Cloudberry tincture

It is very simple to prepare cloudberry tincture at home, as long as there are berries. You will get a sweet and sour drink with a light aroma of ripe fruits, which is difficult to confuse with something else. For several generations of distillers-lovers of the North have been using this recipe.

Fresh, frozen or dried berries are suitable without signs of spoilage, rot and mold. Unripe and too small are also rejected. Frozen cloudberries must first be thawed and drained; dried cloudberries require 30-40% less than indicated in the recipe. The color of the drink depends on the variety of berries and can vary from yellow to light brown (if with honey).

The alcoholic base for infusion is vodka or ethyl alcohol diluted to 40-45%. Well-purified odorless moonshine or cheap cognac is also suitable. Cloudberry on cognac is the most delicious (personal opinion).


  • cloudberries – 0,5 kg;
  • vodka (alcohol, moonshine) – 1 liter;
  • sugar (honey) – 100-150 grams.

The amount of sugar (honey) can be adjusted at your discretion or not used at all. Honey (preferably floral) makes the tincture softer and healthier.

Cloudberry tincture recipe

1. Put the sorted, washed and dried berries in a jar for infusion. Lightly crush with a wooden rolling pin.

2. Add sugar, close the lid, shake the jar several times. Wait 2-3 hours until the berries release juice, then pour in the alcohol base. If honey is used, add it at the same time as alcohol.

3. Stir, tightly close the lid, transfer to a dark place at room temperature. Insist 7-10 days, shaking once a day.

4. Strain the cloudberry tincture through cheesecloth, squeeze the cake well. It is advisable to filter through cotton wool.

5. Pour the drink into bottles, seal tightly. When stored in a dark place, the shelf life is up to 5 years. Fortress 30-35 degrees.

Cloudberry tincture
With buckwheat honey

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