Clematis President: pruning group, planting and care

Easy to care for and hardy clematis President or The President is also grown by beginners in floriculture. According to the classification, the large-flowered liana belongs to the Florida group. The variety has been known since the XNUMXth century, named after the head of the British Royal Horticultural Society.

Clematis President: pruning group, planting and care


Shrub liana of large-flowered clematis President with a powerful root system that can grow up to 1 m wide and grows up to 2-2,5 m deep. Thin green shoots climb up the support with tenacious tendrils. Leaves up to 10 cm, oval, pointed. Flowers are formed on last year’s and new shoots, large, up to 15 cm or more. Peduncles are long. The petals are deep purple, with a lighter stripe from the base to a pointed tip, slightly curved upwards. The edges of the petals are slightly wavy. The middle of the flower is light due to the white base of the burgundy stamens.

Important! Strong supports for large-flowered clematis up to 2-3 m are installed during planting.

Clematis President: pruning group, planting and care


Clematis hybrid President is valued for its long lush flowering in two waves. The first time the buds are formed on the shoots of last year and open in late May, early June. New shoots will be adorned with a magnificent waterfall of flowers from July to August. The large-flowered plant is very powerful: with the onset of warm nights, the shoots lengthen up to 10 cm per day. Over the summer, a young seedling forms up to 5 high shoots. Liana easily wraps around the trunks of trees and shrubs. Near buildings for a large-flowered plant, lattices are arranged, which are completely invisible at the time of full development.

The profusely flowering clematis President serves as a picturesque cover for unsightly objects on the site, turns terraces, balconies or porches into cozy beautiful corners.

Attention! It can grow up to 30 years without a transplant in one place.

Large-flowered liana requires a large capacity if grown as a pot crop.

Winter-hardy large-flowered clematis President endures frost down to -28 оC. The variety is grown in the southern regions, as well as in the regions of the middle lane and in more severe climatic conditions with mandatory shelter for the winter.


Hybrid clematis seedlings are obtained in several ways: cuttings, dividing the bush, layering or grafting. A large bush of a clematis vine of the President variety is not always possible to divide, but sometimes shoots are formed far from the main mass. They dig up easily, they quickly take root. Professionals propagate new varieties of hybrid plants by grafting, which is often difficult for beginners to produce. Layering is the easiest way to propagate your favorite large-flowered clematis variety President.

  • In the direction of growth of a strong shoot, they dig a shallow groove and lay a vine in it, leaving a 10-15 cm top above the ground;
  • Planting should be marked and watered regularly so that new shoots sprout;
  • The sprouts of hybrid clematis President are transplanted to a permanent place in the fall or with the onset of next spring.

Clematis President: pruning group, planting and care


They begin to propagate a large-flowered plant with cuttings before flowering, when small buds are already visible.

  • A branch is cut out from the middle of a clematis bush and divided into fragments so that there are 2 leaves at the top of each segment: there should be 2 cm of the lash above the sheet, and at least 4 cm below it;
  • The leaves are cut in half;
  • Use a growth stimulator before planting in accordance with the instructions;
  • For the substrate, take coconut fiber, peat, sand or vermiculite and gently immerse the cuttings;
  • Arrange a mini-greenhouse made of glass, plastic, polyethylene, make sure that the substrate is moderately moist;
  • The cuttings of the hybrid large-flowered vine take root in 2 weeks or later. Sprouts are transplanted into a full-fledged soil. Clematis seedlings President are transferred to a permanent place in a year.

Clematis President: pruning group, planting and care


A beautiful large-flowered liana is planted in spring, summer, but the best time is September, October.

  • For hybrid clematis, a sunny place or with light partial shade is selected. Liana does not like strong midday heat, her roots are protected by medium-sized annuals;
  • Planting Clematis The President and the rules of care provide for the placement of a large-flowered vine in a place where there is no stagnant water or drainage of rain streams from the roofs of buildings. Suitable fertile permeable soils. A hybrid plant does not develop well on heavy and acidic soils;
  • Large flowers and light shoots of large-flowered clematis will suffer from strong winds, for a creeper the best planting is in a sheltered place;
  • When placing several vines of vigorous clematis President, one and a half meters recede between the holes.
Attention! Clematis should not be planted close to the fence or to the wall. Holes and supports are placed at a distance of 30-40 cm.

seedling requirements.

