Clogged ear – causes, foreign body in the ear. How to unclog your ear?

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Probably all of us have complained about the problem of blocked ears. When the clogging lasts for a long time, we may feel uncomfortable. When the disease lasts more than 3-4 days, it is advisable to visit a specialist. Check when and why your ears are clogged and what symptoms accompanying the disease should be considered worrying.

The causes of clogged ears

There are many possibilities. One of the most common causes is the presence of an excess of earwax, which is the natural secretion of the ear. When the gland produces too much of it, plugs will form, leading to a blockage. This results in hearing problems caused by a blocked ear canal. It is not uncommon that the wax cork is so large that it is necessary to soften it with a special liquid. Ears clogged with earwax weaken your hearing.

Another common cause of clogged ears is a severe runny nose. Then there is a swelling on the nasal mucosa that spreads to the ear canals and sometimes to the tube connecting the ears to the nose, called the Eustachian tube. Clogged ears are a natural symptom in this situation. People who often suffer from a cold should see a specialist. For them, it could be a sign of sinus disease.

The third most common the cause of clogged ears is a change in pressure. When too much air enters the ear, the Eustachian tube is compressed. As a result, it becomes narrower and creates an embolism. This can happen, for example, when driving a lift, mountain climbing or flying by plane. To prevent your ears from clogging, you should swallow your saliva frequently and chew gum, for example. This blockage lasts from 3 to 5 hours.

Find out more about ear structure

Clogged ear – foreign bodies in the ear

The presence of foreign bodies may also be the cause of a clogged ear. Often, for example, a cotton ball stays in the ear due to inattention. In the case of children, sometimes there are also various small items, such as beads or toy elements. On the other hand, people who work physically in their ears can contain filings, chips and insects. It is inadvisable to remove foreign bodies yourself, as it could end up moving them towards the eardrum.

Recurring clogged ear problems may require medical consultation. Use an online teleconsultation at an ENT specialist to find out the causes of your problems and determine the directions for further treatment.

During a cold, swelling in the area of ​​the mucous membranes develops in the nose. As the disease progresses, the swelling also increases in size and affects the ear canal. Then the sick person develops a feeling of clogged ear. We can cure the disease with both synthetic drugs and infusions to clear the respiratory tract, inhalations, etc.

Antipyretic and painkillers are helpful in treating a clogged ear with a runny nose. If they fail, some choose to use an antibiotic. The latter solution is often used in the case of children who, in addition to high fever, vomit and have ear leakage.

Clogged ears with a runny nose are usually treated with antibiotics in children under 2 and 6 months of age, when children suffer from bilateral otitis. In such situations, it is necessary to use drugs that regulate the work of the blood vessels in the nasal mucosa and its vicinity. In such situations, a visit to the doctor is necessary.

Clogged ear with rhinitis, if not accompanied by severe symptoms, can be treated with natural preparations, e.g. containing sea water. We can buy many of them in pharmacies and in some stores with herbs and bio cosmetics. The use of inhalation of essential oils that decongest the nasal mucosa will also be helpful. Prepare such a stock by adding a few drops of e.g. lavender oil to a bowl of hot water.

Learn more about the effects and uses of essential oils

The clogged ear can also be cleaned with ethyl alcohol. When your ears are clogged with a runny nose, put a few drops of the liquid on them. In addition, breathing exercises will also help. We will feel relief when we take a breath after previously blocking our nose with our fingers. The air should be released slowly and finally swallowed. Interestingly, some exercise instead… blow balloons.

  1. Clogged ear? Try Akustone ear spray

The presence of water in the ear, although it is usually not dangerous, can lead to infection and even inflammation. The fluid usually gets into the ear when we leave the pool or after swimming in the lake, for example. The easiest way to unclog an ear that is clogged with water is to reposition your body. The head should be tilted towards the shoulders and lightly pulled on the auricle.

Contrary to appearances, the presence of earwax in the ear does not always have to be a sign of a lack of proper hygiene, because the substance is needed because it blocks viruses and prevents them from penetrating deep into the ear. However, excess earwax causes light in the ear canal to be blocked. This leads to obstruction and weakens hearing at the same time.

The cause of the accumulation of earwax is the action of high atmospheric pressure, staying in dust polluted rooms and using earphones. Construction workers, people working in halls, factories and people using earphones often complain about its excess.

If a wax plug appears in the ear, it is worth visiting an ENT specialist. Even so, many people reach for ear buds instead and try to get rid of earwax on their own. Sometimes this results in the wax plug being pushed towards the eardrum, which greatly increases the risk of its perforation.

