Clotrimazolum HASCO – composition, action, indications, use of the cream against mycosis, substitutes

Clotrimazolum HASCO is a cream that is used primarily in the treatment of fungal infections. Its main ingredient is clotrimazole, a broad-spectrum antifungal drug. What are the indications and contraindications for the use of Clotrimazolum HASCO cream? How to dose the cream? Can its use cause side effects in a patient?

Clotrimazolum HASCO – general characteristics of the drug

The drug Clotrimazolum HASCO is an antifungal preparation in the form of a cream. The active substance of the cream is clotrimazole with local antifungal activity. The drug inhibits the growth of most fungi that cause skin infections in humans.

Clotrimazolum HASCO is a white cream with a specific smell. One package of the drug is an aluminum tube containing 20 g of cream, placed in a cardboard box.

Keep Clotrimazolum HASCO cream out of the sight and reach of children. Store in closed, original packaging at a temperature below 25 degrees Celsius.

The cream should not be used after the expiry date stated on the packaging. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.

Medicines should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to throw away medicines no longer required.

What are fungal infections and what should you know about them? Check: Systemic mycoses – a difficult opponent

Clotrimazolum HASCO – composition and action of the drug

Clotrimazolum HASCO is a cream whose main ingredient and active ingredient is clotrimazole. 1 g of cream contains 10 mg of clotrimazole. Clotrimazole is a broad-spectrum antifungal drug. Clotrimazole is practically insoluble in water, but the compound is soluble in ethanol and ether.

Clotrimazole primarily inhibits ergosterol biosynthesis. In order to understand this mechanism of action, it is necessary to explain and describe the structure of fungal cells.

The fungal cells are surrounded by a cell wall which is primarily made of chitin. Under the cell wall there is a semi-permeable cell membrane made of two layers of phospholipids and proteins. One of the steroids that make up the cell membrane is ergosterol. The task of this steroid is to stabilize the membrane. It is not found in the membranes of animal cells, so antifungal drugs affecting its transformations are safe for humans.

The mechanism of action of clotrimazole is based on inhibition of ergosterol biosynthesis. This, in turn, leads to disturbances in the fungal cell permeability, as well as to the leakage of phosphate and potassium from the cell. This damages the nucleic acids of the cell nucleus and eventually kills the cell.

This drug is fungistatic and fungicidal against dermatophytes, Candida (especially Candida albicans), Cryptococcus neoformans and Malassezia and Aspergillus as well as bimorphic fungi. There is virtually no inherent resistance to clotrimazole except in Candida guilliermondii, C. glabrata and C. krusi.

When applied topically, clotrimazole is poorly absorbed from mucous membranes. It is practically not absorbed through the skin, but it penetrates into the deeper layers of the epidermis.

The excipients of Clotrimazolum HASCO are sorbitan stearate, polysorbate 60, cetyl palmitate, cetostearyl alcohol, benzyl alcohol, octyldodecanol and purified water.

If you want to know more about clotrimazole read on: Clotrimazole – recommendations, use, contraindications

Clotrimazolum HASCO – indications for use

Clotrimazolum HASCO is an antifungal cream, therefore the indications for its use are:

  1. fungal skin infections caused by dermatophytes, yeasts, molds and other types of fungi: athlete’s foot, tinea pedis, paronychia, tinea pedis, inguinal mycosis, tinea versicolor, tinea pedis. dandruff erythematosus;
  2. candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes of the external genitalia (Candida vulvitis and balanitis), labia, foreskin and glans;
  3. infections of the oral mucosa caused by yeast-like fungi.

How to recognize and treat vaginal mycosis? Read: Vaginal mycosis – causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention [EXPLAINED]

Clotrimazolum HASCO – contraindications to use

Despite its effectiveness in combating fungal infections, Clotrimazolum HASCO cream cannot be used by all patients who might need it.

Contraindications to the use of Clotrimazolum HASCO cream are:

  1. allergic to clotrimazole or any of the other ingredients of this medicine;
  2. vaginal application of the cream;
  3. renal dysfunction;
  4. XNUMXst trimester of pregnancy;
  5. age of the patient – the cream should not be used in children under 11 years of age. Children under 11 years of age and the elderly (over 65 years of age) may only use the medicine on the recommendation of a doctor.

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Clotrimazolum HASCO – precautions

Before and during the use of Clotrimazolum HASCO cream, follow the precautions included in the package leaflet.

