The flip cocktail has not lost popularity for more than three hundred years. The term originated in the UK, where sailors called a hot mixture of rum, beer and molasses a hot flip. Over time, eggs appeared in the composition, the proportion of sugar increased, and the drink began to be served cold. There are many national variations of the cocktail – with the addition of whiskey, brandy, wine and even grain alcohol. In the last decade, thanks to the development of cocktail culture, flips have become in demand in Russian bars.
The history of flips
The first mention of the flip occurs in British documents of the late XNUMXth century. The sailors of the English fleet sought to warm themselves with the help of an impromptu cocktail of alcohol with sugar and made it hot on a red-hot poker.
It is believed that the name flip (translated from English “turn over”) is associated precisely with this process – the mixture in the pot began to boil and foam. However, it was difficult to get eggs and milk at sea, so the sailors’ drink cannot be considered a classic.
A number of historians suggest that the medieval drink posset became the prototype of the flip. English monks drank it as early as the XNUMXth century, mixing strong ale with sugar, spices, eggs and milk. The cocktail was not available to the poor, but took root in the homes of the British nobility, who owned the vast majority of dairy farms. Posset was prepared in two jugs, which were quickly turned over, pouring the drink from one to the other, in order to achieve the desired consistency. Perhaps that is why the hot cocktail was called egg flip.

From the 18th century, the recipe for a hot “my lord Carlisle posset” has been preserved, which included cream, cinnamon, nutmeg, 8 egg yolks, XNUMX egg whites and a pint of sherry. At the very end, it was supposed to add sugar, amber and musk. The drink was served at the table in a silver vessel, in more modest houses – in a two-handled jug. In the homes of English aristocrats, the cocktail could include brandy or Madeira.
In the XNUMXth century, British colonists brought the flip recipe to the New World. Farming flourished in America, so the population did not lack milk and eggs. However, European wines and brandies were expensive due to high duties, so they were successfully replaced by Jamaican rum, and in the southern states by bourbon. In the New World, the cocktail came to be called eggnog, from the Scottish word nog, which meant “ale heated with a poker.” In American bars, the drink was made hot in this way – an iron rod was heated in the fireplace and placed in a jug.
Variants of eggnog appeared in other countries of the New World. In Puerto Rico, the cocktail is called coquito and is made from rum and coconut milk. In Peru, holidays are celebrated with biblia con pisco, where brandy from local grapes dominates. In Mexico, the flip is made with cinnamon, rum, or grain alcohol. In the US, eggnog is traditionally associated with Christmas and Thanksgiving, with the highest demand for the drink during the holiday season.
Classic Flip Recipe
The obligatory ingredients of a classic flip are beer with an egg and a small amount of hard liquor. The recipe was first published in the cookbook The Cook’s Oracle, published in 1822. According to the ancient technology, ale had to be brought to a boil and poured into a jug. Proteins together with yolks were supposed to be beaten with moistened sugar, nutmeg, ginger and brandy, and then pour the resulting mixture into a similar container. In the future, the mixture had to be poured from one jug to another until the drink became homogeneous.
At home, you can make a Beer nog cocktail, reminiscent of an old posset.
Ingredients for 6 servings:
- eggs – 6 pieces;
- sugar – ¾ cup;
- milk – 2,5 glass;
- heavy cream – 1,5 cups;
- dark beer (ale) – 1,5 cups;
- rum or brandy – up to 100 ml (optional);
- ground nutmeg and cinnamon – to taste.
Technology of preparation
- Chill all ingredients.
- Separate the yolks from the proteins.
- Add half a cup of sugar to the yolk mixture and beat with a mixer until the volume doubles. Then reduce the speed of rotation of the blade, alternately add cream, milk, beer and spices, mixing at low speed.
- Pour the resulting liquid into a separate container. Wash the mixer and beat the proteins with the remaining sugar until fluffy dense mass.
- Mix all the ingredients, if desired, you can add 100 ml of rum or brandy to the cocktail to increase the strength.
- Pour the resulting drink into glasses, then garnish with ground nutmeg or cinnamon.
The most famous bar cocktail of this group is Porto-Flip (Porto-Flip), the recipe of which was considered earlier.
The benefits and harms of flip
During the early Middle Ages, the drink warmed the monks during hypothermia and treated colds. Nowadays, flips have a beneficial effect on male strength, help with a lack of weight, strengthen bone tissue, and have a positive effect on the condition of the hair.
The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of alcohol. In case of infectious and colds, alcoholic beverages are contraindicated, therefore, during an illness, it is advisable to drink ordinary eggnog, which is especially useful for respiratory tract infections.
Flips are contraindicated for high cholesterol, allergies to protein products. Since cocktails are very high in calories, they are not recommended for overweight. Raw eggs can become a source of bacterial infection and cause food poisoning. However, salmonella does not scare eggnog fans, who are especially numerous in the US. The risk is minimal if you use fresh eggs for making smoothies and wash the shells thoroughly with soap or food disinfectant.
hangover egg beer
Egg beer is a proven hangover cure. Yolks and proteins contain vitamins and minerals that the body loses under the influence of ethanol. Often, tomato juice, hot sauces, salt and pepper are added to anti-hangover cocktails. This mixture stimulates the digestive system and helps to get rid of nausea.
One of the most popular mixes is the Red Eye cocktail. Pour 200 ml of tomato juice, 200 ml of light beer into a beer glass and add a raw egg. You need to drink without stirring.