Cockroaches appeared, from where cockroaches appear
Are there cockroaches? You should not be upset, today it is much easier to deal with them than a decade ago, when these small insects lived in almost every apartment. This article offers simple and effective ways to get rid of an unpleasant neighborhood.
Cockroaches appeared – it doesn’t matter, there are many tactics of struggle.
Where do cockroaches come from?
When uninvited guests and cockroaches suddenly appear in a cozy home, you should think about where they came from. Usually insects come to apartments in several ways.
- The most common way is from neighbors. By tradition, there is always at least one apartment at the entrance with asocial tenants who keep housing in an inadequate condition or litter it with unnecessary things. Such an apartment becomes the home of cockroaches. These small pests can also go to other apartments from quite decent neighbors who have carried out pest control.
- Another way for unpleasant roommates to appear is household appliances, and not necessarily used ones. One or more “unregistered tenants” can live in a refrigerator or computer system unit, which has been in the store for an unknown amount of time, who, after the move, occupy your home.
- Ventilation ducts and garbage chutes are a potential habitat for cockroaches, where they hide and survive after pest control.
- Things after a business trip or vacation. Often from trips you can bring not only memories and photos, but also domestic pests – cockroaches. Be sure to do your laundry after your holiday trip or overnight stay at the hotel. The same applies to bags, where an unpleasant surprise can await you in the folds.
Whatever the path of the appearance of cockroaches, they should be dealt with. Insects themselves do not harm humans, but their presence can seriously affect the home atmosphere and make food in cupboards and tables unusable.
Why cockroaches appear and how to deal with them
If cockroaches have chosen your home, you should not tolerate such an unpleasant neighborhood. You can fight them in three ways: alone, together with your neighbors, with the help of SES or private firms.
If you have chosen the first option, then the “war” is recommended to be waged in two directions: the poisoning of cockroaches and the creation of unsuitable conditions for the life of the surviving individuals. Ideally, cosmetic repairs can help. However, if it is not in the plans, it is enough to leave the uninvited guests without food and water.
We thoroughly clean the kitchen at night, take out the trash every day and do not leave water in the open.
It doesn’t matter what the cockroaches appear from, but the safest way is to fight them together with your neighbors. Then the insects will probably leave the house, and will not migrate from apartment to apartment.