Clove oil – composition, healing properties, application

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Clove oil (Latin Oleum Caryophyllorum) is a natural essential oil formed in the spherical glands of a plant known as the spicy clove – although its less known, official botanical name is a fragrant cap (Syzygium aromaticum). Capetka belongs to the myrtle family and grows wild in Indonesia, it is also a cultivated plant, the plantations of which are located in many countries with an equatorial climate, and its greatest tycoon is Tanzania.

Oil glands are present on all parts clove treebut most are in buds flower arrangements. Dried up buds we all know the flower flowers under the name of cloves, which are a popular spice. Natural oil ethereal good quality is obtained by distilling pinkish buds steam flower. Inferior oils are obtained from the stalks and leaves, they have a lower active ingredient content and are often used to falsify the essential oil. buds flower arrangements.

Composition of natural clove oil from clove buds

The most important ingredient natural clove oil is eugenol and to a lesser extent its derivative – acetyl eugenol. In the essential oil of buds the content of these substances ranges from 78% to even 95%. Eugenol is a compound from the group of terpenes and is responsible for the most important properties clove oil. First of all, it has a strong disinfecting (antiseptic) as well as local anesthetic effect. Moreover, in clove oil you can find a number of complex organic substances, incl. Methyl salicylate, which has an external analgesic, anti-inflammatory and warming effect as a result of skin hyperemia. Unfortunately, clove oil it may also contain small amounts of methanol (methyl alcohol), which is toxic to humans. Fortunately, these are very small amounts that cannot harm us.

Medicinal properties of clove oil

Due to the strong disinfecting effect, clove oil it has long been used in dentistry as a disinfectant and anesthetic. Eugenol extracted from the oil ethereal to this day, it is included in preparations for disinfecting not only the oral cavity, but also the dental canals. This compound is also included in some dental cements used as a temporary filling (in combination with zinc oxide). Chewing cloves or directly applying a small amount of oil to the painful area has been used as a home remedy for toothache for centuries.

In turn, the application of clove oil on the skin it is recommended for various types of muscle and joint pain (especially rheumatic pain) and for neuralgia. It causes hyperemia and warms the skin, anesthetizes, and its substances have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Action clove oil on the skin alone, it is also helpful in soothing all kinds of insect bites. It also deters insects.

Clove oil It has antibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal and antiviral properties, so it can be used as an aid in various types of skin infections after consulting a doctor. Be careful when applying the oil directly to the skin as it may cause irritation – it is better to dilute it in a neutral base oil. You can also use baths, sitz baths or soaking feet in water with the addition of a few drops of oil.

Properties of natural clove essential oil allergy sufferers will also appreciate it as a volatile substance, as it destroys mites. An additional advantage will be the aromatherapeutic effect – the scent of clove oil has a positive effect on the mood. On the other hand, inhaling the oil as an additive to inhalation will help you fight all infections of the respiratory system.

Natural clove essential oil good quality is also recommended by some doctors for internal use – of course in a diluted form. However, be careful as it can irritate the stomach and intestines. The oil has a relaxing, carminative, antiseptic and astringent effect in the digestive system. Parasites and fungi do not like it. After being absorbed from the digestive system, the oil stimulates blood circulation and disinfects also the urinary tract.

Cloves are found in some spice blends, such as garam masala. It is worth trying their taste and action.

Clove oil it is also used in cosmetics, perfumery and food industry. One thing is certain – it is worth having a permanent home, and adding an aromatic fireplace to the fireplace will at least from time to time clean the air of bacteria and mites.

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