Cobweb semi-hairy belongs to the family Cobweb, genus Cortinarius. Its Latin name is Cortinarius hemitrichus.

Description of the cobweb semi-hairy

The study of the characteristic features of the semi-hairy cobweb allows you to distinguish it from other mushrooms. This representative of the forest kingdom is poisonous, so it should not be collected.

Cobweb semi-hairy: photo and description

Cap Description

The diameter of the cap is 3-4 cm. At first it has a conical shape, whitish hue. On its surface are hairy scales and a whitish veil.

As the fruiting body grows, it becomes more convex, then prostrate, the edges are lowered.

The color scheme varies depending on the maturity of the specimen: thanks to the villi, it is bluish-whitish at first, gradually changing color to brown or bluish-brown if it gets rained on. In dry weather, the hat becomes whitish again.

The plates are wide, but quite rare, have adherent teeth, which are grayish-brown at first, but later the color becomes more saturated: brown-brown. Cobweb blanket of white shade.

Cobweb semi-hairy: photo and description

Spore powder in fruiting bodies of a rusty-brown color

Description of the leg

The length of the lower part is from 4 to 8 cm, the diameter is up to 1 cm. The shape is cylindrical, even, but there are specimens with an expanded base. Feels silky to the touch. The leg is hollow inside. Her color is whitish at first, but gradually she turns brown and turns brown.

Cobweb semi-hairy: photo and description

Brown fibers and remnants of the bedspread remain on the leg

Where and how to grow

The fruiting period of the mushroom lasts from mid-August to September. Fruiting bodies grow in mixed plantings, preferring leaf litter under birches and spruces. Small groups of specimens are found in damp places.

Is the mushroom edible or not?

The hairy cobweb is absolutely not edible and poisonous, therefore it is forbidden to eat it. Its flesh is thin, without much flavor, brown hue.

Twins and their differences

The appearance is similar to the membranous cobweb, the flesh of which is thin, firm in the stem, with a slight aroma of geranium. The hat of the double is in the form of a dark brown bell with villi, has a sharp mastoid tubercle.

Cobweb semi-hairy: photo and description

Unlike the semi-hairy cobweb, the double is smaller in size, but with distinct scales, grows on moss, giving preference to marshy areas.

Important! The edibility of the double has not been studied, it is forbidden to eat it.


Cobweb semi-hairy belongs to the category of inedible fruiting bodies. Grows in mixed plantings. It occurs from August to September.

Purple cobwebs, cones, and more.

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