cocktail glass

A cocktail glass (also called a “cocktail glass”) has a cone shape and a volume of 90 to 150 milliliters. Thanks to this form, the cocktail can fully reveal its aroma and maintain the required temperature for a long time.

Bartenders do not recommend using straws with this glass. In extreme cases, you can serve it separately, on a saucer or napkin.

For the first time such a glass appeared in 1925 in Paris. This type of glass is not intended for undiluted (pure) drinks, but exclusively for cocktails, mostly alcoholic ones. It is customary that a cocktail glass is served chilled, after pouring frappe ice into it, or leaving it in the refrigerator for a while. As a rule, such famous cocktails as Vodka Martini, Aviation, Dry Martini, Alexander and others are served in a cocktail glass.

Relevance: 04.03.2015

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