Clematis Multi Blue (Multi blue): planting and care, pruning group

Blooming creepers are a favorite plant used by designers to decorate the landscape. Clematis Multi Blue, bewitching with magnificent forms of flowers, was loved even by residents of apartments because of the opportunity to grow a plant on a balcony. Decorative bushy variety belongs to the Patens group. The plant is compact. Creeper shoots grow up to a maximum of 2 m long. Young lashes are quite flexible, but very fragile. This must be taken into account when laying the vines on the trellis with your hands. The strength of the shoots is gaining by the end of the season.

Clematis Multi Blue (Multi blue): planting and care, pruning group

Considering Clematis Multi Blue, photo and description, let’s first get acquainted with the characteristics of the variety:

  • Many clematis have a deep root system. A feature of the variety is the superficial location of the roots. Moreover, they are so shallowly buried that it is impossible to loosen the soil around the bush with a chopper. Damage to the roots threatens the rapid death of the vine. Get rid of the formation of a crust on the soil after watering only by mulching.
  • The growing season for clematis varieties Multi Blue begins early. The kidneys wake up with the first warmth. Liana quickly sprouts. The leaves grow narrow, elongated with a sharp tip. Leaf length about 10 cm.
  • Clematis Multi Blue Multi Blue blooms throughout the warm season. During the growing season, new buds are constantly being laid on the vine. The flower is terry, blue with a predominance of a purple hue. The lush center is formed from graceful pink stamens. Occasionally they turn red. In diameter, the flower reaches 18 cm. A pubescence forms on the back of the petals.

Clematis large-flowered Multi Blue blue terry is recommended for outdoor cultivation. However, enterprising gardeners have learned to plant a vine on the balcony. The plant only needs a large barrel of soil.

Clematis Multi Blue (Multi blue): planting and care, pruning group

Attention! Cultivation of clematis in a closed way is allowed if the balcony is designed for heavy loads. This is due to the massiveness of the container with the ground.

The video shows clematis varieties Multi Blue:

Saplings of Clematis large-flowered Multi Blue (Clematis Multi Blue)

Features of planting creepers

Clematis Multi Blue (Multi blue): planting and care, pruning group

Beginning gardeners are primarily interested in the question of clematis Multi Blue planting and care, photos and other nuances of cultivation. Let’s start from the very beginning. Spring is considered the best time for planting vines, but no later than mid-May. Autumn landing is carried out in September. Even summer planting of a seedling is allowed, but its root system must be closed. That is, the plant grows in a pot, from where it is carefully removed along with a clod of earth. If the soil crumbled during transplantation and the roots were exposed, the seedling may not take root in the summer.

Clematis Multi Blue (Multi blue): planting and care, pruning group

Buying a clematis seedling is better than two years old. At this time, the plant has already formed up to 6 full-fledged roots about 15 cm long. It is recommended to buy creeper seedlings in domestic nurseries, moreover, located closer to the area where clematis will grow.

Attention! Imported Dutch or Polish annual vine seedlings in our conditions are difficult to take root. Clematis may die or not grow for a long time.

Nurseries in the markets can export clematis seedlings with open roots. The plant is chosen with a large number of dormant buds. It is important to conduct a thorough inspection of the roots of the vine. They must be moist, without mechanical damage and rot.

Clematis Multi Blue (Multi blue): planting and care, pruning group

It is optimal to purchase a clematis seedling in a container. Before disembarking, it is immersed in warm water for about 15 minutes. During this time, the substrate will get wet, and the seedling will be easily removed along with the lump.

Clematis hybrid Multi Blue is planted in the area where the sun gets the longest during the day. Weak partial shade will also not harm the plant. Open areas where strong winds blow are detrimental to vines. Air currents easily break fragile young shoots of vines. You can not plant this variety of clematis near a solid metal fence. In the heat, such a fence heats up to a high temperature and burns the foliage of the flower. When planting vines, at least 1 m recede from a solid fence.

Clematis Multi Blue (Multi blue): planting and care, pruning group

The clematis variety has no special requirements for the composition of the soil. However, in the lowlands with constant stagnant water, the vine dies. A soil with a slightly alkaline reaction of the environment is considered favorable for clematis.

To plant clematis large-flowered Multi Blue, they dig a hole 60 cm deep and 15 cm in diameter. At the bottom, a drainage layer 400 cm thick is made of fine stone. Further filling of the hole is carried out with a mixture of fertile soil with compost. You can add XNUMX g of dolomite flour.

Clematis Multi Blue (Multi blue): planting and care, pruning group

The pit is not completely covered with soil, but only a large part of it. The bottom is formed by a mound, lightly tamped with hands. A clematis seedling is placed on a hill with roots. The root system of the vines is covered with soil. The next layer will be from river sand, and it is poured until the root neck is deepened by 8 cm. A thin layer of black soil is organized on top. The final planting of the vine is abundant watering of the seedling with warm water.

The deepening of the root neck is necessary for the tillering of the vine. Young shoots will sprout from buds buried in sand. Over time, a strong clematis bush will grow. Considering Clematis Multi Blue, photo and description of the variety, it is worth noting that the creepers look beautiful on hedges, arbors. However, when group planting vine seedlings, a distance of at least 0,5 m is observed between plants, which is necessary for the development of a bush.