Among the precautionary measures, it is indicated that:

  1. Clotrimazolum HASCO cream contains cetostearyl alcohol. The drug may cause a local skin reaction, such as contact dermatitis;
  2. some diseases may constitute a contraindication to use or an indication to change the dosage of the preparation. In some situations it may be necessary to carry out certain check-ups;
  3. avoid contact of the drug with the eyes;
  4. the cream should not be applied to wounds and damaged skin;
  5. Topical clotrimazole may damage latex contraceptives (condoms and rings). Therefore, barrier contraceptives made of latex should not be used when using the drug on the mucous membranes of the external genitalia and for at least 5 days after its discontinuation.

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Clotrimazolum HASCO – dosage and method of use

Always use Clotrimazolum HASCO cream exactly as described in the package leaflet or as directed by your doctor or pharmacist.

According to the instructions in the leaflet, the cream should be applied to the affected areas 2-3 times a day. For the treatment to be effective, apply a thin layer of cream to the affected areas and rub it gently into them. The cream should be applied to all infected areas at the same time.

Clotrimazolum HASCO cream is applied topically. Before using the drug, you should thoroughly wash and dry the skin.

After the acute symptoms of the disease have subsided, the drug should be used for at least a month.

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Clotrimazolum HASCO – side effects

Clotrimazolum HASCO cream, like any other drug, may cause side effects in patients. It is important to report any suspected adverse reactions after authorization of the medicinal product so that the benefit / risk balance of the medicinal product can be monitored.

It is worth mentioning that clotrimazole applied to the skin is well tolerated. Rarely, skin reactions occur. If they occur, they may be: erythema, redness, burning sensation of the skin, hives, spots, peeling of the epidermis or irritation.

In addition, systemic allergic reactions, pain, as well as itching and rash may occur in patients using Clotrimazolum HASCO cream.

Drug-induced adverse skin changes are transient and usually disappear after drug discontinuation.


The occurrence of side effects after using Clotrimazolum HASCO cream can also be reported directly to the Department of Monitoring Adverse Effects of Medicinal Products of the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products, Al. Jerozolimskie 181C, 02-222 Warsaw.

In what cases are we more likely to become infected with mycosis? Read: Factors that increase the likelihood of “catching” ringworm

Clotrimazolum HASCO – interactions with other drugs

Before using Clotrimazolum HASCO cream, tell your doctor or pharmacist about all the drugs you are taking or have recently taken, and about any drugs you plan to take in the near future.

Clotrimazole reduces the effectiveness amphotericin and other polyene antibiotics (e.g. nystatin, natamycin). On the other hand, simultaneously applied topical preparations containing potent steroids weaken the effect of clotrimazole.

Significant interactions of the cream with other preparations are considered to be:

  1. Clotrimazolum HASCO i Warfin – these preparations contain clotrimazole and warfarin. Concomitant use of these drugs may increase the anticoagulant effect of warfarin, increasing the risk of bleeding, bruising and bleeding time from any cuts and open wounds. In the event of unusual bleeding (e.g. from the nose), general malaise, weakness, significantly prolonged blood clotting time, subcutaneous haematomas, tarry stools or other disturbing symptoms, the patient should immediately contact a doctor;
  2. Clotrimazolum i Tyverb – these preparations contain clotrimazole and lapatinib. Concomitant use of these drugs reduces the effect of lapatinib, thus reducing its effectiveness. You should immediately inform your doctor about any disturbing symptoms.

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Clotrimazolum HASCO and pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of any medications or dietary supplements during pregnancy requires consultation with the attending physician. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, think you may be pregnant or are planning to have a baby, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before using HASCO Clotrimazol cream.

According to the information contained in the leaflet, Clotrimazolum HASCO cream can be used during pregnancy only if, in the doctor’s opinion, it is absolutely necessary. When treating a infection of the labia, the drug should not be used vaginally. During breastfeeding, the drug may be used only in justified cases. Treatment can only take place under the supervision of a doctor.

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Clotrimazolum HASCO – dinner

Clotrimazolum HASCO kremu dinner may differ depending on the town where the antifungal preparation will be purchased or the selected pharmacy. It can be estimated that for a package of Clotrimazolum HASCO cream containing 20 g of the product, you pay about 5-6 zlotys on average.

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Clotrimazolum HASCO – substitutes

Products that have the same international name and exist in the same form do not have to be substitutes, because the use of a given drug is determined by the content of the active substance, i.e. the dose of the drug.

It should be remembered that even when the dose of the active substance is similar, the patient may not always use the substitute, because he may be allergic to any of the other excipients of the drug.

Therefore, before using a substitute for Clotrimazolum cream, read the package leaflet or consult your doctor or pharmacist.

