Climbing is a special sport for special children

There are children who find it difficult to take every step and every word. It would seem, what kind of sport is there, when even everyday tasks are difficult for them. But they can also start to climb. Climbing is accessible and useful to everyone – both big and small, and very special children. We will talk about the nuances and advantages of such training with trainer Vladimir Pan and child psychologist Ekaterina Khomutova.

It seems, well, what’s wrong with these little things that are screwed to the wall? Just peel off your fingers. But in fact, rock climbing is a very rewarding activity that is quite easy to get involved in.

It develops coordination of movements, memory, helps to tighten the overall physical shape. It teaches balance, allows you to pump logical thinking, because you need to analyze the tracks and figure out how to climb with a minimum of effort.

In climbing, no one is put on the bench, there is no rivalry. Everyone is equal in this sport. Sometimes, to pass the track, you need a creative approach, which develops imagination. We compare ourselves to ourselves, not to others. We work in a team – with a coach and other people. And it’s also just fun.

Climbing walls are now open, and it’s time to get out for a trial lesson with the children, especially if the children are special.

Among the students of the coach of the Highwall climbing wall, Vladimir Pan, there are some. He explains: “It’s relatively simple. It is believed that gross and fine motor skills have a positive effect on the brain. The coordination of movements also develops. As a rule, in children with disabilities, it is weak.

Climbing develops attention, self-regulation. Teaches to work in a team, listen to the coach’s commands, repeat after him. Make your own decisions, put forward your ideas.

Progress in children with special needs is difficult to track. Often it is not that the child improves his level of climbing. Sometimes it is visible only to parents: the child begins to move better, perform everyday tasks, speaks better, understands better.

The mother of a boy with Down syndrome said that her son learned to ride a scooter after climbing.

The specifics and difficulties of training

Rock climbing can be practiced even by those who are physically limited in their abilities. This sport is suitable for special children as well as for ordinary children.

But in working with them there is a certain specificity. They are very vulnerable, and at the same time, as with any children, rigor and clarity are required in working with them.

“You have to love them, but you can’t feel sorry for them,” coach Vladimir explains. – I have children with autism spectrum disorders, alalia, mental retardation, Down syndrome. Some are small, some are older. They are all kind, trusting, but you have to be tough, shake them up. The elders are still nothing, but the little ones are very sorry.

In addition, when talking with special children, the coach needs to formulate commands clearly and clearly: “Sometimes you unconsciously transfer this manner to other children and adults who also come to train with me.”

As in any other business, the desire of the child is important. If it exists, there will be a result

Can all children train? Of course, there are contraindications: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, operations on it, heart problems, asthma. Most likely, children with schizophrenia will not be taken to classes, because the possibility of overexcitation is high.

“It’s hard to say, you can try. But with Down syndrome it was scary to take. Because, as a rule, “in addition” to the disease itself, there are problems with the heart. Difficulties with joints in the form of hypermobility are possible, the trainer explains. – Of the rest – I will not take the one whom mom or dad forced. It’s inefficient. As in any other business, the desire of the child is important. If it exists, there will be a result.”

Also, special children are different. There are more contact, there are those who react badly to strangers. “There are those who are taught and those who are socialized. And there are also difficult cases, with them hands down. Such children require a lot of energy. And they take her. For example, among my students there are children with alalia – when the child does not understand you and cannot say what he needs, – says the coach. “In such cases, parents are very helpful.”

small steps technique

What to do if a child screams in training, refuses to complete tasks, panics? Here, too, you will need the help of a loved one.

“Parents are usually around. It depends on the complexity of the disease. Sometimes it is difficult to calm a child. Especially the little one. At the initial stages, he needs confidence that mom or dad is here with him, can support and help. There are a lot of irritants around, a lot of new emotions, fears, experiences. You need something or someone to be around, ”says the coach.

But he, too, is able to cope with the situation. It is important to switch attention here. “Most children with developmental disabilities have poor concentration and self-regulation,” reminds Vladimir. “Therefore, we need to help them quickly focus on another task – movement, track, exercise.”

In addition, the trainer must have certain knowledge in order to work with special children. According to Vladimir Pan, he mainly refers to the classics. This is Montessori and ABA therapy.

To date, one of the most effective methods for correcting autism spectrum disorders is considered to be behavioral therapy or the method of applied behavior analysis (Applied Behavior Analysis, ABA therapy is an intensive training program that is based on behavioral technologies and teaching methods).

But the most important thing, of course, is to captivate the child. Do not rush him, gradually complicate the task. “I work with the small steps method. It gives the right motivation. The child sees what happens. This way you can work with both ordinary and special children,” confirms Vladimir.

“The main thing is to subtly feel and understand the desires of the child”

Ekaterina Khomutova, child practical psychologist, psychologist of crisis situations

To engage in rock climbing with special children, a coach needs a lot of endurance, patience and faith in their own strength. Working with them requires certain knowledge, skills and abilities. If you do not know the personal characteristics of such children, working with them will not bring positive results. It is necessary to understand the specifics, ways of interaction, features of development.

It will not be possible to work with everyone according to one scheme, even if they have similar diagnoses. Everyone needs a special, individual approach. The only thing that unites them all is empathic feelings, they see your true attitude towards them. And if you are benevolent, then the contact will take place.

They are also very sensitive to fear and insecurity. If, while conducting classes, you think that nothing will work out, then the child will not even try, although outwardly everything may look completely different.

Work with children with Down syndrome should be carried out in the format of a game, not a sports training. In this sense, rock climbing is the best fit, multi-colored holds provide opportunities to beat different game situations.

The most important thing is that the classes are conducted in close cooperation between the trainer and the parents.

As for working with autistic children, everything here is purely individual, if there are no contraindications and the child makes contact, responds well to classes and, if something does not work out, continues further, then there will be success. This will positively affect his psycho-physiological development, because climbing training is always contact, communication. The main thing here is to subtly feel and understand the desires of the child.

Climbing can be very beneficial for kids with mild mental retardation, deviant behavior, and suicidal teenagers. They, as a rule, have a good physical shape, a propensity for risk, an irrepressible flow of energy. And if you build high-quality interaction with them, establish rules, then this can have a very positive effect on the development of the individual and correct behavior.

And most importantly, the sessions should be conducted in close cooperation between the trainer and parents (significant adults). They, like no one else, know the features and feel their children.

About the experts

Vladimir Pan – FAISMO certified instructor, climbing instructor at the Highwall climbing wall.

Ekaterina Khomutova — children’s practical psychologist, psychologist of crisis situations, suicidologist.

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