Liana care

Clematis Multi Blue (Multi blue): planting and care, pruning group

Clematis Multi Blue requires traditional care, like all other varieties of vines, but there are some nuances. A traditional climbing plant needs support. It can be natural in the form of an old tree or specially made: trellis, mesh, lattice wall. Clematis whips are directed in different directions along stretched ropes.

Clematis Multi Blue (Multi blue): planting and care, pruning group

Considering the description of the clematis variety Multi Blue, it is worth noting that the plant requires regular watering. In cool weather, moisten the soil every 6-7 days. During a drought, watering the vines is carried out at least three times a week.

Advice! Mulch made from compost or finely chopped tree bark helps to reduce the evaporation of moisture under clematis. Timely removal of weeds helps to reduce their absorption of moisture and nutrients from the soil.

According to the European method, the clematis variety is grown along with the arrangement of the lawn. It is believed that the grass on the south side protects the root system of the vine from drying out in the sun. However, domestic gardeners fundamentally disagree with this technique, assuring that lawn grass takes a lot of nutrients from the soil. Clematis of the Multi Blue variety, bred by domestic nurseries, develop better in the sun, and they are afraid of drought. With timely abundant watering, you can do without a lawn on the south side of the roots of the vine.

Clematis Multi Blue (Multi blue): planting and care, pruning group

Continuing the review of Clematis Multi Blue planting and caring for the plant, it is worth dwelling on top dressing in more detail. The liana variety responds well to alkaline fertilizer saturated with nitrogen. Gardeners prepare it themselves. The barrel is filled with weeds, filled with water and placed in the sun to induce fermentation. To speed up the process and increase the nutritional value of the solution, manure is added to the barrel. The readiness of the fertilizer will be signaled by the smell of silage after about 1-2 weeks. The ripened solution is simply poured over the vine.

Advice! To speed up the ripening process of the fertilizer, Baikal-EM is added to the barrel with grass.

If it is not possible to independently prepare fertilizer for clematis, they buy ready-made preparations based on ammonia in the store. Preference is given to dressings, which additionally contain boron and cobalt. Together with store fertilizers, ash is added under the root of clematis. When watering, dolomite flour is added to the water.

During the season, the clematis variety is fed 3 times. Fertilizers are applied only in the second year from the moment the seedling is planted in the ground. Fresh manure for feeding vines can not be used. There is a threat of burning roots, as well as the development of pests and fungal diseases.

Wet summers with prolonged rains also have a bad effect on the development of clematis. From constant dampness, the withering of young shoots begins. The arrangement of a stack of water from under a bush will improve the situation. So that the young stems of the vine do not fade, their lower part near the ground is sprinkled with ash.

Wilting of the bush can occur due to the appearance of soil fungus. The problem is usually observed in June. Autumn and spring preventive spraying with copper sulphate helps prevent the development of the disease. From powdery mildew, the flower is saved by colloidal sulfur or Topaz.

There are three ways to propagate a clematis variety at home:

  1. In the spring, several old lashes of creepers are laid out on the ground, partially sprinkled with moist soil. The top of a shoot 20 cm long should peep out of the ground. In the place of digging, the stems will take root. The resulting layers are separated from the mother bush of the vine and transplanted to another place.
  2. The second method of propagation of the clematis variety involves dividing the bush. In early spring, the soil is carefully torn around the rhizome. Shoots with their own roots are separated from the bush, using them as seedlings.
  3. Cuttings do not always give positive results, but are also a way to propagate clematis. In June, cuttings with two knots are cut from the lash of the liana. One node is immersed in wet soil, and the other is pressed down with dry soil. The stalk before germination and rooting is covered with a transparent cap from a jar or PET bottle.

With self-propagation of clematis varieties, it is best to use the first or second method.

It is worth noting that the clematis variety Multi Blue has frost resistance at the highest level. Liana tolerates cold winters well, but is able to soak in the spring if the shelter is not removed in time. In the first days of April, the film, agrofibre or other artificial materials are removed. After 3-5 days, the root system of the vine adapts to the climate and it will already be possible to remove part of the organic shelter: spruce branches, straw. At the end of April, with the full onset of heat, the remains of an organic shelter are removed. Last year’s lashes of vines are attached to a support.

Advice! If in the spring under the shelter there is increased humidity with signs of mold and rot, the site is abundantly treated with a fungicide. The bush is better to transplant to another place.

Trimming rules

Clematis Multi Blue (Multi blue): planting and care, pruning group

For the clematis variety Multi Blue, pruning is carried out according to certain rules. There are three groups of vines, in which the lashes are left uncut, shortened by half or completely to the ground.

Clematis Multi Blue (Multi blue): planting and care, pruning group

For Clematis Multi Blue, the second pruning group is suitable. Removal of old shoots is performed after the end of the first flowering. The procedure is needed for the formation of new lashes with flowers. For the winter, the bush is cut to half, leaving stems about 1 m long above the ground.


At the end of the review, let’s read gardeners’ reviews about the clematis variety Multi Blue.

Valeria, Uzhhorod
Clematis of the Multi Blue variety grows near the house. This is an incredibly beautiful flower. From the parent bush, she propagated the vine with layering and planted it at the gazebo. From care, I observe the regularity of watering, feed and cut three times a season.
Tamara Pavlovna Samara
Sor creepers Multi Blue grow on the balcony. For a flower, a wide volumetric barrel with earth is important. Liana weaves along a stretched plastic garden net. Flowers are beautiful and lush.

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