Cocoa is an amazing miracle of nature. More and more different studies are proving more and more new benefits of cocoa. It can lower blood pressure, keep cholesterol levels normal, maintain the health of the cardiovascular and immune systems, and have a positive effect on bone structures. Unsweetened cocoa is a healthy, low-calorie product.
Long before Columbus first set foot on the shores of the New World, the cocoa tree was revered by the Aztecs and Mayans. They considered it the source of divine ambrosia, sent down to them by the god Quetzalcoatl. Drinking cocoa drinks was the privilege of nobles and priests. Indian cocoa had little to do with the modern drink. The Aztecs liked the drink to be salty, not sweet, and knew various ways to prepare it for pleasure, medical or ceremonial purposes.
The Aztecs considered a simple cocoa drink to be a powerful aphrodisiac and tonic
The Spanish conquerors initially did not taste cocoa, but when they learned to cook it not salty, but sweet, they fully appreciated the amazing “golden beans”. When Cortez returned to Spain, a bag filled with cocoa beans and a recipe for them was among the many wonderful things he brought with him from the New World. The new spicy and sweet drink was a resounding success and became fashionable among the nobility throughout Europe. The Spaniards managed to keep its secret for almost a century, but as soon as it was revealed, the colonial countries vied with each other to grow cocoa beans in colonies with a suitable climate. Since cocoa has appeared in Indonesia and the Philippines, West Africa and South America.
In the XNUMXth century, cocoa was considered a panacea for dozens of diseases, by the middle of the XNUMXth century it had become a harmful product that contributes to obesity, at the beginning of the XNUMXst century, scientists proved that cocoa has almost magical healing powers.
Beneficial Nutrients in Cocoa
Cocoa powder is obtained from seeds, mistakenly called beans, contained in the fruits of the tree of the same name. The fermented seeds are dried, fried and ground into a paste, from which cocoa butter, used in the production of chocolate, and cocoa powder are obtained. One tablespoon of natural cocoa powder contains just 12 calories, 1 gram of protein and only 0,1 gram of sugar. It also contains about 2 grams of useful fiber, as well as many vitamins, such as: – B1 (thiamine); – B2 (riboflavin); – B3 (niacin): – A (retinol); – C (ascorbic acid); – vitamins D and E.
The iron in cocoa powder promotes oxygen transport, aids in the production of red blood cells and is important for the immune system. Manganese in cocoa is involved in the “building” of bones and cartilage, helps the body absorb nutrients and helps relieve premenstrual stress. Magnesium plays an important role in regulating progesterone levels, which in turn is responsible for the mood swings associated with PMS. Magnesium deficiency has been linked to heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and joint problems. Zinc, found in cocoa powder, is vital for the production and development of new cells, including cells of the immune system. Without enough zinc, the number of “defense” cells drops dramatically and you become more susceptible to disease.
Cocoa contains flavonoids, plant substances with great health benefits. There are many different types of flavonoids, but cocoa is a good source of two of them: catechin and epicatechin. The first acts as an antioxidant that protects cells from harmful radicals, the second relaxes the muscles of the blood vessels, which improves blood circulation and helps lower blood pressure.
Cinnamon, vanilla, cardamom, chili and other spices are often added to cocoa, making the drink not only even more delicious, but also healthy.
The healing properties of cocoa
The healing properties of cocoa
Regular consumption of cocoa can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, lead to positive changes in blood pressure, and improve the functionality of platelets and endothelium (the layer of cells that line blood vessels). A cup of cocoa can quickly and effectively fight diarrhea, as it contains flavonoids that suppress the secretion of fluid in the intestines.
Cocoa powder can help raise good cholesterol, reduce the risk of blood clots, increase blood flow to the arteries, and improve kidney function. By consuming cocoa on a daily basis, you increase the cognitive function of the brain. Scientists say cocoa powder may even lower the risk of degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. Cocoa is known to improve mood. The tryptophan it contains acts as an antidepressant, causing a state close to euphoria.
Cocoa is a great product for your skin. It contains a high dose of flavanols, which help to remove excess pigmentation, increasing the skin tone, making it firm, smooth and radiant. Researchers have also found that cocoa may be beneficial in preventing skin cancer.