Among the ointments and creams that contain ingredients similar to the Clotrimazolum preparation and exhibit similar properties, the following are mentioned:

  1. The canest – it is a medicine in the form of vaginal capsules. It is an antifungal preparation used in infections of the vagina and female external genitals caused by microorganisms such as fungi (usually Candida) that are sensitive to clotrimazole. Canesten can be used in adult women and patients over 16 years of age. 1 soft vaginal capsule contains 500 mg of clotrimazole. There is one vaginal tablet in the pack. The drug costs about PLN 35-40 and is available without a prescription;
  2. Clotidal – it is a medicinal preparation in the form of a vaginal cream with attached applicators with a capacity of 5 ml. The drug is used during fungal inflammation of the mucous membranes of the genital organs. The cream can also be used in men during the infection of the glans (penis crown). The drug is intended for people from 16 years of age. 1 g of vaginal cream contains 10 mg of clotrimazole. For 35 g of cream and 6 applicators you have to pay about PLN 20-30. The cream is available over the counter;
  3. Fungotac – it is a medicine in the form of ear drops with antifungal properties. The medicinal product is intended for use in infections of the outer and middle ear. 1 ml of solution contains 10 mg of clotrimazole. The drug is available over the counter. You have to pay about PLN 20 for 40 ml of this preparation;
  4. Pirolam Intioma Vag – it is a medicine in the form of vaginal tablets. The preparation is indicated in the treatment of infections of the vagina and female external genitalia caused by fungi, such as yeasts, sensitive to clotrimazole. 1 vaginal tablet contains 500 mg of clotrimazole. You should pay about PLN 26 for one tablet;
  5. Clotrimazolum Aflofarm – it is an antifungal medicine in the form of a cream. It is used in the treatment of superficial mycoses of the skin: feet, groin, body, interdigital, with secondary infection, e.g. athlete’s foot in athletes, and yeast infections of the skin and mucous membranes of the external genitalia, as well as tinea versicolor. 1 g of vaginal cream contains 10 mg of clotrimazole. For 20 g of cream you have to pay about 2-3 zlotys;
  6. Clotrimazolum GSK -this is a medicine in the form of a cream or vaginal tablets. The cream preparation is used in the treatment of mycoses of the skin: hands and feet, torso, lower limbs and tinea versicolor, as well as yeast infections of the skin and mucous membranes of the external genital organs (vulva, foreskin and glans). the treatment of vulvovaginal yeast infections, including infections caused by microorganisms resistant to nystatin. 1 g of vaginal cream contains 10 mg of clotrimazole. For 20 g of cream you have to pay about 6-7 zlotys. 1 vaginal tablet contains 100 mg of clotrimazole. The package contains 6 tablets. One package costs about PLN 19-20;
  7. Clotrimazolum Medana – is a medicine in the form of a liquid on the skin. The preparation is indicated in the topical treatment of fungal skin infections, tinea versicolor and mycoses of the nail shafts. 1 ml of the liquid contains 10 mg of clotrimazole. You should pay about PLN 15 for a 10 ml package;
  8. Clotrimazolum Ziaja – it’s a medicine in the form of a cream. The preparation is indicated in the local treatment of mycoses of the skin: hands and feet, groin, tinea pedis and tinea versicolor, as well as yeast infections of the skin and mucous membranes of the external genitalia. 1 g of vaginal cream contains 10 mg of clotrimazole. For 20 g of cream you have to pay about 3-4 zlotys.

It is also worth mentioning complex preparations in which one of the ingredients is clotrimazole:

  1. Lotriderm – a cream containing clotrimazole and betamethasone. The indications for its use are: mycosis of the groin, perineum, feet and hairless skin caused by dermatophytes, i.e. fungi that affect only the skin, nails and hair, as well as candidiasis accompanied by inflammation or allergic changes. 1 g of cream contains 10 mg of clotrimazole, 0,64 mg of betamethasone in the form of betamethasone dipropionate. The drug is available on prescription. You must pay about PLN 15 for a package of Lotriderm, which contains 25 g of the preparation;
  2. Triderm – is a drug available in the form of ointments and cream. It contains clotrimazole, betamethasone and gentamicin. 1 g of cream contains 0,64 mg of betamethasone dipropionate (equivalent to 0,5 mg of betamethasone), 10 mg of clotrimazole, 1 mg of gentamicin in the form of gentamicin sulphate. However, 1 g of ointment contains: 0,64 mg of betamethasone dipropionate (corresponding to 0,5 mg of betamethasone), 10 mg of clotrimazole and 1 mg of gentamicin in the form of gentamicin sulphate. Both forms are available on prescription. For 15 g of the preparation in the form of a cream or ointment, you have to pay about 20-25 zlotys.

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