology is used very often, but it is cold pressing that provides high biological and nutritional value of coconut oil.

Coconut oil has a specific aroma – sweet and delicate, with light nutty notes. In liquid form, the product is light yellow in color. As the temperature rises, the consistency and color of the oil change. And at 24°C the product becomes dense, white, like fat. Increasing the temperature of the coconut oil releases all the valuable properties.

Commercially produced different types of coconut oil:

  • Refined.

  • Unrefined.

  • Food grade.

  • Cosmetic.

How is coconut oil different from other types of oils?

Unlike sunflower or olive oil, coconut oil is versatile. It is much higher in saturated fat, medium chain triglycerides.

Due to the special structure, these molecules are completely broken down and provide the body with energy without the risk of being deposited in the physiological depot.

In vegetable oils (olive, sunflower), when heated, vitamins and valuable biochemical compounds are destroyed. Coconut oil has a boiling point close to 230°C, so all the beneficial substances in it are preserved after heat treatment.

Useful and healing properties of coconut oil

Coconut oil: benefits for men and women, application

The active substances contained in coconut oil make it extremely beneficial for humans. Regular external or internal use of the product guarantees:

  • Suppression of symptoms of inflammation.

  • Antibacterial action.

  • Restoration of damaged tissues.

  • Rejuvenation of the body.

  • Stimulation of hair growth.

  • Normalizes the functions of the cardiovascular system.

  • Restores the overall metabolism.

  • Healing of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Regeneration of cells of the spinal cord and brain.

  • Enhance immunity.

  • Hair restoration.

  • Elimination of dandruff.

  • Moisturizing and softening the skin.

  • Protection from damaging UV rays.

  • Strengthening of teeth.

  • Improvement of periodontal tissues.


The name “oil” itself implies that the product is based on fat. However, this is too narrow a definition. Consider the composition of coconut oil in more detail.

Immediately it is worth stopping at saturated fatty acids:

  • Lauric acid (49%) – fights fungal, bacterial and viral infections, participates in the synthesis of collagen, heals the intestinal flora.

  • Myristic acid (8%) – promotes the restoration of damaged cells of the mucous membranes, enhances the antibacterial effect of drugs, activates the resistance of cells against adverse factors.

  • Palmitic acid (8%) is a natural product for humans from the moment of birth, as it is present in large quantities in breast milk. It is necessary for the normal growth and development of cells of internal organs.

  • Capric acid (7%) – suppresses the inflammatory process, has antibacterial and antifungal effects.

  • Caprylic acid (8%) – heals the skin, strengthens blood vessels, counteracts infections of the digestive and urinary systems.

  • Oleic acid (6%) – has a hypotensive property, protects blood vessels from the formation of cholesterol plaques.

  • Linoleic acid (2%) – promotes the growth of muscle fibers, strengthens the immune system, helps preserve youth, suppresses allergic reactions.

  • Stearic acid (2%).

There is evidence of the negative effects of saturated fatty acids on the body. This is true, but with one caveat – saturated fatty acids of animal origin negatively affect the heart and blood vessels. Plant compounds do not pose a threat to the human body.

10 Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil: benefits for men and women, application

Few people know that coconut oil has found wide application in various fields of medicine due to its ability to influence the internal systems of the body. Let’s talk about the most unique of them.

1 Improves heart health

In countries where coconut is a common food on the table, there is a low level of heart disease associated with malnutrition of the myocardium. Observations have shown that when eating coconuts in an amount equal to 60% of daily calories, the likelihood of cardiovascular disorders, including stroke, is significantly reduced. [1][2].

2 Helps in burning fat

Obesity has become rampant – more than 25% of the world’s population suffers from it. The problem lies in the consumption of high-calorie foods and their effect on metabolic and hormonal processes. Visceral (abdominal) fat envelops the internal organs, which impairs their function.

Coconut oil contains a specific type of biochemical, medium chain triglycerides, which help convert calories into the body’s energy needs.

According to studies, 15 to 30 g of coconut oil increases the production of energy from fat depots per day by more than 5%. The effect is explained by the presence of lauric acid, which makes up 49% of the total composition of the product. [3].

In the course of medical research, it turned out that to reduce waist circumference, it is enough to take 30 ml of coconut oil per day. In men, a waist reduction of almost 3 cm was observed after 4 weeks of taking the product. [4].

The female body also responds gratefully to coconut oil. Experimental introduction of the product into the diet led to the fact that in 40 women after 3 months there was a significant weight loss and a decrease in waist circumference [5].

