Clematis Etoile Violet: reviews, pruning group, care

Landscape designers use the delicate clematis Etoile Violet as a living decor. Because of their ease of care, flowering vines are favorites in vertical gardening. A variety with huge buds adapts to any conditions. If you know the features of growing a plant, then you can not worry about the problems of cultivation.

Clematis Etoile Violet: reviews, pruning group, care

Description of clematis Etoile Violet

Decorative large-flowered clematis Etoile Violet is a popular hybrid that belongs to the Vititsella group. The length of an elegant bush reaches 4 m. Flat, elongated leaves are collected on a petiole, 3 plates each. Resistant to cold, withstands frost down to -20 C.

Huge buds are a hallmark of Etoile Violette clematis. Purple-violet petals with a dark stripe, recurved tips and wrinkled veins on the surface. Long, thick stamens are arranged around a miniature pistil. With proper care, the diameter of each specimen ranges from 9 to 15 cm. Abundant flowering lasts from June to September.

Clematis pruning group Etoile Violet

Shoot removal is an important procedure that helps maintain the beauty of decorative vines. According to the intensity of branching, clematis is usually divided into three types. Pruning lashes stimulates the development of the root system, facilitates the formation of branches.

Clematis purple varieties Etoile Violette belong to group 3. The plant intensively increases the green mass, but the buds are formed only on new shoots. In order for the culture to bloom, branches must be cut. The bush is left with small stumps (within 20-50 cm from the ground), with 4 healthy internodes. The event is held before the onset of frost – in the fall, from October to November.

Planting and caring for clematis Etoile Violet

To get the flowering of clematis Etoile Violet, as in the photo, you need to choose a suitable place. The variety likes to develop in a draft-protected area. A light-loving hybrid forms lashes and buds better with intense ultraviolet light, therefore, they prefer the south or south-west side.

Important! The culture will withstand a slight shade from the trees, but for full flowering, at least 5 hours of sun are needed daily.

The plant loves fertile soil, which perfectly passes water and oxygen. Grows best in loose loam. Clematis Etoile Violet is contraindicated in saline or acidic soil. The variety develops slowly, often gets sick, flowering is small and short.

Planting in the soil is carried out twice a year – in spring and autumn. Before the seedling event, the roots are soaked for an hour in a solution of a fungicide and a growth activator. They dig a hole according to the scheme 60x60x60 cm, pour it on the bottom:

  • drainage – 15 cm;
  • wood ash – 1 l;
  • humus – 1 bucket;
  • mineral top dressing – 100 g.

On the sides of the pit, a trellis for lashes is mounted. A small hill is formed above the fertilizers, on which a bush is planted. The vine is installed in such a way that the root neck remains above the ground (at least 5 cm). Clematis Etoile Violet is instilled, poured abundantly with warm water.

Clematis is unpretentious to the conditions of care. Weeds are regularly removed in the area of ​​​​the root circle. Good aeration protects the underground parts from decay, so the soil is carefully loosened. Mulching with peat and sawdust will make growing easier.

Clematis Etoile Violet should be watered frequently and plentifully. With a lack of moisture, the flowers become smaller, the intensity and duration of budding decrease. In the heat, irrigation is carried out every other day, after sunset. Adult bushes need at least 2 buckets of liquid, and one is enough for young ones. Use warm, settled water.

Regular top dressing affects the quality of flowering. The first year, seedlings are fed from stocks in the planting pit, so no additional applications are needed. After wintering, clematis Etoile Violet is fertilized during spring and summer. Alternate rotted organics with complex mineral products. Once a month, foliar processing is used on a sheet.

Clematis Etoile Violet: reviews, pruning group, care

A fast-growing vine needs to be tied to a trellis. The plant looks spectacular on the gazebo, arch and decorative fence. So that the support does not bend under the weight of greenery, it is necessary to choose a strong material for the structure. The best way to cope with the task is the construction of a metal mesh stretched on pipes.

