Coconut – characteristics – health and nutritional properties

Coconut, as a fruit from distant countries, is becoming more and more common. It is a fruit derived from the coconut palm, containing many nutritional values ​​and therefore also health. What is its use? Where can we use it?

Coconut – characteristics

Coconut is a fruit that comes from Asia. It grows on a tree called a coconut palm. This tree is very distinctive and grows in tropical countries along the shores of seas and oceans. The coconut palm is a tree that requires a lot of sun, salty climate and high humidity. Coconut fruits spread very easily and quickly – after falling into water, they drift on its surface, and having reached another land, even several hundred kilometers away, they can germinate there without any problems. Coconut fruit has a thin skin, koira (brown fibers) and a woody endocrine that forms a seed, which is coconut. The inside of the nut is filled with white lining, i.e. endosperm and coconut water. Coconuts vary in weight, the largest reach up to 2,5 kg, but on average you can find 50 grams in our stores. The properties of coconut are appreciated by scientists because of the many nutrients found in different parts of the coconut.

EKO coconut oil, unfiltered, cold pressed, you can order today at Medonet Market. Sugar is also made from coconut. You can also buy Intenson bio coconut sugar at Medonet Market.

Coconut – nutritional values

Coconut is a fruit with valuable nutrients. Valuable vitamins and minerals are found in various parts of it. Coconut flesh contains saturated fatty acids, i.e. medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), the molecules of which are much smaller, so the metabolism process is fast and does not require the presence of enzymes involved in the metabolism of other fats. As a result, they are not set aside as backup material, but are a quickly available source of energy. The coconut fruit in its flesh contains fiber, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, as well as folic acid. There are also valuable vitamins in coconut: vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin E and vitamin K. Coconut is a good source of fiber. Coconut contains 70 percent. fats, 14 percent carbohydrates and 7 percent. proteins.

Nutritional values ​​of fresh coconut flesh (per 100 g)

  1. Energy value – 354 kcal
  2. Total protein – 3,33 g
  3. Fat – 33,49 g
  4. Carbohydrates – 15,23 g (including simple sugars 6.23)
  5. Fiber – 9,0 g
  6. Vitamins
  7. Vitamin C – 3,3 mg
  8. Thiamine – 0,066 mg
  9. Riboflavin – 0,020 mg
  10. Niacin – 0,540 mg
  11. Vitamin B6 – 0,054 mg
  12. Folic acid – 26 µg
  13. Vitamin E – 0,24 mg
  14. Vitamin K – 0,2 µg
  15. Minerals
  16. Calcium – 14 mg
  17. Iron – 2,43 mg
  18. Magnesium – 32 mg
  19. Fosfor – 113mg
  20. Potassium – 356 mg
  21. Sodium – 20 mg
  22. Zinc – 1,10 mg

Data source: USDA National Nutrient Database

If you want to buy good quality coconut oil, order EKO Bioherba Unrefined Coconut Fragrance Oil at Medonet Market, currently available at a promotional price.

Coconut – how does this fruit affect our health?

Coconut has a beneficial effect on our body, the ingredients contained in the flesh or coconut water affect the work of our body. Oil obtained from coconut is also a valuable source of nutritional value.

Bio virgin Intenson coconut oil in 250ml and 500ml jars can be found at Medonet Market at favorable prices.

Health benefits of coconut:

  1. fights bacteria – acts as a specific antibiotic through bundles contained in coconut;
  2. regulates the digestive system;
  3. nourishes the skin;
  4. supports the functioning of the brain;
  5. strengthens the immune system,
  6. affects the healthy appearance of the skin and nails (try, for example, Liquid coconut oil for skin and hair, available on Medonet Market);
  7. lowers cholesterol through the compounds of saturated fatty acids contained in coconut flesh;
  8. prevents the formation of tooth decay – coconut oil acts as a mouthwash, which, in contact with saliva, prevents the bacteria that cause tooth decay from sticking and settling;
  9. fights golden staphylococcus through the substances contained in the nut flesh;
  10. helps in the treatment of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, thanks to the intra-chain triglycerides contained in coconut;
  11. adds energy and stimulates metabolism;
  12. replenishes electrolytes – thanks to the potassium and sodium content in coconut water;
  13. lowers blood pressure, while stimulating the metabolism.

You can use coconut products in the kitchen. For frying, try the convenient and efficient Coconut Oil Spray – Cooking Spray Coconut Oil OstroVit or Intenson Refined Coconut Oil, which can be used even by vegans and vegetarians. In turn, BIO Intenson coconut cream mousse is perfect for preparing cocktails, desserts, omelettes, and even for spreading on sandwiches. Also try Anka Dziedzic sugar-free coconut cream. For baking or pancakes, use coconut flour on the Pest scale. It is also a great replacement for breadcrumbs.

Coconut is also used in cosmetics. It works especially as an ingredient in a cream. We recommend a regenerating and moisturizing cream for all skin types from Green Laboratory, which moisturizes and smoothes the skin. Coconut oil is also found in Bioherba Coconut-Plum Body Butter, which you can buy at an attractive price at Medonet Market.

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