Climax of family relationships: how to keep love in a family with experience

Agree, even in seemingly strong and well-coordinated relationships, conflicts can arise over time. You have studied each other for a long time, you know all the advantages and disadvantages – why did your feelings suddenly cool down sharply, there are frequent disputes? Who exactly was hit in the ribs by a demon and how to reduce the intensity of passions? Let’s figure it out!

What’s happening?

Even behind the beautiful facade of family happiness, anxieties, fears, unfulfilled needs are hidden, and all this is no, no, and sometimes breaks out in the most unpleasant way. Conflicts, moments of misunderstanding of each other happen even in the most exemplary and loving families.

A pile of endless worldly worries, which mainly lie on a woman, lead her to fatigue, emotional instability, and irritability. More women than men are covered by the fear of age-related changes. Wrinkles, gray hair, weight gain, there is no trace of a flowering species – and now the mood and self-esteem are already at zero. And even if a woman has no problems with the visual acceptance of her image, menopause and the associated hormonal changes that hit the body and make her even more vulnerable are already on the threshold.

A decrease in estrogen levels during menopause entails great changes in the body, which can sometimes be accompanied by very unpleasant surprises – hot flashes, bouts of sweating, pressure, insomnia, decreased performance, emotional breakdowns – bouts of irritability, impotence and apathy. What comfort is there in family life if a woman loses control over her own body and her emotions.

Men, by the way, also live their conditional “menopause” – albeit not physiological, but psychological. Professional peaks have been reached, family life has taken place, there are reliable friends – and then what? Is it old age? And the notorious demon in the ribs begins to provoke various attempts to prove that this is still far away.

Who is responsible for the decision?

Of course, two parties are involved in family conflicts, but the main work to maintain or restore the former calm and lasting relationship usually falls on the woman. Simply because men are by nature much less adapted to work with such subtle matters as feelings. It is a woman who carries the emotional component of relationships – makes them bright, sensual, interesting.

In order not to lose yourself in family relationships, to be self-confident, happy, beautiful and healthy, a woman must first of all remember to take care of herself – as in an airplane, put on an oxygen mask first on yourself. Only a woman who knows how to constantly learn and transform, confident in herself and her attractiveness, is able to go through a relationship crisis herself and lead her partner through it.

What to do?

In fact, everything is simple: external attractiveness, health and emotional mood come from within. During the period of hormonal adjustment, a woman needs not to ignore the needs of her body, but to help it. To smooth out the sharp jumps in estrogen production, you can use phytoestrogens – special substances from medicinal plants that resemble estrogen in their action and composition. You can find them in the composition of special preparations for women in any pharmacy. Phytoestrogens are not synthetic hormones, so they will not bring any harm or side effects, but, on the contrary, will help the body to rebuild more easily, calm the symptoms of menopause, and keep you young and attractive.

Among the drugs with phytoestrogens for women 40+, the biocomplex has proven itself well Lady’s Formula Menopause Strengthened Formula. It contains several extracts with the most powerful phytoestrogens at once, a complex of essential vitamins and minerals, as well as special additives to maintain visual attractiveness and sexuality – maca root and maitake mushrooms. Maca root is an aphrodisiac, it helps sexual relations, awakens libido, promotes hydration of the mucosa (which is important, since with age, low production of vaginal secretion becomes the reason for refusing sex due to sensations of dryness and pain), helps to get more vivid sensual pleasures from intimate relations. Maitake mushrooms help to maintain a figure by curbing weight gain caused by hormonal changes.

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Biocomplex is designed to help a woman remain a woman as long as possible and restrain age-related changes. Relief of menopause symptoms and anti-age effect is a great help during the period of hormonal adjustment. The biocomplex helps to find harmony with oneself and one’s feelings, and evens out the overall emotional mood.

A well-groomed, calm, cheerful, self-confident woman always arouses admiration and love, she is ready for dialogue and solving family troubles, copes with stress and fatigue more easily, and men do not have a desire to argue or quarrel with such a woman. So, if feelings and emotions are out of control and a family crisis is accompanied by conflicts and troubles, you must first of all help yourself and your body – take special dietary supplements, do not forget about physical exercises and outdoor activities, lead a healthy lifestyle – this will give strength and help you to be more attentive to your partner.

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