The clavate horn belongs to the Clavariadelphian family (Latin – Clavariadelphus pistillaris). The correct name of the species is Pistil Horn. It was nicknamed club-shaped for the appearance of the fruiting body, which does not have a separate leg and hat, but looks like a small mace. Another name is the Horn of Hercules.
Where do club-shaped horns grow
Club-shaped horns can be found in August and September in deciduous forests. They are very rare, growing singly or in small groups. Listed in the Red Book of Our Country. They like to grow in warm, sun-warmed places, most often grow in the southern regions. They form mycorrhiza with trees, mainly beech.
In the Krasnodar Territory, mushrooms of this species can sometimes be found in the forest in October. They love moist fertile soil, they are found along the banks of rivers, not only under beech, but also under hazel, birch and linden.
What do club-shaped horns look like
The fruit body of these mushrooms is club-shaped, can grow up to 20 cm in height and up to 3 cm in width. Longitudinal wrinkles are visible on it if it is an adult specimen. Young pistillate horns are smooth. Spore powder is white or light yellow.
The cap and stem are not expressed. It is a single formation resembling a cylinder in shape, which tapers at the bottom. It has a yellow-reddish color and a light base. The pulp is light spongy, turning brown on the cut. If you touch the pulp, it acquires a wine hue. Young mushrooms are dense, with a smooth surface, with age they become looser, and are easily compressed in the hand, like a sponge.
Is it possible to eat club-shaped horns
Club-shaped horns are conditionally edible species. They are rarely found in nature, little studied. There were no cases of poisoning after their use.
Authoritative reference books classify this species as an edible mushroom of the 4th category, which has a low nutritional value.
The taste of the mushroom
Club-shaped horns do not have a pronounced smell, after cooking they are sometimes bitter. Young specimens are the tastiest, they can be salted or fried with spices.
Most often, lovers of “quiet hunting” bypass mushrooms of this species. They are not harvested because of the bitter taste. To reduce bitterness, collected specimens should be washed well and soaked in cold water for several hours.
False doubles
Truncated horns resemble the described species. They are distinguished by a flat top of the fruiting body and a more pleasant, sweet taste. Grow in coniferous forests. They are rare in Eurasia, more often they can be found in North America. They are conditionally edible.
Another edible counterpart is the reed hornbill or Clavariadelphus ligula. This is a small mushroom, up to 10 cm high. It has an elongated club-shaped shape with a rounded or spatulate top. Young specimens are smooth, later they acquire longitudinal folds, and the cream color turns to orange-yellow. This species is more common than the club-shaped hornbill, but also has a low nutritional value, it is used as food after boiling.
Collection rules
Club-shaped horns are listed in the Red Book of Our Country, are rare mushrooms, and require protection. In other European countries, where they are more common and not protected by the state, they are collected in August and September.
The horns found among the fallen leaves on the forest edges should preferably be twisted out of the mycelium by hand. This method of collection allows you to keep it intact, it does not rot, and continues to bear fruit successfully. Having unscrewed the mushroom from the ground, the hole is covered with a thin layer of soil so that moisture does not get inside.
Club-shaped horns are rarely used for cooking and winter preparations. Although they are edible if salted, boiled or pickled. There are several reasons for the lack of popularity among fans of “silent hunting”:
- bitter taste of pulp;
- the rarity of the species;
- ripening in a season when there are many other, tastier mushrooms.
Despite the small popularity of hornbills, they are listed in the Red Books of many countries. The reason for the decline in their numbers is the deforestation of beech forests, a favorite habitat. Cannot be collected in 38 regions of Our Country, Ukraine, Wales and Macedonia.
Club-shaped hornworm is a rare conditionally edible mushroom. It is not collected by those who know that it is listed in the Red Book. The taste is more for an amateur, the pulp can be very bitter, there is no pronounced smell. It has no great nutritional value, it is almost impossible to see it in the forest.