Clematis Queen Jadwiga

Of all the climbing plants, the most decorative are clematis used for vertical gardening. The culture is represented by different varieties with large and small flowers of various colors. Ornamental plants stand out for their original beauty. Description of clematis Queen Jadwiga, photos and reviews will help to get a general idea of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXba bright representative of the species.

Clematis Queen Jadwiga

Description of clematis Queen Jadwiga

Clematis Queen Jadwiga is the latest hybrid of Polish selection. The originator of the variety is Szczepan Marchinsky. This is a perennial herbaceous vine with woody stems and flexible thin shoots. It grows over the summer up to 2,5 m. The plant clings to the support with long petioles of the leaf plate.

Queen Jadwiga belongs to large-flowered varieties with a long flowering period from the end of May until the onset of frost. Forms a large number of flowers, they cover the vine with a continuous carpet. Flowers of the first spring wave are formed on overwintered shoots. Since August, there has been an abundant flowering of the second wave on the shoots of the current year.

The culture is frost-resistant, Clematis Queen Jadwiga is grown in Siberia, the Far East, and Central Our Country. The plant is light-loving, drought-resistant, does not lose its decorative effect with a lack of moisture, is widely used for design decoration of the territory in the South.

External description of clematis Queen Jadwiga, shown in the photo:

  • flowers are white with a velvety surface, bisexual, diameter – 17 cm;
  • the flowers consist of 7-8 sepals of an oblong oval shape, the edges are wavy, ribbed in the middle, with a lack of ultraviolet light, two longitudinal green lines form along the edges of the ribbing;
  • stamens are formed in a semicircle of bright purple anthers located on long white bases;
  • leaves lanceolate, ternary, arranged oppositely, dark green, oval;
  • the plant has a taproot and fibrous root system, the root circle is about 50 cm;
  • seedlings are rounded.

Clematis Queen Jadwiga is suitable for vertical gardening of arbors, planted between flowering shrubs, near the walls of the building. Widely used to form arches or walls separating garden areas.

Planting and caring for clematis

Clematis Queen Jadwiga requires moderately moist, neutrally fertile soils for normal vegetation. Loamy or clay soils with good drainage are suitable. Clematis gives abundant flowering only in bright light, so the plant is placed on the sunny side, protected from the north wind.

Advice! You can not plant clematis Queen Jadwiga close to the wall of the building, the distance should be at least 50 cm.

It is not recommended to allow runoff from the roof of rain streams to the vine, the flowers do not respond well to direct exposure to water. In hot weather, the wall of knowledge heats up, which is also not desirable during the flowering of clematis. For a hybrid, it is necessary to install a support, it can be of various shapes. The photo shows an example of placing clematis Queen Jadwiga on the site.

Clematis Queen Jadwiga

Planting a deciduous plant is carried out in early spring, you can transplant a bush in the middle of summer or autumn. But they do it only when absolutely necessary. After the formation of young shoots, clematis takes root poorly.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

The place for planting clematis Queen Jadwiga is chosen taking into account the fact that the landing pits should be in the shade, and the shoots should be well lit by the sun. If the site is in a lowland, the Queen Jadwiga variety is planted on a previously poured hill. Wells are prepared 1 week before planting clematis. The size of the landing recess is approximately 65 * 65, depth 70 cm. Hole laying:

  1. A layer of drainage consisting of gravel is placed at the bottom.
  2. A mixture is prepared: 5 kg of compost, 50 g of superphosphate, 150 g of ash, 3 kg of sand, 200 g of nitrophoska.
  3. The mixture is poured onto the drainage layer.

If the soil is acidic, neutralize it with any garden product containing alkali.

Seedling preparation

If clematis has grown and needs to be divided, activities are carried out before the formation of young shoots (in early spring). Plants are divided only after a four-year growing season, taking into account that each bush has at least 4 healthy buds and a strong root system. These requirements are imposed when choosing planting material in the nursery. Before planting, for better rooting, the root system is dipped into the Heteroauxin solution for 5 hours.

Rules of landing

If the clematis bushes Queen Jadwiga are transplanted to another site, they are buried 10 cm more than they grew in the old place. It is not recommended to plant too deep, the plant slows down the growing season and may die. Young seedlings are placed so that there is no more than 8 cm of soil above the root neck, for old clematis at least 15 cm. After planting, the Queen Jadwiga hybrid is watered with water with any growth-stimulating drug dissolved in it.

Watering and top dressing

The root system of adult clematis penetrates the soil up to 70 cm, this factor is taken into account when watering. A perennial plant is watered with a large volume of water (60 l) under the root approximately 8 times during the growing season. Take into account weather conditions, focus on the amount and frequency of precipitation. The root circle should be constantly moist, loosened, without weeds.

