Climbing rose Santana: planting and care

The main difference between climbing roses is that they resemble creepers. There are a huge number of varieties of roses that differ in shades, shape, number of blooms throughout the season. Often these plants are used for vertical gardening. The garden queen not only closes part of the building, but also makes the site uniquely refined. Today’s article is devoted to the description of Santana roses – one of the most beautiful varieties of the “climbing” category.

Climbing rose Santana: planting and care


Variety Santana belongs to the category of climbing roses. The plant re-flowers, with rich red flowers up to 10 cm in size. Here are the main characteristics of the flower:

  • the surface is velvety, bright red;
  • flowering is long and abundant, the branches are completely covered with buds;
  • flowers are not single, but are collected in brushes from 3 to 7 pieces. The bush is evenly covered with flowers, so the plant looks unusually harmonious;
  • The variety is resistant to rain and bad weather. Washed by rain, Santana roses become even brighter and more luxurious;
  • the bush grows up to three meters in height. The branches are quite elastic, they do not need additional support;
  • roses are frost-resistant, but are more suitable for cultivation in regions with a mild climate;
  • Santana is not very susceptible to disease;
  • The fragrance of the flowers is light but very pleasant.

The plant looks great if there is a contrasting background: a light fence or a house wall (as in the photo).

Climbing rose Santana: planting and care

Important! Santana’s leaves are thick, shiny, disease resistant and unattractive to pests. Therefore, the plant looks great even without flowers.

The shoots have many branches even at the bottom of the bush, so the plant looks very aesthetically pleasing.


One of the most important steps in growing climbing roses is choosing the right place to plant. The rose is a photophilous plant. It is necessary that the site is well ventilated, but without drafts. The best option is the south side. If you have chosen the right place for planting roses, then it is likely that they will bloom next year. It is not necessary that the landing area be large. A 50 x 50 cm square of land is quite enough. A landing hole must be prepared in advance. Before planting, you need to fill it with a bucket of humus and water it abundantly.

Important! The secret of good development and flowering of roses is in the careful selection of seedlings.

It is necessary to select plants with two or three mature stems of a woody structure, with intact bark and a good root system.

Planting time is from mid-September to mid-October or from mid-April to mid-May. The planting depth is approximately 30 cm. During autumn planting, the depth should be increased by 2-3 cm. During autumn planting, seedlings are spudded by 20 cm. The same principle of closing roses in winter so that they successfully overwinter.

Important! Seedlings must be prepared before planting. The plant must be soaked in water the day before planting.

Be sure to remove the leaves, as well as young and damaged shoots. Seedlings must be disinfected with a three percent solution of copper sulfate.

Climbing rose Santana: planting and care

Immediately after planting, you need to cut off the upper part of the bush, leaving only 20 cm. This is necessary for a more intensive development of the plant. Rosa Santana requires careful care for the first year, then it can be given a minimum of attention. The essence of care is as follows:

  • primary pruning of the bush is done to form the plant, direct it to growth, and also to avoid excessive thickening;
  • water roses in the garden once a week. If the summer is rainy, then it is permissible to water less often;
  • there is a certain algorithm for fertilizing. Humus, poured into the holes during planting, “works” for another two years. At the same time, mineral and organic fertilizers are necessary for roses. For top dressing, special mixtures for flowering crops are well suited. At rest, the rose does not require any additional care, and during the growing season, about 5 fertilizations will be needed.

Climbing rose Santana: planting and care


This is one of the most important moments in the care of climbing roses – in general and for Santana – in particular.

Important! If you neglect pruning, the plant will develop worse, immunity to diseases will decrease. Flowering will become more scarce.

In addition, pruning is necessary to make the plant look prettier.

If you do not cut the rose, then, in the end, the bush will turn into shapeless thickets. That is why you need to immediately get rid of asymmetrical and uneven branches. It is also necessary to get rid of young shoots so that there is no excessive thickening. You need to leave the shoots formed last year, on which the inflorescences are tied. For Santana roses, as for a re-blooming variety, the formation of a branch with flowers takes 3 years. After that, she fades away. Therefore, the main shoots are removed after 3 years on the 4th. You need to leave a couple of 1-year-old shoots and no more than seven flowering ones. Pruning is done before winter. This time, the branches with the maximum length are removed.

Climbing rose Santana: planting and care

Diseases and pests

  • Bacterial cancer – manifested by tubercles and growths on the roots. Over time, the plant dies. Infected areas must be removed. Roots without visible signs of disease should be treated with copper sulfate.
  • Mučnistaâ rosa – white coating on leaves and stems. The plant develops poorly, flowering is poor. Affected plants must be removed and burned. In the spring, before bud break, you need to spray the plant with copper sulfate.
  • Black spot – the appearance of black spots on the shoots and leaves. All affected leaves must be removed and burned. Good prevention is top dressing with phosphorus and potash fertilizers.


Climbing rose Santana: planting and care

Barbara, 48 years old, Samara
To decorate the fence, I planted a Santana variety of roses. I confess I had many doubts. I read a lot of horror stories on the forums that a climbing rose is a completely unpredictable plant, rushing into growth, and not into flowers. I didn’t notice anything like that, as I planted and pruned according to all the rules. The picture is exactly as on the advertising label: tall bushes, completely covered with inflorescences. I received this beauty in the second year in full. The color is bright red, closer not to scarlet, but to blood-ruby. Cut long shoots for winter.
Tatyana, 55 years old, Orel
Variety “Santana” – my favorite of the climbing. It is surprising that with minimal care (watering, 4 top dressings per growing season, shaping pruning), such beauty is obtained. At first, there were difficulties with pruning, I could not figure out which shoots to remove and which ones to leave. She reasoned like an amateur: “All alive, it’s a pity to cut off.” A neighbor helped me figure out what was what. Now everything is clear. The flower carpet turned out great.
Maya, 40 years old, Kursk
There is a negative experience with climbing roses. About 5 years ago I planted some random variety near the country house, so I didn’t wait for flowers. A colleague who shared seedlings said that the bush is gaining mass. Everything is so, the foliage is a wagon – and the flowers – at least a little bit. Two years ago I dug up this monster, planted Santana, now I don’t know grief. The flowers are bright, they look like noble old velvet. The only drawback is that the rose has a faint scent. After the “English” even somehow unusual. The rose overwinters excellently, there is no freezing problem at all. Now busy with the selection of varieties of “lashes” that will be combined with Santana. I would like to make a contrast decor.

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