Coal poisoning – symptoms, first aid

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Carbon tetrachloride is a colorless liquid with an odor of chloroform. It is non-flammable, so it is also used in the manufacture of fire extinguishers. Decomposing under the action of high temperature, it forms phosgene and therefore cannot be used to extinguish fires in closed rooms.

Symptoms of poisoning

Clearly marked two-period effect: strong narcotic effect in the first stage and damage to the liver and kidneys in the second stage. In poisoning through the respiratory tract, narcotic symptoms, depending on the concentration of tetrachloride in the air, may appear very quickly or may be preceded by headaches, dizziness, nausea, lightheadedness, and visual disturbances. Seizures are rather rare. In poisoning by the oral route, stomach pains and vomiting occur, and bloody diarrhea may also appear. Usually 1-2 days after the narcotic symptoms have subsided, sometimes after a longer period of well-being and apparent health, there are abdominal pain, diarrhea, often with fever, then the complex of symptoms of liver failure with jaundice and / or symptoms of kidney damage with anuria or anuria develop. uraemia. It is worth noting that the intensification of changes in the second period does not have to be parallel to severe symptoms of anesthesia. The occurrence of diarrhea with fever and jaundice a few days after exposure to carbon tetrachloride, with short-term and seemingly minor symptoms of light-headedness, may lead to misdiagnosis of the cause of the disease.

First aid

According to the general rules for organic solvents.

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1 Comment

  1. Biz ham sovuq kunlari gaz o’chgani uchun uyga cho’g’ olib kirdik. Uning atrofida isindik. Ichida ko’mir bor ekan. Bilmabmiz. O’g’lim keyin aytidi. Ovqatlanib bo’lgach bosh og’ribkn’ngil aynish boshlandi.. Bosh og’rig’i juda kuchli bo’ldi. Og’riq. qoldiruvchk dori ichdik. Analgin demedrol qildik. Lekin shifokorga murojaat qilmadik. Lekinmenda hozir ham volsizlik bor. Bosbim garang. Nima qilay shifokorga boraymi. Yaxshi bo’lsak ham organizmn yuvdirish kerakmi.

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