Preparation for winter

Clematis Etoile Violet belongs to the 4th class of frost resistance. An ornamental culture in a snowy winter will withstand cold down to -20 C. If you take care of additional protection in advance, then frosts down to -35 C will not be a problem. In autumn, the plant is plentifully irrigated, stop fertilizing. After the foliage has fallen, the branches are pruned. So that the bush does not rot, it is necessary to treat the basal neck with copper-based fungicides (vitriol, Bordeaux mixture).

Attention! Weeping is contraindicated for Liana, so structures cannot be built from film. Structures are removed with the onset of heat.

Clematis Etoile Violet: reviews, pruning group, care

The root circle area is covered with a thick layer of mulch. A mixture of ash, sand and humus is poured under the clematis Etoile Violet in October. By the end of autumn, the plant is additionally hidden under sawdust and coniferous spruce branches. Such protection perfectly passes oxygen, will not allow the cold to freeze out the underground parts.


Varieties with large buds do not retain maternal characteristics when sown. Young non-woody vines are bred by dividing the bush. Clematis is dug out of the ground, gets rid of the ground and carefully cut along the root with a sharp knife, secateurs.

Important! In order for Clematis Etoile Violet to take root, it is necessary to leave live eyes on each specimen.

If strong branches remain during pruning in the fall, then they can be put on cuttings. They remove the remnants of greenery, divide the lashes into pieces with buds. Planting material is placed in a pit with peat, buried and insulated with coniferous needles and foliage. In the spring, the protection is removed, the place is plentifully irrigated, mulched. By the end of summer, young vines are ready for planting.

In the description of the clematis variety Etoile Violet with a photo, it is recommended to propagate the bush with layering. During the growing season, a whip with a visible eye is dropped into pots next to the mother specimen. The specimen is watered abundantly, solutions of root formation stimulants (Zircon, Kornevin) are used. By autumn, the seedlings are ready to move to a permanent place of growth.

Diseases and pests

In the heat, the weaving bush suffers from invasions of scale insects and spider mites, sucking out the intercellular fluid in the greenery. Aphids move from neighboring plants, prefer to eat young foliage, branches. Grape snails, slugs are found in Clematis Etoile Violet in mid-spring, and in winter the owner should beware of mice.

Decorative liana has a strong immune system, so problems arise only if the rules of cultivation are violated. The most dangerous diseases are fungi:

  • gray rot;
  • fusariosis;
  • powdery mildew.

The pathogen lives in the soil, is not afraid of frost and is activated in the spring. Diseases destroy the root system, then move to the shoots. To save Clematis Etoile Violet, you must use “Fundazol”. Spray all parts of the plant with the solution, water the soil around.

Foliage, creeper shoots are covered with brown spots of fungal rust. In affected specimens, the whips are deformed, the greens lose their turgor and dry out. The dead bushes are dug up, the site is disinfected. To destroy the disease, it is necessary at the first sign to use a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.


Purple clematis Etoile Violet looks spectacular, so it will be a great addition to landscape design. Decorative liana is not demanding on the conditions of care, it will withstand minor flaws of beginners. An elegant plant is propagated vegetatively.

Clematis Etoile Violet: reviews, pruning group, care

Reviews about clematis Etoile Violet

Irina, 28 years old, Rostov-on-Don
A very beautiful variety of clematis. Etoile Violet blooms with huge buds with 5 petals throughout the summer. For the winter I cut it off at the root, and by June the liana completely braids the trellis. He loves water and regular feeding.
Alla, 32 years old, Ivanovo
I took 5 years ago a layer of clematis Etoile Violet from a friend. At first I planted near the house, but because of the shade, the flowering was pale and small. On a sunny site, the buds have acquired a rich inky hue. In the autumn I cut it off, I cover it with mulch and spruce branches from the cold.
Oleg, 42 years old, Barnaul
I was looking for frost-resistant varieties, so I chose clematis Etoile Violet. If buried in a snowdrift, it will withstand -35 C. It blooms profusely throughout the summer. There are a lot of foliage on the bush, not every trellis will stand under the weight. I let you trudge on a gazebo made of thick timber.
Clematis for beginners

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