Cobweb diverse – a representative of the family Cobweb, genus Cobweb. This mushroom is also called smooth-skinned cobweb. It is a rare mushroom, but sometimes found in deciduous or coniferous forests.

Description of the cobweb manifold

Cobweb diverse: photo and description

The cobweb manifold got its name because of the white cobweb bedspread that connects the edge of the cap to the stem. Its flesh is elastic, thick and fleshy. Initially it is white, and with age it begins to turn yellow. It does not have a pronounced taste and smell. Spores are brown, ellipsoid-almond-shaped and rough, 8-9,5 by 5-5,5 microns.

Important! Some sources inform that this species has a honey aroma, and the old ones have the smell of carbolic acid.

Cap Description

Cobweb diverse: photo and description

The cap is hemispherical in shape, 6 to 10 cm in diameter. With age, it straightens out, leaving only a wide tubercle in the center. The surface is wet and smooth. After a heavy downpour, it becomes sticky. In dry summers, it has a yellowish tint, and with heavy rain it acquires an ocher-brown color. On the inside of the cap, rare and whitish plates grow, adhering to the stem. Over time they turn brown. In young specimens, they are hidden by a cobwebbed white coverlet, which disappears with age.

Description of the leg

Cobweb diverse: photo and description

It is characterized as rounded, dense, solid inside, passing to the base into a small tuber. Reaches up to 8 cm in height, and its diameter is approximately 2 cm. The surface is matte and smooth. As a rule, it is initially painted white, then gradually acquires a yellow tint.

Where and how to grow

This species is especially common in the European part of Our Country, as well as in Eastern Europe. Favorable time for their development is from July to October. Most often grow in coniferous and dense deciduous forests. They can grow both singly and in groups.

Is the mushroom edible or not?

Cobweb diverse: photo and description

Cobweb diverse belong to the category of conditionally edible mushrooms. Most guides state that forest gifts should be boiled for 30 minutes before cooking, and young ones do not require additional processing at all. Mushrooms are suitable for frying and pickling.

Important! Old specimens have the smell of carbolic acid, which is why they are only suitable for drying, since the specific aroma disappears during the drying process.

Twins and their differences

The web spider has a regular and common shape, which can sometimes mislead the mushroom picker. Its main counterparts include the following instances:

  1. Borovik – has a hat similar in shape and color, but a distinctive feature is a thick leg. They grow in the same foxes as the multiform cobweb. Classified as edible.

    Cobweb diverse: photo and description

  2. Cobweb changeable – the fruiting body of the cobweb is identical to the twin: the size of the cap reaches up to 12 cm, and the leg is up to 10 cm. It has a reddish-orange or brown color. Considered conditionally edible. Most often found in the eastern and southern regions.

    Cobweb diverse: photo and description


The cobweb is considered conditionally edible. This type of mushroom can be eaten only after proper pre-treatment.

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