Cleopatra face mask. Video recipe

Cleopatra face mask. Video recipe

The Egyptian queen Cleopatra was distinguished by her femininity and charm, which made it possible to conquer men. Named after her, a modern skin care product designed to preserve youth and give skin a velvety surface.

Secrets of Cleopatra’s charm

The secret of the charm of the Egyptian seductress lies in the use of a special mask, taking a milk bath and applying special aromas. This made it possible to conquer the hearts of the most inaccessible men of that time.

The scent that exuded her body attracted the opposite sex. Regular milk bath is the key to soft and velvety skin. To prepare it, you will need a liter of hot milk and a small amount of honey. First, you should melt the honey in milk and pour it into the bath, then immerse yourself in it for 15 minutes.

The optimum water temperature should be 36–37 ° С

The mask will help to give the skin of the face elasticity and provide protection.

The recipe for the famous Cleopatra mask

To prepare a unique product that allows you to quickly give the skin a smooth surface and get rid of various defects, you will need 1 tbsp. oat flour and honey. It is necessary to thoroughly mix the components until a homogeneous mass is formed and apply to the area of ​​the face, neck and décolleté, without affecting the skin around the eyes.

For dry skin, it is recommended to add 1 tbsp. sour cream, for a fatty type – a small amount of lemon juice

After 15–20 minutes, remove the mixture with warm water and wipe your face dry.

When performing a cosmetic procedure, remember:

  • do not use the mask too often: once a week is enough for a month, then take a break
  • the mass should not be too liquid, otherwise it will start to spread
  • too thick mass can be diluted with warm milk or warm water
  • after removing the mask, it is recommended to make a contrast compress, which will enhance the effect of the procedure: alternately use a napkin soaked in hot and cold water
  • to protect the thin skin around the eyes, it is advisable to apply cotton pads dipped in strong tea, which will remove puffiness, eliminate fatigue
  • Finally, apply a moisturizer or olive oil to the face and neck

With regular cosmetic procedures for skin care, the result will appear quickly enough. After just a few masks, the skin will become more delicate and well-groomed, a healthy complexion will be restored, fine wrinkles will disappear, and the protective function of cells will increase.

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