Variable cobweb is a member of the Spider web family, the Latin name is Cortinarius varius. Also known as varicolored cobweb or brick brown gooey.

What does the cobweb changeable look like

Cobweb changeable (multi-colored): photo and description

Along the edge of the hat, you can see the remains of a brown coverlet.

The fruiting body of this species consists of a fleshy cap and a rather thick stem. The spore powder is colored yellow-brown. The pulp is whitish, dense, elastic, with a barely perceptible musty smell.

Cap Description

Cobweb changeable (multi-colored): photo and description

Has many poisonous and inedible counterparts

In young specimens, the cap is hemispherical in shape with tucked edges inward, becoming convex as it matures. It varies in diameter from 4 to 8 cm, however, there are specimens in which the cap reaches 12 cm. Adult mushrooms are distinguished by lowered or curved edges. The surface is mucous, orange-brown in color with lighter edges and a dark red center. On the underside of the cap are frequent plates, the color of which is purple at the initial stage of ripening, becoming pale brown over time. In young specimens, a white veil is clearly visible.

Description of the leg

Cobweb changeable (multi-colored): photo and description

Can grow singly or in small groups

The leg of the cobweb is characterized as club-shaped, its length varies from 4 to 10 cm, and its thickness is from 1 to 3 cm in diameter. Some specimens may have a thick tuber at the base. The surface is smooth, dry, silky to the touch. Initially white, gradually becoming yellowish. Almost at the base of the leg is a ring of light brown color.

Where and how to grow

This species prefers coniferous and deciduous forests, most often found in the southern and eastern regions. The optimal time for fruiting is from July to October. 

Cortinarius varios

Is the mushroom edible or not?

Cobweb variable belongs to the group of conditionally edible mushrooms. In Europe, this species is considered edible and is quite popular. Suitable for cooking second courses, marinating and salting.

Important! Before cooking, the gifts of the forest should be boiled for 15 minutes. Mushroom broth is not suitable for further use, it must be poured out.

Twins and their differences

Cobweb changeable (multi-colored): photo and description

The flesh is white, slightly bitter

According to external signs, the mutable cobweb is similar to some of its relatives:

  1. Common cobweb – inedible appearance. Initially, the cap of the twin is hemispherical with a curved edge, gradually becoming prostrate. Its color varies from pale yellow or ocher to honey brown, with the middle always darker than the edges. A feature is the belt on the leg, which is a concentric fiber of brown or yellow-brown color.

    Cobweb changeable (multi-colored): photo and description

  2. Gossamer straight belongs to the group of edible mushrooms. You can distinguish a double by a straight bluish or pale purple leg. It is not common, located in deciduous or mixed forests where aspens grow.

    Cobweb changeable (multi-colored): photo and description


Variable cobweb can be found in deciduous and coniferous forests. In some foreign countries, dishes from this specimen are considered a delicacy, and in Our Country it is classified as conditionally edible mushrooms. You can eat it, but only after pre-treatment. In addition, it is important to verify the authenticity of the species, since the cobweb has many inedible and even poisonous counterparts, the use of which can lead to serious poisoning.

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