Clotrimazole in the form of globules (or vaginal tablets) is a drug for use in the genital and urinary tract, with antifungal and anti-trichomic properties. It is only available by prescription. It contains an active substance called clotrimazole, which is used to treat vaginal and vulvar infections, including those caused by yeasts and microorganisms that are resistant to nystatin. It should be remembered that the preparation works only on fungi, not bacteria present in the vagina.

The action of Clotrimazolum is based on the inhibition of fungal cell division and the possibility of their growth. However, this does not mean that it will be effective in combating the infection every time. It may be ineffective if the patient does not treat all infected areas at the same time or in the case of contacts with a partner who has not been successfully treated with the preparation. The Polish Gynecological Society recommends simultaneous therapy of both partners, as well as supporting the drug’s action with positive vaginal microflora.

Clotrimazolum Globulki – composition and form of the drug

The drug is in the form of vaginal tablets, which are white in color. Both sides convex, have bevelled edges, elongated shape and are rounded on one side (flat cut on the other). The blister pack contains six vaginal tablets containing 100 or 500 mg of clotrimazole each. The excipient is quinoline yellow. Globulka contains lactose, potato starch, adipic acid, sodium bicarbonate, magnesium stearate, talc and colloidal silica.

The drug blisters should be stored at a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees Celsius, strictly out of the reach of children and light.

Clotrimazolum – dosage

The globules are inserted into the vagina with an applicator, which allows them to be placed as deep as possible so that they do not fall out.

Treatment should be supervised by a doctor, as it is he who determines the dose. It is important that treatment is completed before menstruation. Usually, the doctor will refer you to a microbiological test to detect harmful microbes before prescribing a drug.

Usually, doctors recommend a six-day course of treatment, one tablet every night. If the infection affects the external genital area, such as the labia, globule therapy should be combined with cream treatment. All infected areas should be treated in parallel due to the risk of relapse.

Clotrimazole can also be used in the case of diseases of the external genitalia in men, in which case the ointment form is recommended. If the patient has a mild infection, the globule can be used once.

Clotrimazolum Globulki – cena

A package of 6 vaginal tablets is relatively cheap – it ranges from PLN 3 to PLN 6 depending on the pharmacy. The requirement to have a prescription from a doctor may make it difficult.

Clotrimazolum Globulki – contraindications

Globulek Clotrimazolum should not be used in children under 12 years of age, older people over 60 years of age and during menstrual bleeding, so that the tablets are not rinsed out. It is advisable to treat your partner at the same time. Tell your doctor if you are using topical antifungal drugs (such as nystatin), suspect you are pregnant, are pregnant in the first trimester or are breastfeeding. In the second and third trimester, the applicator must not be used due to the deformation of the genital tract, and therefore the risk of their damage. People with hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug should inform their doctor.

The drug may mechanically damage vaginal contraceptives and condoms up to 5 days after the end of treatment. Tampons, spermicides or irrigation should not be used during the treatment. If a patient has more than two vaginitis due to fungal infections, treatment with Clotrimazolum may be ineffective and a different therapy may be needed.

Vaginal ulcers or wounds disqualify the patient from using the globules. In the case of a fever above 38 degrees Celsius, chills or diarrhea, treatment with the preparation is not recommended.

Clotrimazole – side effects of the globules

Like any drug, Clotrimazolum can (but does not have to) cause a variety of side effects. The most common are burning, itching, irritation, a feeling of uncomfortable or “thrusting” in the vagina. The drug does not dissolve invasively, although the use of panty liners during treatment is recommended to avoid soiling and the discomfort associated with it.

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