Cockerel lollipops: recipe. Video
Cockerel on a stick – undeservedly forgotten, but so beloved! Not a single lollipop in the world has probably never caused such childish delight. It is very easy to feel this unforgettable taste again by arranging for yourself and your loved ones a small holiday of childhood.
Cockerel lollipops: recipe
How to make lollipops at home?
– 100 grams of granulated sugar; – 3 tablespoons of water; – vegetable oil for lubricating the molds; – wooden sticks (skewers or toothpicks); – a mold for cockerels.
To prepare sugar syrup for candy canes, take 4 times more sugar than water. Pour the granulated sugar into a small saucepan and add water. If desired, you can add a pinch of citric acid: it will give the candy a pleasant slight sourness.
Put a saucepan on low heat and cook, stirring constantly. When the syrup has a pleasant caramel color, remove the pan. It is very important not to overexpose the syrup on the fire, otherwise the sugar will burn and the sweets will turn out to be bitter. Usually two to three minutes are enough to get the desired result.
Slightly burnt sugar syrup lozenges are considered an excellent folk remedy for treating coughs in children and adults.
Lightly grease the prepared dry mold for cockerels with vegetable oil (so that the lollipops do not stick) and close tightly. If there is no special mold, small silicone molds will do. Pour boiling syrup into the holes in the mold. Pour the syrup carefully: they can burn very badly. After a few seconds, when the syrup thickens slightly, insert wooden sticks into it. If there are no sticks, you can replace them with small kebab skewers or toothpicks.
Leave the cockerels to cool. Sugar syrup cools down for a long time, so it is better not to rush to take out the candies: let them solidify well. Open the mold and carefully remove the candies from it.
A small pinch of ground cinnamon or vanilla added to ready-made hot sugar syrup will give the candy an unusual taste.
– granulated sugar; – natural fruit or berry juice; – vegetable oil for lubrication.
Lollipops are even tastier and more beautiful if you use natural fruit or berry juices instead of water: lemon, orange, apple, cherry, grape, pomegranate, currant, strawberry, and so on. Such cockerels are useful and especially to the taste of children. Strain the juice through a double layer of cheesecloth with a fine sieve before making the candies. Next, fruit cockerels are cooked in the same way as regular ones.
– honey; – water; – vegetable oil.
By replacing granulated sugar with honey, you can make candies that are useful for colds. However, you should not get carried away with this delicacy: an allergic reaction is possible.