For safe removal of earwax from the ear, use Fonix Hygiene Ear in a spray – a preparation available on Medonet Market. We also recommend the Orelon NaturSpray for Herbal Medica ear, which you can buy at a promotional price.

If your child has a blocked ear, remember not to remove all the earwax. You should only get rid of its excess. In the case of a child, this step should be to remove earwax that has already flowed out. This should be done gently with soap and water. When cleaning the auricle, remember to thoroughly and gently dry the ear.

Find out more about auricle injuries

In children, obstruction of the ears is a common complaint. The formation of plugs is common in childhood, so any excess substance should be removed immediately. If we do not take care of proper hygiene, the child will develop hearing loss. Over time, he may begin to complain of tinnitus, which may result in the child having difficulty speaking.

In order to prevent the formation of plugs in the ears, various preparations containing olive oil or paraffin can be used. Thanks to them, the earwax will accumulate less often. It is worth remembering this, especially when the child’s ear often becomes clogged. The use of these preparations will not bring results, you will need to rinse the ear done by a specialist.

Clogged ears are a medical condition that we can avoid. Most of us use cotton buds for this, but remove excess earwax at the same time. In response, the body begins to overproduce it, and this leads to the formation of plugs. So let’s remember to remove dirt from the corners of the outer ear with sticks. If the ears are healthy, they will clean themselves.

Water and soap are enough for ear care. Remove excess earwax with a finger soaked in a solution. Again, remember not to put it too far into your ear. Dry the wet ear with paper or a tissue. Ear candles and various preparations for removing excess earwax will also be helpful in the care.

Cleaning earwax – home and pharmacy methods

If the symptoms are not acute, warm compresses can be used. At home, we will also carry out ear candling. If you do not want to perform the treatment yourself, use the services of a beauty salon. Another method of cleaning the ears is making onion compresses. We can also clean earwax by dropping hydrogen peroxide into the ear.

Among the preparations available in pharmacies, we can choose between sprays and ear drops. Many of them are based on fatty substances that soften the wax plugs because they are made of mineral oils. However, preparations for removing a wax plug are, among others liquid paraffin and oil mixtures to remove germs from the ear canal. You can use the TM-10 BABY Electric Nasal and Ear Aspirator with a built-in rechargeable battery to clean your ears.

There are many causes of clogged ears. Treatment methods should always be selected in accordance with the specific disease. Remember not to use pharmaceutical preparations if the eardrum is damaged. Other contraindications are ear discharge and bleeding as well as hypersensitivity to the ingredients contained in the preparation.

Clogged ear – care

Both when the ear is clogged and healthy, it is worth following the same rules of care. Avoid listening to loud music in the first place. The ears should also be protected against wind and frost. Thanks to this, the diseases will neither worsen nor appear. When swimming in a lake, pool, etc., use earplugs and dry your ears after leaving the water.

When the ear is clogged and not accompanied by symptoms such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea and swelling of the eardrum, the organ can be looked after at home. For hygiene purposes, it is worth using preparations with, for example, purified olive oil and other natural oils that meet certain standards. If the ear canal is properly moistened, the body will not panic and produce excess earwax.

It is also worth using preparations containing ingredients that remove earwax. However, they should not be used in excess, as this could lead to the drying of the skin of the ear canal – non-moisturized skin is prone to irritation. It is worth using cosmetics offered by proven manufacturers.

When traveling by plane, travelers often complain of clogged ears. What is the reason for this? How to unclog your ear? When too much air enters the ear and presses against the Eustachian tube, it becomes constricted, causing discomfort and a feeling of stuffy ears. The quickest solution is to chew gum or vigorously suck on candy.

When chewing gum, our salivary glands stimulate the increased production of saliva, which when swallowing clears the ear canal, eliminating the uncomfortable feeling. Another effective method is inducing a yawn. During this process, the opening of the lower jaw supports movement around the ear canals.

Dangerous ear candling

Ear candling, also known as conching, was a popular procedure in the past. The practice dates back to ancient times. It is based on the fact that a person lying on their side is put in the ear of the so-called a candle, i.e. a tube soaked in wax. Igniting the tube creates a vacuum and sucks out the excess earwax.

Read about the dangers of excessive ear hygiene.

Remember that the effectiveness of the treatment has not been confirmed by scientific research. When it is performed by an inexperienced person, it may result in injury. According to otolaryngological research, candling may contribute to the accumulation of impurities from burning the candle and thus burn the eardrum.

Hearing problems may require specialist help. At Medonet Market, you can easily and safely make an appointment with an otolaryngologist in several Polmed facilities all over Poland.

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