Cocktail “Boyarsky” – sweet and spicy vodka

A traditional Russian alcoholic cocktail named after the actor Mikhail Sergeevich Boyarsky. Budget composition, ease of preparation and well-balanced taste have made this drink a hit at many house parties and outdoor holidays.

Historical information

According to the most plausible version, the Boyarsky cocktail was invented in 2004 at the Kazantip music festival in Crimea. After the performance, the St. Petersburg group “ILWT” rest in one of the bars. The musicians were tired of drinking pure vodka, so the bartender suggested adding Grenadine syrup (based on pomegranate juice). During the cocktail tasting, visitors shouted out lines from films in which Mikhail Boyarsky starred, and this is how the name appeared.

According to another version, the recipe was offered at Kazantip by an unknown narcologist who wanted to create the perfect alcohol for the holiday. It is also hypothesized that the author of the cocktail is Mikhail Boyarsky himself, but the actor has never publicly confirmed his attitude to the drink.

How to drink

Due to its high strength, the Boyarsky cocktail is served in glasses (shots) and drunk in one gulp. After the pile is empty, you need to hit the table with your hand and shout: “A thousand devils!” or “Kanalya!”

Cocktail recipe “Boyarsky”


  • vodka – 25 ml;
  • grenadine (pomegranate syrup) – 25 ml;
  • Tabasco sauce (red) – 5 ml (4-5 drops).


1. Pour grenadine into a shot.

2. Put a layer of vodka on top with a cocktail spoon or along the blade of a knife.

3. Add 4-5 drops of Tabasco. Due to the difference in the density of the components, the sauce will pass through the vodka and sit on top of the Grenadine. The finished drink can be decorated with a skewer.

4. Drink in one gulp.

Cocktail “Boyarsky” – sweet and spicy vodka

Alternative options

Some bartenders believe that the classic recipe includes only vodka and pomegranate syrup, and with the addition of Tabasco sauce, the Bloody Boyarsky cocktail is obtained, but this is a controversial statement.

If vodka is replaced with sambuca, the Boyarsky’s Daughter cocktail will come out – a more feminine version with a soft anise aftertaste. With vodka, Tabasco and Blue Curacao liqueur (instead of Grenadine), you get Blue Boyarsky.

Cocktail “Boyarsky”: composition, recipe, classic proportions

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