Climbing plants for the gazebo (flowering, weaving, winter-hardy): do-it-yourself planting + photos of the best types of vines

The original gazebo or pergola perfectly complements the landscape design of the backyard and serves as a recreation area. You can decorate the designs with any decorative trifles. However, nothing does this task better than a climbing plant with unusual flowers or leaves. From our article you will learn how to choose climbing plants for the gazebo.

Why plant vines

Creepers are a versatile plant for gazebos. They not only give the building a soft pastoral look, but also perform practical functions. The living canvas of greenery that creepers create gives the structure a more comfortable look, softens bulky sharp details and lines, and creates the shadow that is necessary on a hot day. Plants with a dense crown and large leaves provide excellent protection from light rain and wind. Without landscaping, the gazebo has a somewhat alienated look and can only fit harmoniously into a purely minimalist or high-tech style. Flowers also create a comfortable atmosphere of solitude and unity with nature.

Climbing plants for the gazebo (flowering, weaving, winter-hardy): do-it-yourself planting + photos of the best types of vines

The choice of vines must be approached very responsibly, taking into account all the details of the style in which the design is made. According to the features of the gazebo (open, closed, with wickerwork, forged parts), you need to select the density of the crown, the size of the leaves and flowers, size, durability, decorative properties, resistance to various weather conditions.

Be sure to take into account how much waste the plant gives, because constantly falling leaves or pollen do little to maintain order and comfort. It is also recommended to plant perennial varieties that retain their decorative appearance for at least several years. For cold regions, you need to choose winter-hardy varieties.

Lianas are usually grown from seedlings purchased from nurseries. Planting a culture with your own hands is simple, but growing seedlings from seeds is a painstaking and time-consuming process. For planting, seedlings with a well-developed root system, at least half a meter long, not affected by diseases and pests, not mechanically damaged, are used.

The soil can be chosen any fertile, but necessarily enriched with phosphate fertilizers. A hole is dug at a distance of 30–40 cm from the support, about 50 cm wide and 60 to 80 cm deep. After placing the plant and compacting the soil, the plant is watered abundantly and mulched. Tie the vine to the support as it grows.

Video “The use of climbing plants and supports for them”

From this video you will learn how to use climbing plants and what kind of supports they need.

Climbing plants – methods of application and support

Most popular types

For landscaping gazebos, fast-growing weaving varieties are usually chosen, which have a number of advantages over others:

  • a high degree of frost resistance, which is important in the vastness of Our Country;
  • the absence of a tendency to damage by fungal infections and other diseases, as well as resistance to pest attacks;
  • the ability to maintain a decorative appearance during long-term cultivation in one place.

It is possible that some have minor flaws that do not appear with proper care.

Climbing roses

There are not many plants that can compete with the rose. Varietal variety of colors can satisfy the requirements of any taste and design. But roses differ not only in the beauty of flowers, but also in the ability to maintain a decorative appearance for a long time by the rapid growth of shoots up to 15 m. There are certain features in growing roses – they are demanding on the composition of the soil and do not have a high degree of frost resistance, therefore they need shelter. However, flexible climbing shoots give a lot of flowers that adorn the plant until late autumn. And the pleasant aroma that spreads around makes small flaws completely insignificant.


Climbing plants for the gazebo (flowering, weaving, winter-hardy): do-it-yourself planting + photos of the best types of vines

Bright lilac or pink large clematis flowers are visible from afar. It can easily wrap around a wide arch and a large gazebo. The lightness of the shoots, which seem to float in the air, give the whole structure a visual simplicity and weightlessness. However, young plants do not tolerate bright sun well and need shading. You also need to regularly weed and loosen the soil, fertilize and monitor the garter. It does not tolerate clematis and excessive moisture, so it should be watered evenly and infrequently. It is better to cover for the winter.

Maiden Grapes

Climbing plants for the gazebo (flowering, weaving, winter-hardy): do-it-yourself planting + photos of the best types of vines

Wild or girlish grapes decorate the gazebo with almost the entire basic color palette. Its large leaves create shade and coolness, decorative berries resemble a kind of decoration and are the highlight of the image. Grapes perfectly tolerate cold winters and are unpretentious to the place and soil. However, in the first year it must be watered abundantly, and in the future, regular pruning should be carried out.


Climbing plants for the gazebo (flowering, weaving, winter-hardy): do-it-yourself planting + photos of the best types of vines

New varieties of subtropical wisteria withstand very hard frosts. And its inflorescences of unimaginably delicate shades give lightness to the most heavy structure and create the impression of a fluffy cloud. The flower needs regular watering to keep the soil slightly moist at all times. Fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers is also important. Shoots must be constantly directed and tied up.


Climbing plants for the gazebo (flowering, weaving, winter-hardy): do-it-yourself planting + photos of the best types of vines

To decorate garden structures, three varieties of honeysuckle are used: honeysuckle, curly, Brown. It can be quite compact and voluminous. It does not need special care, they are distinguished by endurance, and flowering specimens delight with abundant and long flowering. The fruits perfectly complement the overall decorative ensemble, the top note of which is the evening aroma.

Other plant

You can opt for other plants that are better suited to your case and more in line with taste preferences. So, actinidia will not only decorate the gazebo, but will also delight you with fruits that taste like kiwi. An excellent option for lovers of tasty and healthy decorations will be a decorative pumpkin, which gives a good harvest in the fall. Another wonderful, but still rare option is akebia, with fruits that look like mangoes and plums. The fruits are very tasty and soft. Do not neglect ordinary grapes, which in summer will perfectly decorate and shade the space, and in autumn will delight you with sweet clusters.

Small flowers and powerful shoots of the Baldzhuan mountaineer will be a great addition to gazebos in sunny southern regions. A universal option is ivy. Its luxurious glossy leaves and long shoots will cover designs of any size with intricate patterns.

Exotic lovers will love Echinocytis (or “mad cucumber”), which is sometimes mistaken for a weed. Its whimsical fruits, light sweet scent and ubiquitous shoots are great for the garden. Unusual exotic passionflower attracts the eye from afar. And not only thanks to flowers with unusual colors, but also orange fruits.

The choice of climbing plants is wide and can satisfy every taste. The only difficulty is to stop at one thing.

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