Climbing rose Sympathy: planting and care 

Climbing roses are most often found in the flower beds of many flower growers. These flowers amaze with their splendor and beauty. But quite not all varieties are unpretentious to the conditions and care. One of the long-beloved varieties is the “Sympathy” rose. This plant is a tall bush with large rich red double flowers. Its beauty and ease of cultivation have made it one of the most popular rose varieties. It is worth understanding what is the peculiarity of this variety and how to grow it.

Climbing rose Sympathy: planting and care 

Description of the climbing rose “Sympathy”

The flowers of this variety of roses have a beautiful rich red hue and dark green large leaves. The size of the flowers is about 10 cm. They are velvety, double, make up large inflorescences. Roses have a pleasant pronounced aroma. Each flower consists of 19-21 petals. The variety is not afraid of rain, resistant to temperature changes, adapted to different weather conditions.

The flowering period is long. The first flowering is the most abundant, starting from the second week of June. Further, there are fewer flowers on the bush, but they will appear until autumn. Sympathy Bush is quite tall, can reach from 2 m to 4 m in height. It is very branched, but at the same time strong and hardy. Not afraid of low temperatures, tolerates winter well, resistant to strong winds.

Climbing rose Sympathy: planting and care 

Preparing for planting

The first thing to do before planting is to choose a suitable site. For good growth and flowering, it is very important what the conditions will be, as well as the composition of the soil. A place for landing Sympathy is chosen sunny, preferably on the south side of the site. It should be well ventilated and, if possible, covered by buildings or plants on the north side.

Important! It is on the south side that the rose will bloom profusely, since good lighting is necessary for the formation of flowers.

Climbing rose Sympathy: planting and care 

In order for the rose to grow well, you should choose soil with the following characteristics:

  • loamy;
  • breathable;
  • with weak acidity;
  • wet;
  • with a high content of mineral fertilizers.

You need to start preparing the soil a month before planting. Careful processing of the soil will help the plant take root and grow faster. Various mineral fertilizers should be added to the soil. Their choice in specialized stores is more than sufficient.

Planting and caring for a climbing rose

For planting the Sympathy variety, you do not need to allocate a large area in your flower bed. The main volume of the plant will be at the top on the supports. First, shallow holes are dug in the soil. The day before planting, a large amount of water is poured into it, and mineral fertilizers are also applied. Now a seedling is placed there and gradually covered with earth, lightly tamping it down. After that, the bush will need to be cut.

Climbing rose Sympathy: planting and care 

Attention! If you grow roses in order to green up any wall or fence, then you should plant bushes at a distance of not 0,5 meters from the desired object.

Like other roses, Sympathy needs watering, feeding, regular weeding and pruning. After the first watering, it is better to mulch the soil, this will help retain moisture longer and prevent the soil from drying out. The bush does not need frequent watering, just 1 time for 10-15 days is enough. The first 2 years, mineral fertilizers do not need to be applied, top dressing is done starting from the age of three. Up to 3 years, you can use the flower mixture as a top dressing for roses.

Advice! The rose needs regular weeding as the topsoil hardens and weeds grow around the bush.

In the spring, it is necessary to cut off all weak and damaged branches from the rose. Then, from time to time, you need to monitor the formation of the bush, cutting off thickened and overly branched shoots. When the first flowering has passed, all dried flowers should be removed from the bush. Thus, the bush will prepare for the next flowering and rejuvenate.

Climbing rose Sympathy: planting and care 

To fertilize the soil, you can use not only mineral, but also organic fertilizers. Most often, ordinary manure is taken for these purposes. It is very important to use fertilizer in moderation. For the whole season, it will be enough to fertilize the soil 2 or 3 times.

Pests and diseases of roses

Most often, a rose can be susceptible to diseases such as powdery mildew and kiniothyrium. When affected by dew, white spots form on the leaves, which can gradually increase in size. An excellent time for the reproduction of the fungus is hot and humid weather. Due to the defeat, the rose stops growing, and gradually begins to die. As a prophylaxis of the disease, it is possible to spray the bush with Bordeaux liquid. The first procedure is carried out even on unblown buds, immediately after the shelter has been removed. The next spraying of the bush should be carried out during the period when the young shoots grow up to 20 centimeters in length.

Climbing rose Sympathy: planting and care 

Kiniothyrium or, in other words, rose burn or bark cancer. This disease can appear imperceptibly, it is usually detected after the shelter has been removed. In the first stages, you can notice how brown spots with a red tint appear on the bark. Gradually they grow and change color to black. It is more difficult to get rid of this disease, since the fungus is located inside the tissues. To save the bush, you will have to cut off all the affected branches, capturing the healthy part of the branch. Cut shoots must be burned. For prevention in the fall, the bushes are fertilized with fertilizers containing potassium. It is very important to cover the bush in time, but so that the air freely gets inside.

Advice! To prevent the appearance of pests, you can use folk methods. For example, a decoction of nettle and horsetail. If the plant has already been affected, then insecticides will have to be applied.

Preparing roses for winter

In advance, you need to prepare a shelter for the winter. It must be dense so that no cold winds and frosts can damage the bush.

Important! Remember that the shelter should not be too tight for the rose. You need to leave some space for normal ventilation.

Climbing rose Sympathy: planting and care 

Shelter can also kill your flowers if applied incorrectly. Due to poor access to fresh air, the bush may overheat. Also, during spring rains, the plant can get wet. It is important to ensure that the soil is not too compacted and well breathable. Heavy soil retains moisture for a long time, because of which the bush can be affected by fungal diseases.

Cover the rose should only be at a very low temperature, which has been holding for several days. Small frosts are not terrible for the bush, but, on the contrary, can harden it and make it even stronger. At the end of summer, you need to stop watering the roses. During this period, the earth will not dry out in the scorching sun, and precipitation and dew will be quite enough to obtain the required amount of moisture.

Climbing rose Sympathy: planting and care 

Before the start of frost, Sympathy is removed from the supports and they begin to trim the bush. First, rotten and damaged shoots are cut off. Next, you need to remove all dry leaves from the plant. Now the rose bush, ready for winter, is twisted, tied and fastened to the ground. Before this, the soil is carefully covered with dry foliage. From above, the rose also needs to be well covered. To do this, use leaves, wooden boards, plywood and other materials.

Reproduction of roses

This variety of roses is easy to propagate from cuttings. For this, stable winter cuttings are suitable, but summer ones can also be used. When propagated by green cuttings, a high percentage of rooting can be achieved. Climbing roses themselves can take root well without the use of special tools.

Climbing rose Sympathy: planting and care 

Important! Make sure that cuttings for growing are only from healthy and strong roses.

When cutting a cutting from a rose, you need to make the correct oblique cut. Remove all leaves from the bottom of the cutting. Next, the branch is placed in a mixture of soil and sand. The next step is to move the cutting into a pot for further growth. From above it should be covered with an ordinary jar to create greenhouse conditions. The rose needs to be watered regularly. That’s all, the seedling for planting in open ground is ready.

Climbing rose Reproduction and care. Site


Climbing rose Sympathy: planting and care 

The variety of roses Sympathy is incredibly common. He is loved and happily grown by many flower growers. These roses are incredibly beautiful, and simply fascinate with the depth of color. Due to the height of the bushes, roses can be used for landscaping buildings, fences, and even grown as hedges. They are unpretentious, and easily tolerate frost and wind. Like all roses, Sympathy needs some care, but the effort is worth it. Over time, the plant will turn into a lush and luxurious bush, which will become the main decoration of your garden.

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