Shoots from containers take root easier. But if the root system is open, it should be inspected. Ideally, clematis roots are up to 30 cm long, without thickening and damage. Clematis shoot President with large buds or leaves that have begun to bloom. Before planting, the roots are soaked in water for several hours. Growth stimulants are also used.

Clematis President: pruning group, planting and care


It is better to dig a hole for clematis with dimensions of 0,6 x 0,6 x 0,6 m in advance so that the ground is settled. A 10-centimeter layer of drainage is laid at the bottom. The soil is mixed with a bucket of humus and 0,5 l of wood ash, complex flower fertilizer, following the instructions.

  • If clematis President is planted with an open root system, a tubercle is made from the soil and a seedling is placed on it, carefully straightening the roots;
  • The root neck and stem are covered with earth so that the lower bud deepens by 5-8 cm, then watered;
  • During spring planting, the large-flowered vine is deepened to the first internode.
Advice! The hole is not compared to the ground, a recess is left. In summer, soil is constantly poured.

In the spring, from the hybrid clematis of autumn planting, part of the earth is also removed from above, making a recess so that it is easier for new shoots to germinate from a still weak root.

Clematis President: pruning group, planting and care


As soon as the shoots begin to grow, they must be carefully tied to the support, directing in the right direction. Some of the shoots of large-flowered vines are directed horizontally so that flowering covers the entire decorative lattice. Abundantly flowering clematis President requires systematic care in order to please the gardener with good development. A hybrid vine is provided with weekly watering, and in the heat – 2-3 times a week. The first year, 10-20 liters of water are poured at a time, the grown large-flowered plant is given a double volume – up to 40 liters. After watering, the earth is loosened, on hot days a layer of mulch from weeds and grass is laid.

In the spring, hybrid clematis is treated with fungicides for prevention. In summer, when aphids and spider mites appear, insecticides and acaricides are used.

Advice! In the first year of clematis development, buds are removed to strengthen the root system of the plant.

Clematis President: pruning group, planting and care

Additional fertilizing

If possible, clematis President give organic top dressing. For the winter, humus is poured onto the hole, in the summer it is poured 3-4 times with liquid solutions of mullein or bird droppings. A large-flowered plant is fertilized with minerals 3 times:

  • With the onset of development, vines are dissolved in 10 liters of water 30-40 g of urea. Consumption – 5 liters per bush;
  • In the flowering phase, clematis President is fertilized with a solution of 30-40 g of nitrophoska and 20 g of potassium humate per 10 liters. Consumption – a bucket per bush;
  • After flowering, the vine is maintained with a solution of 40 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfate in 10 liters of water. Consumption – half a bucket per hole. Superphosphate is soaked per day in a liter of hot water, and then diluted to normal.

There are many different offers of flower fertilizers in the distribution network, which can also be used. Beneficial for the hybrid liana President organomineral fertilizer “Ideal” and other preparations of this type.


To regulate the flowering process, the shoots are cut twice in large-flowered clematis of the 2nd pruning group. Clematis President also belongs to it. After letting the first wave bloom, cut off all the shoots of the last year at the base. In September, shoots that have grown since spring are pruned. There are two options for this trim. If the entire shoot is cut to the root, there will be no early flowering next spring. In order for clematis to bloom in June, only the generative part where there were flowers is cut off on the shoots of the current year.

Preparation for winter

The winter hardiness of clematis President is high, but in the conditions of central Our Country the plant is covered. In autumn, peat, fallen leaves, sawdust are applied to the projection of the hole. Liana is removed from the support and carefully folded. With the onset of frost, spruce branches or dry remains of garden and flower plants are laid. Open gradually in warm weather.

A spectacular large-flowered liana will respond to attentive care with beautiful flowering. Feeding and protecting the plant from frost, the gardener will admire the purple stars for years.

What to do with Clematis in autumn: “President.” “Cardinal”


Yuri, 57 years old, Moscow region
Our clematis are 20 years old. Among them is the President. It grows under the cover of a building, so we do not cover anything. It rises more than 2 m.
Igor, 29 years old, Volgograd region
My wife and I planted this variety of clematis last year. The spine was taken from friends from a bush. The roots and shoots were strong, so they were left to bloom in the first summer.
Dasha, 24 years old, Syzran
Clematis President bought for the second time. It so happened that in the fall it did not cover and the plant froze. I take care of the new liana, I feed it. She will be growing for a long time!

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