Clogged ear for a cold, what to do
A runny nose and colds affect the condition of the ears. Hearing impairment can be eliminated in the shortest possible time if you act correctly and on all fronts at once. So, if your ear is blocked with a cold, what should be done? What are the first steps to help improve the situation and what are the ways to eliminate the discomfort?
Plugged ear for colds: ambulance
How to act initially to improve the situation?
There are several effective ways to successfully eliminate ear congestion:
- elimination of excess mucus. To do this, rinse the nostrils with saline with a syringe and blow your nose well.
- nasal instillation with vasoconstrictor drops is recommended
- A good option for eliminating an unpleasant symptom is to inflate a rubber ball through a drinking tube or squeeze the nasal wings and try to blow out all the air. Exercise can be stopped after a soft bang is heard.
- light massage, for which you need to allocate no more than fifteen minutes, will greatly alleviate the condition. The wings of the nose and ears, behind the ear area need massage
The above tips will help alleviate the condition, but this is not enough to radically change the position.
If the ear is blocked with a cold: what to do and in what sequence?
Common ear remedies for colds:
- vasoconstrictor drops
- sea water or brine
- phyto candles with natural ingredients
- ear drops to fight inflammation and germs. Such drugs can relieve swelling, which improves hearing.
- alcohol compresses. To prepare them, mix clean water and alcohol in equal proportions. This tool is moistened with gauze or cotton pad. To enhance the effect, the compress is covered with plastic wrap, placing on the nose
Recently, doctors are inclined to prescribe different drops.
With a cold, stuffy ears. What to do: drops to treat blocked ears
If your ears are blocked, what can you do to alleviate the situation?
What drops to use for treatment:
- Otipax is not effective for treating infectious inflammation. The best result is noted for colds.
- Otofa is used to treat otitis media, bacterial ear infections from colds
- Normax has a wide spectrum of activity, but is prohibited until the age of 18
Only an experienced doctor can prescribe the right drops for ear and colds.
Pediatrician, Candidate of Medical Sciences.
– Otitis media or problems with the middle ear occur in those who dive into the water from a running start. The inflammation is accompanied by acute pain and fever. An insect that has got inside can also cause discomfort. Injuries to the skin of the auricle or ear canal lead to otitis externa. If the ear is swollen, apply an antibacterial ointment, after an hour – a decongestant, repeat several times. Does it “shoot” in your ears? It is advisable to immediately consult a doctor – if an insect is hit, it will get worse from self-medication. There is no way – take a pain reliever, moisten a little cotton with boric alcohol and leave it in the ear canal for 10-15 minutes.
Being healthy means hearing well.
Also interesting to read: inflammation of the glands.