First came the coffee, now it’s the turn of the cocktails …
Drinks in capsules are no mystery 14 years already covered in this century, but any action of creativity and innovation in the field of food or beverages is worth mentioning, especially if this leads to improvement.
The case of Smart Drink is a clear example of this concept of “capsule drinks”.
It is a system Practical, Simple and Intelligent, as its own creators call it.
We are facing a new way of consuming drinks and cocktails that help to enjoy it later in a much more comfortable way.
It is no longer necessary to be a disciple of “Diego Cabrera”To make a great combination in your living room or in the bar of your establishment.
Smartdrink it is easy, fast and with a truly avant-garde and innovative design. providing an important value by including the serving glass as part of the packaging.
A Long Drink en Cápsula, which is completed by adding liquid to the container. This can be water with or without gas, soda, etc … to achieve the desired result for each of the 6 varieties.
Each capsule provides and contains the measured proportion of product and its range is developed by the recipes of the International Association of Bartenders resulting in varieties such as:
- Vodka-peach-orange-blueberry,
- Vodka-durazno-energy.
- Vodka-maracuya-naranja.
- Rum-strawberry-lemon.
- Ron-cola-gin lemon.
- Fernet-cola-lemon.
One Cup for each dose, achieving an exact scan in the dosage of each drink, more exact than from the bottles.