Climbing rose does not bloom: what to do

Climbing roses are the most popular flowers used for vertical gardening. These plants have a wide variety of heights and colors, which allows you to create unique flower arrangements.

Climbing rose does not bloom: what to do

But it often happens that the florist is waiting for the buds to open, but the climbing rose does not bloom. It’s a shame, isn’t it? Let’s try to figure out what’s wrong.

Rose does not bloom, reasons

Roses refuse to give flowers to their owners for various reasons. This is primarily due to the mistakes of flower growers while caring for the queen of flowers. What other factors affect the lack of flowering, and how to correct the situation.

Insufficient nutrient substrate

Climbing roses are finicky plants and grow well in loose fertile soil. If there is no flowering, you need to find out what is the reason. Most likely, the queen of the garden suffers from soil depletion, the plant does not receive enough nutrients necessary for the harmonious development.

Advice! The mistake needs to be corrected as soon as possible and start feeding the climbing rose.

Feeding scheme:

  1. After a young plant has been planted, it is fed with organic fertilizers: mullein (1:10) or chicken droppings (1:20) is infused and bred. Under each bush from 3 to 5 liters.

    Climbing rose does not bloom: what to do

  2. After wintering, when work has already been done to form a bush, in order for the climbing queen to bloom, you need to feed it with ammonium nitrate – 30 grams per 1 sq. m. Repeatedly after 14 days.
  3. When the first buds appear, climbing roses are fed with complex fertilizers containing nitrogen. You can use Kemira Lux (30 grams per 1 square).
  4. In late June – early August, complex, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are again used.
  5. The last top dressing should be carried out closer to the fall, when the roses stop blooming. Her task is to get well-ripened shoots. The plant, so that in the spring the question does not arise why climbing roses do not bloom, fertilize with superphosphate – per square of 30 grams.

There is no flowering if the soil under the plants is compressed. Loosening is a mandatory procedure.

Attention! It must be remembered that the depth should be no more than 7 cm, so as not to damage the root system.

a lot of overgrowth

The presence of a large number of shoots in the root zone can also be the reason why the climbing rose does not want to bloom. Untimely removed growth eventually turns into a wild game. In addition, it sucks out nutrients, cultural shoots are weak.

Root growth is cut out at the very ground. Thinning should be done with the onset of warm days. Any damage, freezing in winter makes the plant weak. More shoots growing inward are removed. The scheme is shown in the photo.

Climbing rose does not bloom: what to do

Comment! The strong thickening of the bush attracts pests, the climbing rose does not bloom due to the development of fungal diseases.

After the rose bush has faded, you also need to prune.

Climbing rose does not bloom: what to do

A few secrets of pruning climbing roses:

  • Use sharp, disinfected tools;
  • Cut first of all the kidneys directed into the depths of the bush;
  • Cut the shoot obliquely, without long stumps.
Why roses do not bloom Blind shoots of roses. Site “Garden world”

Fertilizer problems

Excess or lack of nitrogen fertilizers can cause climbing roses not to bloom.

If the plants are overfed with nitrogen, they intensively “drive” the green mass, and the buds do not form. You can add potassium salt to the soil by mixing it with superphosphate.

Important! Top dressing should be given strictly according to the norm, alternating organic matter and mineral fertilizers.

Wood ash extract is an excellent natural fertilizer containing potassium. It can be used instead of store fertilizers.

Other reasons

Diseases affect the possibility of flowering

If you decide to find out why the climbing rose does not bloom, check if the plant is sick. Most often, flowers are affected by powdery mildew or bark cancer. What to do if the disease is present?

Consider the necessary actions:

  • from powdery mildew, buds and shoots are sprayed twice in early spring with a one percent solution of Bordeaux liquid, the same measures can be taken as preventive measures. There will be no harm;
  • for the prevention of cancer, timely feeding of climbing roses with fertilizers containing potassium, proper shelter of plants for the winter is necessary.

Among the reasons – the wrong landing site

The queen of the garden does not form buds and does not bloom if she lacks light. In addition, shoots develop incorrectly in the shade. Due to strong stretching, they do not have time to ripen, in winter they can freeze. The departed plants will be weak, they are unlikely to bloom.

A large amount of light also adversely affects the ability of climbing roses to bloom. A lot of buds can form, but the hot sun burns them.

What are the rules for planting roses to follow:

  1. For the queen of flowers, a well-lit place is selected, but at noon, direct sunlight should not fall on the plant.
  2. Climbing roses need to be protected from the north wind. Cold can cause the plant not to bloom.
  3. Trees on the site should stay away from roses. Like a real queen, she does not like to share space with anyone. Moreover, trees have a powerful root system, no matter how you feed the flowers, they will always lack nutrients.
Advice! If you are a beginner grower, do not neglect the advice and recommendations of knowledgeable people at the time of planting rose bushes.

Plants overwintered poorly

Climbing rose does not bloom: what to do

Autumn work is an important event. If they are carried out poorly, in the spring you will inevitably ask a question, last summer the rose bush bloomed rapidly, and now it does not please with flowers.

In autumn, wild shoots are cut out, weeds are removed. While the vine is not frozen, it is bent to the ground. So that the shoots do not rise, they are carefully pinned. To save plants from lowering temperatures and excess moisture over roses, a shelter is made. It can be made of plastic film, boards.

Important! Shelter should include the possibility of an air gap.

If it is not there, climbing roses may rot. Then there can be no question of any flowering in the summer.

Climbing rose does not bloom: what to do

Good luck

Breeding roses is an exciting activity, but without knowledge nothing good comes of it. To make your climbing roses a real decoration of your site, you need to learn the rules for caring for them.

See how beautifully numerous flowers spread out on the fence.

Climbing rose does not bloom: what to do

A huge blooming bouquet of roses with an inimitable aroma!

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