Young seedlings suffer greatly from drying out of the soil, they are watered with a small amount of water 2 times more often than an adult crop. When watering clematis Queen Jadwiga, it is taken into account that the plant is large-flowered, the amount of water is increased during budding.

Important! Do not allow large amounts of water to enter the root neck, waterlogging can cause root rot.

Clematis is fed 4 times per season:

  • in May, after the appearance of young shoots, they give urea;
  • before flowering, they are fed with Agricola-7;
  • after flowering, organics are added;
  • in autumn fertilize with potassium sulfate and superphosphate.

Foliar top dressing is given before the formation of buds, the Queen Yadviga variety is treated with the “Bud” agent.

Clematis Queen Jadwiga

Mulching and loosening

Loosen the soil around the clematis Queen Jadwiga at the first sign of drying out of the top layer of the earth. Mulching is necessary for young seedlings and old plants to prevent overheating of the root system and its waterlogging.

In spring, it is recommended to spud the plant, after which the trunk circle is mulched with freshly cut grass, sawdust or a layer of humus. You can plant low-growing flowering crops around the bush. Symbiosis will provide clematis with protection of the basal circle, and provide periodic shading for flowers.


In autumn, after the foliage has fallen, clematis is pruned. The plant is perennial, with intensive growth and shoot formation. Young stems are cut off completely, leaving only perennial vines. Weak branches are removed from them, and the top is cut off at a height of 1,5 meters. In spring, perennial stems bloom and form young shoots, which will be covered with flowers in August.

Preparation for winter

In the South, clematis is cut in the fall, a layer of mulch is added and left for the winter, no additional measures are required. In temperate climates, a plant without shelter can freeze. Preparing for winter:

  1. Cut the shoots, remove from the support.
  2. Roll up into a ring and lay on the spruce branches.
  3. Arcs are installed from above, covering material is pulled.
  4. The structure is closed with spruce branches.

In winter they are covered with snow. If the aerial part is frozen, it is cut off in the spring, clematis quickly recovers.


Clematis Queen Jadwiga is propagated only vegetatively, the seeds after germination do not retain the characteristics of the mother plant. Reproduction by layering:

  • dig a shallow furrow for the length of a young shoot;
  • have layers in the recess;
  • cover with soil places in the area of ​​​​leaf internodes;
  • Leaves are left on the surface.

By autumn, clematis gives roots, in spring, where the root system has formed, sprouts will appear. Divide and plant layering for next spring.

A quick way to propagate by cuttings from flowering shoots. The material is harvested in the spring before the formation of buds. Placed in the ground, constantly moisturize. Planting material is covered for the winter, planted in the spring.

Diseases and pests

Clematis is affected by a soil fungus that causes vegetative wilt of the stems. Most of the infection affects plants up to 2 years of growth. Provokes the growth of the pathogen overmoistening of the soil and lack of sunlight. In order to prevent in the spring, the bush is treated with vitriol. Powdery mildew is more common. Eliminate the disease of colloidal sulfur with the drug “Topaz” or “Skor”. Pests dangerous for the culture are slugs, they are disposed of with the help of metaldehyde.


The new Polish variety has not yet found wide distribution among gardeners, a description of Clematis Queen Jadwiga, photos and reviews of flower growers will help you make a choice in favor of a hybrid. The tall growing plant is completely covered with large white flowers. It will become a decoration of the landscape, the plant is used as a vertical gardening of arches, arbors or walls.

Clematis hybrid Queen Jadwiga. Brief overview, description of the characteristics of clematis Krolowa Jadwiga

Reviews about clematis Queen Jadwiga

Raisa Vasilyeva, 32 years old, Vyshny Volochek
Clematis Queen Jadwiga has been on my site for 4 years. Planted along the path to the front of the house, forms an arch. The lush plant is completely strewn with creamy large flowers with a crimson core. Gives the site a neat, aesthetic appearance. It blooms in early June, the last flowers meet autumn frosts. The culture is unpretentious and very beautiful.
Tatyana Arkhipova, 28 years old, Moscow region
I am a big fan of clematis, I have many varieties of different colors in my garden. Friends, knowing my weakness, 2 years ago presented a hybrid Queen Jadwiga. The creepers are long, the culture gives a lot of shoots, the bush grows intensively, it is planted with a purple variety near the wall of the building, the combination of delicate white and purple looks harmonious. Flowers Queen Jadwiga forms large, velvety, attracting attention with its virgin purity.

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