Clematis Mrs. Thompson: description, trim group, photo

Clematis Mrs. Thompson belongs to the English selection. Variety 1961. Belongs to the Patens group, the varieties of which are obtained from crossing spreading clematis. Mrs. Thompson is an early, large-flowered variety. Clematis is used to decorate the garden, buildings. Plants of this variety are suitable for growing in container culture.

Description of clematis Mrs. N. Thompson

Clematis Mrs. Thompson is a shrub vine that grows up to 2,5 m in height. It clings to supports with the help of petioles. The plant is deciduous, woody shoots.

Clematis Mrs. Thompson: description, trim group, photo

Photos and descriptions of clematis Mrs. Thompson show that the variety forms large, simple flowers, up to 15 cm in diameter. The color is bright, two-tone. The main tone is purple, in the middle of the sepals there is a crimson stripe. The sepals are ellipsoid, pointed at the ends. Red stamens. A variety shrub blooms on overwintered shoots of the previous year. Flowering is abundant, long, in early and late summer.

The winter hardiness zone of the plant is 4, it can withstand frosts down to -35°C.

Clematis pruning group Mrs. Thompson

Clematis pruning group Mrs. Thompson – 2nd, weak. The shoots of the current year are preserved and covered for the winter. They will be the main flowering next year.

Cut the bush several times. First, in the middle of summer, the faded shoots of the current year are cut off, removing them to the ground. Then, during the preparation for winter, the shoots that appeared in the new season are shortened. They leave a length of 1-1,5 m. Such partial pruning allows you to get lush flowering throughout the warm season.

Planting and caring for clematis Mrs. Thompson

Where Mrs. Thompson grows clematis must be sunny. It is necessary to consider the direction of planting, given that the flowers will always turn towards the sun. The site for planting is chosen on a hill without a close occurrence of groundwater. In the place where the vines are grown, they must be protected from sudden gusts of wind. With other plants, clematis is planted at a distance of 1 m.

Advice! For clematis, Mrs. Thompson chooses a permanent place of cultivation, because adult plants do not tolerate transplanting.

Clematis enters abundant flowering in the 5th year of cultivation. For planting, loose soil with neutral acidity is needed. Well-rotted manure and sand are added to the planting pit, the components are mixed with the soil taken out of the pit.

A landing hole is dug out depending on the condition of the soil and the required amount of its replacement with a light, breathable one. The average size of the landing pit is 40 cm on each side.

Clematis, grown before planting in open ground, in a container, is lowered into water so that the roots are saturated with moisture. For disinfection, the root system is sprayed with a fungicide solution.

The basic rule for planting clematis is to deepen the seedling by 5-10 cm from the total soil level. This is an important condition for the development of the plant, the formation of new shoots and flowering. The soil is gradually poured during the season until the level is completely leveled. The soil must be mulched.

When caring for a plant, do not allow the soil to dry out. For proper soil moisture, it is best to install underground drip irrigation.

Clematis Mrs. Thompson: description, trim group, photo

A photo of Clematis Thompson shows that with age, the plant grows a large amount of leaf mass, and also forms many large flowers. Therefore, the plant needs top dressing several times a season. For top dressing, liquid fertilizers for flowering plants are used.

Preparation for winter

Clematis Mrs. Thompson refers to winter-hardy plants. But the shoots should be kept in the winter under an air-dry shelter to protect them from temperature changes and spring frosts.

Advice! In autumn, at positive temperatures, clematis is sprayed with solutions containing copper to prevent fungal diseases.

The rest of the preparation is carried out after the onset of the first frost. The roots are covered with peat or rotted manure. The substrate must be dry. Distribute it evenly to fill all the voids.

Shortened shoots are disconnected from the support, folded around and pressed with a light load. Spruce branches are laid on top and bottom of the formed ring of shoots. The entire structure is covered with a special non-woven material and fixed from wind blowing. Be sure to leave space at the bottom for air to pass through.

In the spring, the shelter is removed gradually, depending on the weather conditions, so as not to damage the early awakening buds with return frosts. In warm weather, the plant should not be kept under cover for a long time either, so that the root neck does not rot. Having freed the shoots from shelter, they must be immediately tied up.


Clematis Mrs. Thompson reproduces well vegetatively.

Breeding methods:

  1. Cutting. Cuttings are cut from the middle part of the plant. Planting material is rooted in containers, in a peat and sand substrate.
  2. Layers. To do this, the side shoots of an adult plant are pressed against the soil, covered with soil, and watered. A shoot emerges from each bud. After the root system of each seedling develops, it is disconnected from the mother shoot.
  3. By dividing the bush. The method is suitable for plants up to 7 years. The bush is completely dug out along with the rhizome. They are divided into several independent divisions, which are then planted separately.

The seed method of reproduction is less popular.

Diseases and pests

Clematis Mrs. Thompson has no specific diseases and pests. When grown in a suitable place and properly cared for, it shows good resistance to various pathogens.

Most often, clematis are subject to various types of wilting, caused by fungi or mechanical damage. For the prevention of fungal diseases in the spring processing of the garden, copper-containing preparations are used.


Clematis Mrs. Thompson is used for vertical gardening and container growing. A beautifully flowering liana will be a nice addition to the gazebo or wall of the house. The variety in adulthood pleases gardeners with abundant, long flowering twice in the spring and summer.

Clematis Hybrid Mrs N Thompson in flower, Help, Care and instructions.

Reviews of clematis Mrs. Thompson

Irina Belozubova, 46 years old, Nizhny Novgorod
Clematis is a plant for the patient gardener. Variety Mrs. Thompson gentle, for many years gaining weight. It is possible that in the first years of the declared flowering it will not be possible to see. It is important for him to choose the right place. With the preservation of current shoots, there is not always good luck. Very dependent on winter, frequent thaws are not good. But whoever manages to grow a bush will have many reasons for joy, because it is unusually beautiful.
Alena Stegantseva, 38 years old, Samara
Clematis Mrs. Thompson has very bright flowers. The sepals are wide, closely adjacent to each other. Old English variety. He has winter hardiness in zone 4, but, as I know, shoots are not always preserved in fact. Therefore, the Mrs. Thompson variety is more suitable for warmer regions. Mice often encroach on sheltered shoots. Of course, clematis of the 2nd pruning group will release new shoots, but there will be no first flowering in early summer.

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