Cloudberry: beneficial properties. Video

The use of cloudberries

Cloudberry has been known since ancient times. Its healing properties were legendary. How many people she helped – do not count. Cloudberries resemble beads gathered in a bunch; cloudberry leaves are five-lobed, stems are thin. For medicinal purposes, it is used to this day. The biochemical composition of cloudberries is quite extensive. Berries contain a large amount of fiber, vitamins A, C, E, PP and a number of B vitamins. Surprisingly, the content of ascorbic acid in cloudberries is much higher than in oranges. Also, berries are rich in substances such as carotene, phosphorus, potassium, iron. Cloudberries contain organic acids, tannins, and unsaturated fatty acids.

Regular use of cloudberries can restore impaired blood circulation, regulate blood clotting. Compresses prepared on the basis of berries help with burns and wounds. Cloudberry is used for diarrhea, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. With it, you can remove excess fluid from the body. The juice made from cloudberries helps to quench thirst and cope with fatigue.

Decoction and tinctures of roots and leaves are an excellent remedy for colds. Also, this agent has diuretic properties, which is why it is used for diseases of the kidneys, genitourinary system. Cloudberries strengthen the immune system. Drugs containing cloudberries prevent the development of atherosclerotic manifestations.

Cloudberries are also used for cosmetic purposes. On the basis of its seeds, an oil is prepared, which makes the skin velvety, elastic and even. It is an effective remedy in the fight against age spots and wrinkles. Cloudberry is also included in some creams. If you have scabies, you can rub your skin with cloudberry juice.

Cloudberry is also useful for small children. It is not worth giving it to them in pure form, it is better to make mashed potatoes from it, adding, for example, an apple or a pear. You should pay attention to this berry in winter, as it will help your body to resist viruses and infections that are actively multiplying at this time.

Also, this berry is taken when losing weight, because its calorie content is low, there are only 100 kcal per 40 grams of berries. Regular use of cloudberries can increase the vitality of the body, remove layers of heavy metals and toxins from the tissue.

Cloudberries can be eaten fresh. You can also squeeze juice from berries and drink it for preventive and therapeutic purposes. How long can a berry be stored? It can be stored in the freezer for up to 3,5 months. If you plan to freeze it for a longer time, soak the berries.

Healthy cloudberry recipes

You will need: – cloudberry roots; – cloudberry leaves; – cloudberry berries; – cloudberry oil; – boiling water; – egg; – sugar; – lemon acid.

If you want to get rid of cystitis, diarrhea, or gout, prepare a decoction from the roots and leaves of the plant. To do this, grind the raw materials, pour one tablespoon with a glass of boiling water, put the container on fire and boil for 15 minutes. After removing the container from the heat, cover it with a lid and leave the product for another 40 minutes. After the time has elapsed, strain the broth, dilute with a little water. This decoction is also effective for coughs.

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