Cocktails Caipirnia, Caipirissima and Caipirosca

Not forgotten, but saved for better times. The Caipirinha is one of the best drinks on earth; extremely simple, brutal, rough, but from that it is so tasty and alluring. And not just a cocktail, but a real symbol of Brazil. Caipirinha is like Mojito in the Caribbean, like Margarita in the backwoods of Mexico, it is like Irish Coffee for the Irish – the only cocktail in which it is not a pity to add whiskey to your heart.

Only here there is no whiskey and no tequila, here is a real, thoroughbred Brazilian drink – cachaca. It is also called Brazilian rum, but comparing a Brazilian representative of elite drinks with the elite of Cuba is the same as comparing moonshine with vodka (in this case, vodka is just rum). But let’s go in order.

Cocktail recipe Caipirinha


  • 50 ml of porridge;
  • 1 ripe lime;
  • 2 teaspoons of cane sugar.


  • cut the lime into 12 pieces and sprinkle with sugar;
  • crush gently with a muddler;
  • add ice and cachaca, stir.

Simple as the thought process of a baby. The hardest part is finding the cachaça, but I think you can do it somehow. I will definitely tell you more about her, because she deserves it. For seed, cachaca is the closest analogue of rum, only the drink is prepared not from sugar cane molasses, but from its fermented juice (cane, that is). As for the subtleties of cooking, there are not many of them. First, when you cut the lime, first cut it in half and remove the white vein in the middle from each half, peel – it will give bitterness, but we do not need it.

like this

Secondly, be sure to add sugar just before the crush with the muddler – it draws out the juice (the same should be done with Mojito).

Finally, do not press the lime with sugar very actively, otherwise you will overdo it with juice and caipirinha will be very sour. In general, watch the video below and everything will become clear to you right away (don’t pay attention to the stormy Brazilian, but watch the hands of a clearly experienced bartender):

Caipirinha has two sisters: Caipirissima is almost her own, with cachaca replaced with rum, and Caipirosca is more of a stepbrother, with vodka. The process of preparing “sisters” (forgive me, I don’t know how to say it differently) is no different from the process described above – just add the desired alcohol instead of cachaca. All three cocktails are very tasty, refreshing, boisterous. This is not a sophisticated Mojito for you – everything here is for real, in a peasant way.

The peasant past of Caipirinha

In principle, a cocktail has no author, just as, say, a Screwdriver does not have an author. This is an exclusively folk drink – Caipirinha [KAI – PE – RI – N`YA] – the word is translated from Portuguese, “peasant drink”. This was all that the locals (not the rich, of course) had at that time: affordable cachaca, lime, which grows everywhere and everywhere, and cane sugar (!regular sugar will only spoil the drink), which is produced in Brazil on a national scale.

The poor and slaves drank Caipirinha, and now the very tops of the “human food pyramid” are savoring it with pleasure. In general, the same gin (drink of the proletariat) or rum. By the way, they claim that the cocktail saves from malaria.

You can also add a small cucumber to Caipirinho – it will turn out spicy.

Well, get yourself a bottle of cachaca for the summer, please yourself with probably the most refreshing drink on the planet. Caipirinha is something special, something unshakable, something beautiful from the bar list of the International Bartending Association (the recipe is taken from there – don’t think, I’m 100% for the classics). See you soon!

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