
Useful properties and application of sandy cumin

Description of cumin

Cmin – perennial grass or shrub from the Asteraceae family with erect or ascending stems, often with dense felt pubescence. The plant reaches a height of 20–50 cm. The leaves are lanceolate, flat, arranged alternately on the stems. The flowers are small and form numerous spherical baskets of golden yellow color, collected in dense corymbose paniculate inflorescences. The fruits are seeds.

The plant blooms from June to September, bears fruit in August-September. Cmin is common in Ukraine, Belarus, Central Asia and South Siberia. It grows on sandy soils, sunny slopes of mountains, in forests and along their edges.

Useful properties of cumin

The beneficial properties of cumin are due to the presence in its composition of a large number of various biologically active substances. The chemical composition of the plant includes flavonoids, glycosides, tannins and bitter substances, essential oil, organic acids. There are also triterpene saponins, polysaccharides, ascorbic acid, salts of calcium, potassium, manganese and iron.

For medicinal purposes, unblown flower baskets are used, which are collected at the beginning of the flowering of the plant. Drying of raw materials is carried out in the shade, because in the sun it loses its color. The finished product has a spicy-bitter taste and a slight aroma. Store it in a dark place for no more than three years.

The use of cumin

Preparations based on cumin are prescribed for diseases of the biliary system and liver diseases. In the first case, they are used as a means of improving the drainage of the biliary tract and contributing to the mechanical removal of harmful bacteria and inflammatory products from the body. In the second case, they increase the functional activity of hepatic cells and help them quickly release from viral toxins and toxic metabolic products.

Also, dosage forms of cumin are used for poor appetite, sluggish digestion, and insufficient secretion of digestive enzymes. Preparations from the plant contribute to the removal of bile from the body, they are widely used for atherosclerosis, obesity, coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus. In some other diseases, preparations based on cumin are used in complex therapy.

Sandy cmin

This is a perennial herbaceous plant with several pubescent erect stems. It has a dark brown woody rhizome. Leaves at the base are oblong, obovate, stem – lanceolate. The flowers are collected in yellow spherical baskets growing on the tops of the stems. Sandy cumin blooms in June-August, bears fruit in August-September. Grows in Western Siberia, the Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Central Asia. Prefers dry sandy soils, grows in young plantings and sparse pine forests, often forms dense thickets.

In medicine, flower baskets and the upper part of the plant are used. The flowers are carefully cut or plucked by hand so that the stem is no longer than 1–2 cm. They are dried in attics in a dark place at a low temperature, otherwise the baskets dry out and fall apart. Store raw materials in tight packaging for up to three years. The drugs are prescribed for acute and chronic diseases of the liver, biliary tract and gallbladder. Use cumin in the form of extracts, infusions, fees.

Chamomile Dome

It is an annual ornamental plant. Long shoots grow in different directions along the surface of the earth. When the plant loses support, the stems acquire an ampelous shape. The shoots are covered with dense, light-pubescent foliage. The flowers form golden yellow inflorescences. Some gardeners cut the flowers, dry them, and use them in dead wood compositions. The twigs have a pleasant aroma reminiscent of summer. Petiole cumin is widely used for decorating terraces and patios.

Contraindications to the use of cumin

The plant increases blood pressure, therefore, with hypertension, long-term use of cumin is contraindicated. It is not recommended to take medicines based on it for pregnant and lactating women. Before use, you should consult your doctor.

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