Clematis Kiri Te Kanawa: description, pruning group, reviews

Clematis Kiri Te Kanava is a perennial, flowering liana, the length of which reaches 3-4 m. Due to frost resistance, the plant can be grown in Central and Central Our Country. Clematis Kiri Te Kanawa is ideal for vertical gardening. Thin and flexible shoots in a short time can transform even an unsightly corner, turning it into a beautifully flowering canvas.

Description of large-flowered clematis Kiri Te Kanawa

Clematis Kiri Te Kanawa is a perennial, large-flowered vine. Well branched shoots are covered with dark olive, small foliage, which is lost from late May to early August among double dark sky flowers. Wide petals surround golden mustard stamens.

The duration of flowering depends not only on varietal characteristics, but also on weather conditions, proper pruning and compliance with agrotechnical rules. The variety is frost-resistant, without shelter, an adult plant can endure frosts down to -40 ° C. But in regions with little snowy winters, clematis is recommended to cover, despite the fact that the frozen plant is quickly restored.

To see the brightness and beauty of the Kiri Te Kanawa clematis flower, you can plant it next to other varieties with snow-white flowers or next to a light-colored fence. The beauty of clematis is lost among bright perennials, so it is often used in single plantings or in combination with coniferous crops. Before purchasing a seedling of clematis Kiri Te Kanawa, you need to view the photo, carefully read the description and characteristics of the variety.

Clematis Kiri Te Kanawa: description, pruning group, reviews

Clematis pruning group Kiri Te Kanawa

Clematis Kiri Te Kanava belongs to the 2nd pruning group. With timely pruning, flowers on the plant appear 2 times per season. The first flowering occurs at the end of May, flowers appear on last year’s shoots, the second – at the end of July on young branches.

Given this feature, pruning must be carried out on time and according to the rules. And then a properly formed clematis will please the owner with a beautiful, long and lush flowering.

Planting and caring for clematis Kiri Te Kanawa

Clematis Kiri Te Kanava is an unpretentious crop that can be grown throughout Our Country. Perennial, tall hybrid prefers to grow in well-drained, light, nutritious soil. A well-lit place is chosen for planting, but the flowers should not be allowed to be in the open sun for a long time. This leads to discoloration of the petals and loss of decorative effect.

Important! Clematis Kiri Te Kanawa will quickly die when planted on heavy, clay soil with surface groundwater.

If the site has heavy soil, this is not an obstacle to planting clematis, as it can be improved. To do this, they dig up a landing site on a spade bayonet, add rotted compost or manure, a mineral fertilizer complex, wood ash or sawdust. If the soil is acidic, then slaked lime or dolomite flour is added when digging.

If clematis Kiri Te Kanawa is intended for landscaping residential buildings, then it must be remembered that water flowing from the roof can lead to rotting of the roots. Therefore, the plant is planted at a distance of at least 0,5 m from the wall.

In order not to make a mistake in choosing, it is better to purchase a seedling at the age of 2-3 years from trusted suppliers. A healthy plant should have a well-developed root system, strong, shoots without signs of disease and mechanical damage. Seedlings are sold with a closed and open root system, but it is better to give preference to plants in a pot. Such seedlings can be planted from spring to autumn. Seedlings with open roots are kept for 2-3 hours in warm water with the addition of a root formation stimulator before planting.

For abundant and lush flowering, it is necessary to properly plant. For this:

  1. A landing hole 50×50 cm in size is dug in the selected area. When planting several specimens, the interval between them must be at least 1,5 m.
  2. To prevent rotting of the root system, the bottom is covered with a 15-centimeter layer of drainage.
  3. Nutrient soil is poured into a hole in the form of a mound.
  4. If the roots of the seedling are open, they are carefully straightened and laid on a mound. A seedling with closed roots is placed in a hole along with a clod of earth.
  5. Liana is covered with soil, trying not to leave air voids.
  6. The planted plant is abundantly shed with warm water, spending at least 0,5 buckets under each vine.
  7. After irrigation, the plant will settle and the root collar should be below the soil surface.
  8. The trunk circle is covered with 5-10 cm mulch.
  9. After planting, the young plant is shaded with medium-sized perennials or annuals.

Clematis Kiri Te Kanawa: description, pruning group, reviews

Clematis Kiri Te Kanawa prefers to grow on moist soil without stagnant water. Therefore, irrigation is carried out 2-3 times a week. In hot dry summers, increase the frequency of watering. To facilitate work, the soil of the trunk circle is loosened and mulched. It will help retain moisture, stop the growth of weeds, and become an additional top dressing. As mulch, use rotted compost, hay or fallen leaves.

Lush and long flowering is possible only with regular top dressing, which begins to be introduced 2 years after planting.

  • at the beginning of active growth – nitrogenous fertilizers;
  • during the formation of buds, the plant needs phosphorus;
  • after flowering make potassium;
  • 2 weeks after autumn pruning, a complete mineral complex is needed.
Advice! To prevent the clematis of the Kiri Te Kanawa variety from losing activity, it is not recommended to apply fertilizer during flowering.

