Clematis Innocent Blush: photo and description, care

Florists speak of clematis as a special kind of garden plants. The world of clematis is the world of liana flowers, which can be represented by hundreds of different hybrid varieties. Clematis Innocent Blush is a variety of classic clematis with unusually beautiful flowers of light colors.

Clematis Innocent Blush: photo and description, care

Description Clematis Innocent Blasch

Clematis is a vine-type shrub that can decorate verandas, terraces, arbors, hedges. Creeping shoots wrap around the buildings, creating a unique atmosphere.

Clematis Innocent Blasz was bred in Poland, the hybrid variety belongs to the selection of Szczepan Marczyński. It entered the free sale in the spring of 2012. This variety has special features and belongs to the second group of clematis according to the type of pruning.

  1. Liana shoots stretch up to 2 m, they need support up to 1,5 m high, for which they subsequently cling to leaf petioles.
  2. The flowers of the plant reach 10-18 cm in diameter, usually on the flower there are 6 sepals twisted along the edges, the middle of the flower is filled with yellow stamens.

Innocent Blush blooms twice a season. The shades of the petals can be very diverse: from light pink with partial darkening to light purple with pink edges.

Clematis Innocent Blush is a large-flowered hybrid, the smallest buds of which reach 10 cm. Especially impressive are the large flowers of a uniform pink hue that form on last year’s shoots.

Clematis Innocent Blush: photo and description, care

In numerous photos of Clematis Innocent Blush, it is easy to see that the core petals always remain short, but lengthen along the edges – this makes the flower more voluminous.

Clematis pruning group Innocent Blush

Pruning for culture is of particular importance. It is carried out in accordance with belonging to the group. Cropping performs several functions at the same time:

  • stimulation of further flowering;
  • flowering prolongation;
  • preservation of species characteristics.

Clematis Innocent Blush belongs to the second pruning group. This group includes all varieties that bloom twice during the season. The first flowering of this group occurs at the end of May, the second – in mid-August. The first flowering becomes possible due to the preservation of last year’s shoots. The second – takes place on new shoots formed in the summer.

When pruning, you must follow the rules that underlie the group variety of pruning.

Trimming rules

1st flowering period

2st flowering period

When to crop

In summer, after full flowering.

In autumn, before preparing for winter.

How to trim

Cut off all shoots.

Pruning is carried out, leaving from 50 cm to 1 m.

Features of trimming

First of all, damaged, diseased vines are removed.

Remove completely annual shoots.

Clematis Innocent Blush: photo and description, care

Planting and caring for clematis Innocent Blush

Innocent Blash clemasis is planted in autumn or spring. The area where the vine will grow should be sunny, but slightly shaded during the hours when the sun begins to burn especially. Gardeners recommend planting clematis on small elevations. This is due to the length of the root system. It can grow up to 100 cm. Excessive moisture is not suitable for the full development of the root, so the elevation can protect the roots from entering the groundwater passage area.

A distance of about 70 cm is observed between the bushes: it is necessary for the full growth of creeping shoots, as well as for the free growth of roots.

Advice! When planting, they provide for the mandatory installation of additional supports, which are necessary for the location of the shoots.

Care for Clematis Innocent Blush includes regular weekly watering with timely loosening of the soil. During the period of growth of green mass, nitrogen-containing complexes are introduced under the root. It is not recommended to overload the plant with top dressing. Excessive feeding can lead to rotting of the root system.

Preparation for winter

Pre-winter pruning of the second group is carried out in November. To do this, choose cloudy warm weather without precipitation. By this time, last year’s shoots should be completely cut out, and it is the turn of shoots that will bloom next spring.

After pruning, proceed to additional shelter. The root neck of the bush is sprinkled with humus. Then create a special pillow for vines. To do this, use cut shoots, spruce branches, boards, auxiliary materials. Then the creepers are carefully wrapped with covering material and laid on the prepared pillow. From above, the structure is sprinkled with spruce branches, needles and covered with boards or slate.

Clematis Innocent Blush: photo and description, care

Attention! Clematis is not covered with plastic wrap. It can lead to aging and rotting of the shoots.


Clematis Innocent Blush is bred in different ways:

  1. Seeds. To do this, use the home seedling method. During the winter period, young shoots are grown, which are planted in spring on open ground.
  2. By dividing the bush. Overgrown adult bushes are dug out of the hole, carefully divided into several parts and planted as independent plants.
  3. Layers. This method is suitable for breeding clematis on the eve of wintering. Cut leaves and shoots are woven with a weak tourniquet. They dig a trench, lay a tourniquet, cover it with peat, earth and leave it for the winter. In the spring, the landing site is watered abundantly. Emerging shoots are transplanted in the fall when 3-4 leaves are formed.

Diseases and pests

The main danger for Clematis Innocent Blush is the development of fungal diseases, the cause of which, as a rule, lies in the ground. Damage to the root system is detected by a change in the aerial part:

  • stems become less elastic;
  • the leaves wither and curl, with some varieties of the fungus, they can be covered with spots of different shades;
  • The buds are smaller and fade quickly.

The method of combating diseases is considered to be the implementation of preventive measures at the stage of foliage growth.

In spring, plants are watered under the root with Azocen or Fundanazole. In the presence of diseases, clematis is treated with Bordeaux liquid or tobacco solution.

Clematis Innocent Blush: photo and description, care


Clematis Innocent Blush is a beautiful vine-type flower that can decorate any backyard or summer cottage. Clematis needs regular two-level pruning, as well as compliance with the rules for care.

Reviews about clematis Innocent Blash

Faleeva Irina Grigorievna, 56 years old, Minusinsk
I chose the clematis variety Innocent Blush according to the description and photo on the Internet. Pale pink flowers made a strong impression on me. I have never regretted dropping these beauties. They have been decorating my gazebo for 4 years now. At first it seemed to me that they were difficult to care for, but in reality there is nothing special about caring for them. Trim the creepers 2 times – that’s all they need. Flowers of amazing beauty!
Petrov Ivan Sergeevich, 46 years old, Yeniseisk
My daughter planted clematis in my country house. Care for him, as I see it, a lot. She constantly runs with garden shears, cuts, waters, feeds. But, you have to admit, they look great. Before that, I saw such creeping flowers only in the movies. We have several varieties of these flowers. I like Innocent Blache the best because the flowers are large and beautiful.
Clematis hybrid Innocent Blush. Brief overview, description of characteristics

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