If your goal is to lose weight by eating coconut oil, you should discuss this with a specialist. Too much product, improper use can lead to the opposite result.

3 Antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effect

Lauric acid, which makes up almost half of the total amount of coconut oil, reacts with enzymes in the body and is converted into monolaurin. Monolaurin is a powerful immunostimulant with antibacterial properties. It inhibits the growth of bacteria, viruses, fungi and yeasts [6].

Laboratory studies show that lauric acid is effective against Staphylococcus aureus (the causative agent of staph infections) and Candida albicans (a type of yeast) [7][8].

Preliminary data on the use of coconut oil as a mouth rinse indicate that the product improves the condition of the mucous membranes and periodontal tissues. [9].

To obtain a pronounced antibacterial effect, it is better to choose virgin coconut oil.

4 Suppresses the feeling of hunger

Medium chain triglycerides can suppress hunger. When using coconut oil, the assimilation of vegetable fats and appetite regulation occur. A small observation of 6 healthy men showed that consuming more medium chain triglycerides resulted in the absorption of fewer calories. [10].

A parallel study in 14 men found that eating coconut oil for breakfast helped us digest fewer calories at lunchtime. [11].

Based on preliminary results, an additional study has been initiated that will show how body weight will decrease over a longer period of time – from several months to several years.

5 Anticonvulsant action

The therapeutic effect of the ketogenic diet has been proven in children with drug-resistant epilepsy. The basis of therapeutic nutrition is the use of a large amount of fat and a smaller amount of carbohydrates. When following a ketogenic diet, there is a decrease in the frequency of convulsive epileptic seizures in children who do not receive the desired effect from taking medications. The study of this phenomenon is ongoing. It has been established that increased fat intake and reduced carbohydrate intake contribute to an increase in circulating ketone levels.

Medium chain triglycerides are released from coconut oil and converted to ketones in the liver. Keto-induced ketosis helps improve epilepsy [12].

6 Improves good cholesterol levels

Good cholesterol is high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Saturated fats, which coconut oil contains, have the ability to increase HDL levels and transform “bad” cholesterol (LDL) into a form that is less dangerous for the body.

Coconut oil, by increasing HDL, improves the condition of the heart bag, unlike other types of fats. For example, scientists have analyzed the properties of coconut and soybean oils. In a study of 40 women, coconut oil was found to simultaneously lower HDL levels and increase LDL levels. No similar effect has been found for soybean oil. [13].

A blood test of 116 adults showed that a diet based on coconut oil helped to normalize the lipid profile and reduce the likelihood of coronary heart disease. [14].

7 Improves brain function in Alzheimer’s disease

The main cause of dementia in the elderly is Alzheimer’s disease. The pathological condition affects the ability of brain cells to absorb glucose and generate the necessary energy. Ketones, which are formed when eating coconut oil, provide energy to damaged brain cells, suppress the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

The results of a study conducted in 2006 confirmed that coconut oil triglycerides stimulate brain function, have a beneficial effect on memory, improve the condition of patients with Alzheimer’s [15].

8 Improves the quality of muscle tissue

Most sports nutrition products contain coconut oil. The fact is that all the same saturated fats contribute to an increase in muscle mass. During training, energy is released, which significantly increases physical endurance, helps the athlete work with large weights. At the same time, biochemical compounds are absorbed in muscle fibers, providing them with nutrition, elasticity and density.

Regular consumption of 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil helps to achieve the desired muscle relief.

9 Promotes healthy bones and joints

The active substances rich in coconut oil have a pronounced antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. External and internal use of the product for arthritis helps to eliminate pain, inhibits the synthesis of pro-salting cytokines, and improves joint mobility.

Saturated fatty acids in coconut oil restore the intestinal mucosa. This is directly related to the improvement in the absorption of trace elements that affect the density and mineralization of bone tissue. An analysis of data from patients with osteoporosis showed that adding coconut oil to the daily diet prevents bone loss.

10 Protects the liver

The introduction of coconut oil into the diet is an obligatory part of the complex treatment of liver diseases. Vegetable substances of coconut stop the inflammatory process, renew the structure of hepatocytes. Coconut oil fats do not lead to fatty liver disease. For therapeutic purposes, it is enough to take 1 tablespoon of the product per day. Regular use of coconut oil ensures the neutralization of free radicals, toxins, ethanol breakdown products.

[Video] Dr. Berg – Benefits of Coconut Oil:

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