Clematis Kiri Te Kanawa blooms 2 times a year, therefore, in order to achieve lush flowering, it is necessary to carry out timely pruning. What is needed for abundant flowering:

  1. In order for the plant to quickly adapt in the year of planting in a new place and quickly grow the root system, the top is pinched, and all the buds that appear are ruthlessly removed.
  2. In the first year, all branches are shortened by 30 cm, without affecting the main shoot.
  3. Further, sanitary pruning is regularly carried out, getting rid of damaged and dried shoots.
  4. Pruning of last year’s shoots is carried out immediately after flowering, shortening them by ½ length.
  5. The second, final, pruning is carried out 2 weeks before the onset of frost. Young shoots are shortened, leaving 2-4 well-developed buds.

Preparation for winter

Clematis Kiri Te Kanawa is a frost-resistant hybrid, so only young seedlings need shelter. Before shelter, the plant must be prepared:

  • pour abundantly;
  • feed with phosphorus-potassium supplements;
  • cover the near-stem circle with a layer of mulch 15 cm;
  • carry out cutting.

After the onset of the first frost, the vine is removed from the support, bent to the ground, having previously tied all the shoots, and covered with foliage or spruce branches. A wooden box is placed on top and covered with agrofiber or roofing material.

Advice! In the spring, after the end of frosts, and when the soil warms up to + 10 ° C, the shelter is removed.

Clematis Kiri Te Kanawa: description, pruning group, reviews


Clematis varieties Kiri Te Kanawa can be propagated in several ways:

  • seeds;
  • division of the bush;
  • cuttings;
  • taps.

Since Clematis Kiri Te Kanawa is a hybrid, seed propagation is used only in nurseries, since when propagated at home, the grown plant will not correspond to varietal characteristics.

Чerenkovanie A simple and effective method for propagating clematis. In June, after the first flowering, or in autumn, cuttings 10-15 cm long are cut from the plant. To accelerate the survival rate, the planting material is kept for 2 hours in a root formation stimulator. The cuttings are planted in nutrient soil at an acute angle and cleaned in a cool room, regularly making sure that the soil is constantly moistened. In the spring, the container is transferred to the brightest and warmest place. With proper care of the cuttings, the first leaves appear in the middle or end of March. The following year, a stronger plant can be planted in a prepared place.

Division of the bush – This method is suitable for an adult plant. Before dividing, all shoots are cut off, leaving stumps of 20-30 cm. The liana is carefully dug up and divided into divisions, making sure that each part has well-developed roots and a healthy growth bud.

Branches – the easiest way to propagate clematis. The creepers choose the strongest shoot, located close to the ground. A circular incision is made on the branch and placed in a pre-dug trench, leaving the top above the soil surface. The shoot is sprinkled with nutrient soil, shed and mulched. A year after the formation of roots, the young seedling is separated from the mother plant and transplanted to a prepared place.

Diseases and pests

Clematis Kiri Te ditch is resistant to diseases and pests. But if the agrotechnical rules are not observed, the following may appear on the vine:

  1. Rust – the outer side of the foliage and the stem are covered with tubercles of orange color.
  2. Mučnistaâ rosa – the entire ground part is covered with a snow-white coating in the form of cotton wool, which is easily removed with a finger.
  3. Withering “Wilt” – the first sign of infection with a fungus is a sharp wilting of the leaves at the top of the shoots.

To get rid of the fungus, it is necessary to remove the affected areas in a timely manner and treat the vine with broad-spectrum fungicides.

With untimely care on the vine, pests such as:

  1. Nematodes – affect the root system and lead to the rapid death of the plant.
  2. aphid – Insect colonies settle on the inside of the leaf, gradually sucking the juice out of the plant.

To get rid of pests use insecticides or folk remedies.

Clematis “Kiri Te Kanawa”


Clematis Kiri Te Kanava is a perennial, lushly flowering liana, which, when planted on a personal plot, will be a great addition to landscape design. With timely pruning, the vine will show its dark-sky, large, double flowers 2 times a season. Clematis is perfect for vertical gardening, in a short time the plant wraps around an arch or gazebo, turning a relaxing corner into a fabulous, magical place.

Reviews of clematis Kiri Te Kanawa

Kuzmina Marina Mikhailovna, 54 years old, Saratov
I have been growing Clematis Kiri Te Kanawa for 10 years. I liked the variety for abundant and lush flowering, beautiful shape and color of the flower. Due to its good branching, the flower helps to quickly hide unsightly vertical places in the garden. Clematis is unpretentious, the main thing that is necessary when growing is to carry out timely pruning and regular feeding.
Zolotova Maria Ilyinichna, 67 years old, Omsk
Clematis is my favorite flower. About 5 varieties grow on the site. My favorite is clematis Kiri Te Kanawa. The variety is unpretentious, blooms 2 times a year, forming large, double flowers of dark blue color. Flowers reveal their beauty next to snow-white varieties and near coniferous plants.

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