Cocktail “Strawberry Margarita”. Video recipe

Cocktail “Strawberry Margarita”. Video recipe

Recipe for making “Strawberry Margarita”

Pour 50 ml of water into a small saucepan or other deep container, add granulated sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat with constant stirring. As soon as the sugar is completely dissolved and begins to boil, stop heating. Cool the sugar syrup to room temperature.

Remove the stems from the strawberries, wash them, pat dry with a paper towel or dry napkins. After that, beat the berries in a blender until puree and rub through a fine sieve to separate the puree from the seeds. Add chilled sugar syrup, tequila, Cointreau liqueur and lime juice to the strawberry mass. Mix everything thoroughly.

Now you need to prepare crushed ice. Take two heavy linen or linen towels, place chunks of ice between them and crush them by hitting them with a hard object, such as a kitchen hammer. You can also place ice towels on a cutting board, cover with a second board, and hit it with a heavy object. Here, each culinary specialist does what is most convenient for him.

When all the ice is broken into very small pieces, add it to the rest of the shake and beat in a blender until smooth. Place it immediately in chilled glasses. When serving, place cut strawberries over the rims of the glasses.

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